Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update December 1, 2024
Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update December 1, 2024 MarkZ [via PDK] I really thought we might be across the finish line before thanksgiving… Comment: Sudani wanted the monetary reform done by Victory Day on Dec 10th. MarkZ: Yes – all my contacts are saying between [now] and Dec. 10th. Iraq is preparing to vote on a number of very “Key” laws…tomorrow at 1 pm their time….. New budget tables going to parliament on Sunday or Monday so they can settle the HCL. Things are looking good. Bruce (The Big Call) [via WiserNow] …our rate should be better at the redemption center…dinar and Dong and I know they’re gonna be a lot better on dinar especially because we know there’s a contract rate on Dinar that will be offered to us that is extremely high… Okay, not at the bank but at the redemption centers. Just so you know. MilitiaMan These guys are in a stage of getting ramped up for production for the construction and reconstruction efforts of t...