
Showing posts with the label Benjamin Fulford


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 6, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 6, 2024 Judy Note: Thousands of children procured from multigenerational Satanic families, were right now today being tortured and killed under a US Military CIA Mind Control Operation according to a former CIA Deep Cover Agent. See this June 2024 interview on the Michelle Moore Show: ·         US Presidents Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama, along with Nancy Pelosi and other Global and Political Elites, appeared to be deep into a CIA child torture program through their participation in pedophilia, human trafficking and Satanic Child Sacrifices that linked to the music and film industries, NASA and international networks. ·         These sick experiments on children all began after World War II when what eventually became the CIA, imported Nazi Mind Control experts into the US, Canada and Australia. Commonly Satan worshipping parents sexually abused and tortured their own children in preparation to sell them into the CIA pro

Benjamin Fulford Report: Cult of Ba’al Stages Mass Sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians in Doomed Attempt to Get Money

Benjamin Fulford Report: Cult of Ba’al Stages Mass Sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians in Doomed Attempt to Get Money The massive so-called attack by Hamas against Israel last week proves the Khazarian Mafia just don’t get it. Like the boy who cried wolf, they have lost  the ability to fool and manipulate the world with staged incidents. The mass sacrifice to Satan last week of Jews and Palestinians by would-be God King Benyamin Netanyahu is a glaring example. Despite posting horrific and heart-wrenching images of suffering Israelis in their corporate propaganda press, nobody was fooled (except for a small remaining pocket of cool aid drinkers). Here is the real story of what happened behind the scenes according to Mossad, MI6 and Russian FSB sources.




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