Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-27-23
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-27-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome, everybody is a Big Call tonight is Thursday, April 27th and you're listening to the Big Call. Welcome from wherever you're listening all over the globe, whether it's live or whether it's on a replay link or the replay number, we're glad to have you. Glad you could make it here tonight. And we're looking forward to having a really, really good call tonight.
Yeah, this is uh, this is really good. What
I'm sad about is that some of my intel from Tuesday night just did not pan out
for us. There were some things that came through. as far as the bondholders
were concerned - they are moving forward to the point where now, even though
they did not get their emails that gave them access to funds on Wednesday
morning - They should have new emails that will come out either tonight or
tomorrow, that will give them access to their funds.
that's the very latest on the bond holders from one of their paymasters.
Now, what I've disappointed about and I imagine you guys
are too is that we did not get our notifications for tier 4B after 10:30 In the
morning, yesterday, even though we were ready for it to come to us.
And it's hard to say exactly what happened. I've got some
information that I'll share with you now as to maybe why it didn't go for us
We know that some exchanges were done. Some people did get
started which that doesn't help us at all, because we didn't get the
notifications to call and set our appointments. These could have been whales.
These could have been - who knows who they were - it doesn't matter
- what really matters to us is just getting the toll free number so that we can
set our appointments - make a phone call - set our appointments – and start –
Okay, so what could be holding us up? Or what at
least am I being told it could be holding us up.
Now the first thing is Iraq. Oh, yeah, here we go again,
we need Iraq to do one thing, and that is to put their new dinar rate, which
would be their CBI rate or their international rates into the printed Gazette,
which comes out Saturday - Saturdays and Wednesdays. Well, here it is Thursday.
We're talking about this happening on Saturday.
Okay, day and a half from now let's call it - right. So
that should come out. And that should clear us far as Iraq is concerned.
The other thing that is interesting to me that I've been
told that is we still need to be done – we still have seven more
countries that need to declare that they have an asset backed currency, or a
gold or asset backed currency. And we're one of those countries I think, because
we haven't declared that yet.
Now we should --- my thinking - over the
weekend. We should be there.
So the seven countries and one of which, maybe us because
I mean a lot of people know we have a USN and that's gold back. It's being
traded digitally, all that stuff, but it's not -I guess it's not public
knowledge - Let's put it that way.
So anyway, seven countries need to declare that and we
don't know which ones they are. Yet at this point, I don't. I may
get that later tonight. You never know how that works on Tuesday or Thursday
night after the call.
So those two items I don't think I think the
dinar being published in the Gazette for Iraq is a sort of a setup complete. I
don't see it as any kind of a big deal. They should do it Saturday, okay. That
should take Iraq completely out of the way because they've been exchanging
there for over two weeks in country - in the country of Iraq.
So I
think the rate will be good. The rate will be very strong. And dong rate is
going to be very strong also. Don't worry about it. It's going to be great.
Now. The other thing is regarding us.
What we're hearing is one of the sources that we
talked to told us today, that what we were supposed to get Wednesday, which was
yesterday - We will get on Saturday.
Now if that's as simple as it is that what we were
supposed to get, which was our notifications by email yesterday, right? And the
Intel did not prove to be true as you guys know.
It should occur for us on Saturday. Great! Boom!
There we go. We get notified Saturday, more than likely we're setting
appointments and starting on Monday, in the redemption centers.
That's gonna be a little strange. If we get it Saturday,
we set our appointments and then we go to church on Sunday. We go to the
redemption center. You get redemption at church on Sunday, and redemption at
the redemption center on your zim on Monday. Now, that's the long and the short
of it.
The other thing we heard from very, very high up source,
said that April's showers will bring May dollars - which is clever. It's a
clever thing to say. And I believe that we're going to get a lot including our
exchanges, and redemption of zim, possibly either Monday or Tuesday. I am gonna
bring Tuesday in - I've been told Monday or Tuesday and if that's the case, we
should also in that first week, get some disclosure - We should get some
information about NESARA.
We should get an announcement about our new asset backed
USN - and we should also get something in that first week of May about
our restitution allowance.
Okay, I don't know if it'll happen on that Wednesday,
which would be the 3rd which is possible - when it happens - I'm
just saying. I've been told something about the first week. So we are really
kind of at a crossroads now. Even for possible political change here. And
there's a lot going on.
There was a lot behind the scenes and still is
that maybe we don't know about yet in its entirety but we are about to find
out. So be prepared for stepping forward a little bit into the known and a
little into the unknown - as we move forward.
going to be going to be a really good ride for us and I know you guys want to
get off the ride we’re on. Me too - Hey, guys, 19 years - ok I'm ready to
get off the ride now. I've been in the front car of that roller coaster for a
long time – hands up in the air. But you know, I'm ready to get on to a
different ride. Like we all are. We're just gonna have to see what
happens. What I'm hearing is we should be getting notified Saturday. And
I think based on that we should start Monday or at the very latest. So I think
we're just we're just out there.
We'll also have it on the on the front page of our Web
page. Because the
will have it there. So you should get it. I'm sure it'll be online, you know,
very quickly after it comes out. So be prepared at this point. I'm going to say
be prepared to look at it for it on Saturday. Let's hope that's when it comes
So if we set our appointments on Saturday, then we can
start on Monday. Let's hope that's the case. All right. That's what we'd love
to hear. Now. Sorry the information was incorrect last Tuesday. It is a moving
target, that's for sure.
I want this thing to go just like you do. We've been
praying for it that way. So let's pray the call out.
So let's pray the call out and thanks everybody again for
listening. All right, everybody. Good night. Everybody. Keep your eyes
open. Let's have a great weekend, and we'll see how this comes to fruition.