Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 30, 2024
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 30, 2024 Judy Note: Hey, Pedo Criminals, Freemasons, State Judges, State Prosecutors, Satanists, Bankers, Lawyers, rogue Politicians and pretend Jews, listen up: Don’t touch our children. Your time is now. Enjoy a peek at only a tiny portion of our Earth Alliance Defense War Mil Ops under our Command. This largest ever commanded Military War Machine is now coming for you, the Satanic Minions, fascists and rogues. Now our Military is mopping you all up, level 2 and 3 we tagged you, you can’t escape our Light. We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and treason. Always. Sincerely , John, JFK & Diana Kennedy Kahlooni United States Republic