Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update July 14, 2024
Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update July 14, 2024
Bruce (The Big Call) [via WiserNow] … email…came out to the redemption center leaders…describing the fact that…we’d be notified either Saturday, Sunday or Monday……I’m excited about this weekend.
MarkZ [via PDK] I absolutely believe they have the rate…I don’t think Iraq is stalling…I think they are waiting for the .go. signal. Frank26 (KTFA) Question: .Do you think the HCL on the 14th..
I can’t pick a date of anything but I can tell you this much, in my heart, quickly, now, this month. The HCL requires a new exchange rate. After the 14th I think a lot of windows are going to be opened up. [Response to Guru Walkingstick’s post below]
If the citizens are asking questions about the monetary reform and they’re answering their questions should not the evidence of those answers be given to them soon, rather quickly. You may think this was a random act [Announcing to the Iraqi citizens, you have a new currency coming.], I think it was clever.
It [the new dinar exchange rate] will be well known. It will not be hidden at all. The moment it is released, boom! Where will you know it instantly that it’s released. Forex. No. You will know first on then they will sent it to the brokers to Forex.
Walkingstick (KTFA) [Iraqi bank friend Aki update] Aki…wanted to report there is a big run on the banks of Iraq right now by the Iraqi citizens. They’re pouring into the banks. It’s not happening in Aki’s bank [Which is in Michigan] it’s happening over in Iraq.
What’s going on is it was, last Tuesday, they announced to the Iraqi citizens, you have a new currency coming. So all of a sudden people started pouring in the following day on Wednesday and Thursday…’We are giving you a new currency,’ is what triggered this.
MilitiaMan [Response to Guru Jeff 3-12-2024 below] The 2023-24 budget has been approved and voted on and even in the Gazette as of ~June 2023. It allows the government to make amendments to things.
Is this constitutional thing. I don’t think so. I think they’re minor amendments. It has nothing to do with being constitutionally outside of the block. Clare (KTFA) Article: .For the first time, the Iraqi state’s non-oil revenues record an increase of 11%.
Quote:.…for the first time, the non-oil revenues of the Iraqi state recorded 11% of the total revenues, with oil revenues falling below the 90% barrier.. Article:.Iraqi-American talks on the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar.
Pimpy Oh, this is big news right here, look at this, Article: .Iraq’s non-oil revenues reach 11% for the first time. Been talking about this for the longest time. This has got to increase. It’s usually around 4%…Yah! Pee-pee dance! Finally we’re starting to see some movement.
Sandy Ingram , When you invest [your dinar profits], more than likely your financial advisor is going to recommend business ventures that will create a cash flow to uphold your lifestyle.
If it takes a moment or two to generate income from your investments, keep working people until it happens. You don’t want to live off of your initial investments.
Jeff , Some of you have said that parliament has nothing to do with this [the budget]…It actually does because they unconstitutionally approved the budget and the budget’s approval has everything to do with it. That’s the piece to the puzzle that is not understood.
Article: .Parliamentary law challenges the 2024 budget tables. Parliament can only review and approve laws. It was parliament that did these amendments making their steps or actions of approving the budget unconstitutional.
The courts possibly next week around Wednesday/Thursday declaring the budget itself as unconstitutional and overturning its approval…
Jeff Rahm [via PDK] We see many countries changing currencies…This is not coincidence. We are definitely here. I expect the Zim and dinar to hit next week. They ought to. Next week on the dinar and later in the week for Zimbabwe. …maybe 2.