
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 15, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 15, 2024 JUDY NOTE: Well before Trump left office in 2021 he gave full Executive Power to the Military, installed a Continuity of Government and put a Devolution Plan in place. Now these Military Operations were controlling Whites Hats inside the FBI and Pentagon at the highest levels. · Why did Jewish Groups get 94% of Homeland Security Grants, while Jews were only 2% of the population?

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 14, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 14, 2024   JUDY NOTE: ‘Recent investigations into ballot fraud and manipulation are just scratching the surface. When you follow the money, you find the Federal Reserve at the center of a multi-decade Ponzi scheme. The Federal Reserve is not actually a federal agency, nor does it hold reserves. It has been manipulating the economy and contributing to financial instability for decades. Understanding this is crucial to realizing how deep the corruption runs’. …The Debt Clock on Telegram Thurs. 13 June 2024 Major Events Not Reported in the Mainstream Media on Thurs. 13 June 2024:· Thurs. 13 June 2024 Florida Coast: Russian warships clash with US, Canadian ships near Florida Keys. In an unexpected and tense development, Russian warships have sailed into the Atlantic and are currently involved in a standoff with American and Canadian ships near Key Largo, Florida. On Thurs. 13 June 2024 Putin sent three additional warships, along with a n

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 13, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 13, 2024   Judy Note: It’s amazing what the Main Stream Media refuses to report and doesn’t even seem to care. In fact, it’s a little scary how we’re all controlled by not being told what’s really going on and don’t even realize it: ·         Like today when Northcom (that defends America’s homeland) and Norad, (the bi-national command of the US and Canada that defends North America from aerospace threats), were both put on High Alert. Why? – Because Russian Warships were hovering near Florida in the biggest standoff since the Cuban Missile Crisis – barely covered by the news.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 12, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 12, 2024 Judy Note: We are experiencing the largest Global Military Operation in History – A transition to Gesara Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario and ring sirens in every National Military Command Center – to justify to the planet that many things have already taken place. Most important, Gesara Military Law was, in fact, already in place, along with secret Military Tribunals and Executions. The White Hats just had to announce such to the public. Most all of the over 500,000 indictments on Global and Political Elites included charges of Crimes Against Children. That included pedophilia parties and Child Sacrifice rites that was basic to their worship of Lucifer so prevalent, yet hidden, in our Global Society. Jenny and I wrote “Twenty Two Faces” to expose the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children that was so rampant throughout the World. The biography will soon be re-published – and like in the first editi

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 11, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 11, 2024   Judy Note:  Imminent Scare Events including a Global Financial Collapse were on the horizon.   Be Prepared. It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential Items on hand to help yourself and others in case of an emergency. Mon. 10 June 2024:   THE EVENT: Castle Rock – The Imminent Catastrophe That Will Overturn the Biden Administration and Change Everything!           Castle Rock  (meaning  all the Big Bad shit goes down on Biden’s administration)  signals the downfall of the Biden administration with coordinated bombings, cyber attacks, and a financial meltdown.             In this  3-Day War we will see  the activation of the  Emergency Broadcast System (EBS),   and   the rise of Trump  in a dramatic global reset.           From the dissolution of the United Nations  to the implementation of   NESARA/ GESARA , learn how military ascendancy and a new  1776 law  will liberate Pl

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 10, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 10, 2024   Judy Note: With US Presidents Biden, Obama and Bush, plus much of Congress found tied to bribery and extortion through an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring that ran beneath Capitol Hill, there’s no wonder that Military intervention appeared to be close at hand. A large group of Black Swans was called a bank, which was interesting because a   major Black Swan Economic Event was appearing on the horizon because of bank closures, along with Black Swan Events of a possible World War III, another Plandemic and who knows what, where, how or why. Over the weekend the Petrodollar was no more, bank deposits tumbled, $300 million was liquidated from the crypto-currency Market in one hour alone, the economy was falling apart and America was about to wake up to failures of 63 banks – like Australians who could no longer withdraw cash from their Bank accounts.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 9, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 9, 2024 Judy Note: The Satan worshipping, Child Sex Trafficking Biden Administration has used US Taxpayer dollars to feed their World’s largest Child Sex Trafficking Ring. Thousands of children have been taken across the Southern Border into the US to be sex trafficked and undergo even more heinous crimes. On Sun. 9 June 2024 Federal Reserve’s fiat dollar went down as the Petrodollar collapsed; the US Inc. ran out of money making 63 US Banks fail. Meanwhile the US and other countries’ debt was paid off by the Chinese Elders as they released the Global Currency Reset for 209 countries currencies that were now gold/asset-backed. All might come to light soon at the White House, where they were preparing for a big event. SCOTUS was expected to make an announcement that would perhaps exonerate Trump and/or verify their decision on the Brunson Case that would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 8, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 8, 2024   Judy Note: The White Hats were in the process of arresting eleven of the twelve Trump trial jury members. The remaining one was a White Hat spy who verified that other jury members accepted a huge amount of money in bribes to convict Trump. On Thurs. 6 June 2024 the Chinese Elders authorized start of the Global Currency Reset payment process for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group), the results of which wiped out the US National Debt – a good thing because o n Fri. 7 June 2024 the Deep State US Inc. government ran out of money and 63 of the Deep State US banks were declared insolvent with Petrodollar Contracts expiring on Sun. 9 June .

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 7, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 7, 2024 Judy Note: Rumor was that the Military has arrested three of the 12 jurors in President Trump’s trial and will arrest all but one of the rest by Sat. 8 June. Evidently there was solid evidence that the jurors were paid off big monies to convict Trump. SCOTUS Chief Justice Clarence Thomas was expected to make an announcement on that case over the weekend. It was assumed he would vacate the charges against Trump, plus possibly make an announcement on the Brunson Case.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 6, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 6, 2024 Judy Note: Thousands of children procured from multigenerational Satanic families, were right now today being tortured and killed under a US Military CIA Mind Control Operation according to a former CIA Deep Cover Agent. See this June 2024 interview on the Michelle Moore Show: ·         US Presidents Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama, along with Nancy Pelosi and other Global and Political Elites, appeared to be deep into a CIA child torture program through their participation in pedophilia, human trafficking and Satanic Child Sacrifices that linked to the music and film industries, NASA and international networks. ·         These sick experiments on children all began after World War II when what eventually became the CIA, imported Nazi Mind Control experts into the US, Canada and Australia. Commonly Satan worshipping parents sexually abused and tortured their own children in preparation to sell them into the CIA pro

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 5, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 5, 2024 JUDY NOTE:Overnight Monday 3 June 2024 $517,000,000,000 in unrealized losses surfaced in 63 US Banks and pushed them toward the brink of insolvency. By Sun. 9 June 2024 the Petrodollar would end – all of which was expected to trigger a Global Financial Crisis by early next week. As part of handling the Global Financial Crisis Mass Arrests of Satan worshipping Global Elite Bankers and Politicians who had committed Treason Against The People would be accompanied by destruction of their 34 Satan worshipping structures across the globe.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 4, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 4, 2024 Judy Note – The Storm: The White Hat Global Military Alliance under direction of President Donald Trump and in connection with the nine nation Alliance, were on the verge of finally dismantling the Zionist Deep State Cabal. On Sunday 9 June 2024 the ending of the Petrodollar was expected to trigger a Black Swan Financial Event via a Global Financial Crash – that would usher in a Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies of 209 nations. This would take away the Cabal’s control of the World’s Financial System that has been present since 1918 and give The People’s tax monies back to The People.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 3, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 3, 2024 JUDY NOTE: IT'S TIME - BOMBS INCOMING: I hear the White Hat Global Military Alliance in coordination with local law enforcement authorities, were cleaning up the last of the International Child Sex Trafficking Ring Perps, or in other words: the Political and Global Elite Satan worshippers who, in honor of Lucifer and in a quest for fame, fortune and glory, torture, rape and sacrifice drugged children on alters and harvest their organs while drinking their Adrenochromed blood.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 1, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 1, 2024  Judy Note:  Some have asked why I use the Tabernacle Choir in my Updates. My love for what was dubbed by President Ronald Reagan as “The Nation’s Choir” goes back to childhood where my mother would make sure we heard the weekly broadcast on the radio every Sunday. I found it soothed my mind, and put it on a certain spiritual wavelength.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 31, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 31, 2024 Judy Note: ·         BIG NEWS VERY SOON: Get ready for an impressive turn of events that's just around the corner. Soon the World will know the truth. Biden down and pure evil is about to be exposed. ·         Thurs. 30 May 2024: MILITARY INTEL! TRUMP EMERGENCY REQUEST (EBS) – Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts, Alex Jones Issues False Flag Alert! Gesara Military Law, Secret Military Tribunals. . . ·         New York officials prepare to jail President Donald Trump. Will his arrest usher in the long-awaited STORM? If so, would he go back on Twitter only to tweet the message Anons have been waiting for? Look to Twitter for exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.”

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 30, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 30, 2024   Judy Note: A Countdown to Freedom for The People of the World has started. The next few days are to be remembered with Disclosure ever present : ·         There was a heavy Military presence all over the Eastern US, with a Blackout expected at any time as the White Hats prepared for a negative outcome in Trump’s trial. ·         The World’s Central Banking has been used as a tool for financial enslavement of The People by the Deep State Cabal Globalists who ran an international Child Sex Trafficking Network in their worship of Satan.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 29, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 29, 2024 Judy Note: ·         The Hour is Upon Us – the largest Declass yet. The Main Event is on it’s way. The Switch Will Be On Soon . Emergency Alert System Is Coming. BQQQM so loud it will blow their masks off. … ·         Tues. 28 May 2024 The Bond Crisis is Here – Get your family ready: ·         Biden’s Sister is married to Stephen Owens, who owns Dominion Voting Machines – which were certified by the Military of changing the vote from Trump to Biden in the 2020 Election. ·         Wisconsin has decertified the 2020 Election . 

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 28, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 28, 2024   Judy Note: Five months before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy (the original Q) issued an executive order that would give the American currency back to The People by printing money based on a Silver Standard, taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. Many argue this was the reason that JFK was assassinated.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 27, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 27, 2024 Judy Note: ·         Emergency Broadcast System Alert: 17 Countries Initiate NESARA/GESARA, Hidden Military Underground Bases, Vatican’s Darkest Secrets of Pedophilia and Power, and the Betrayal of The Act of 1871! …the 17 th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sun. 26 May 2024 ·         Sun. 26 May 2024 THE COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED. Welcome to the end game, PATRIOTS. BOOM. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. They are not PREPARED. Now buckle up and listen to what I have to say, Patriots. BLACKOUT is neccessary. The hour is upon us. Largest DECLAS yet. MAIN EVENT ON IT'S WAY. BOOM SO LOUD IT WILL BLOW THEIR MASKS OFF. …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Sun. 26 May 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 25, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 25, 2024   Judy Note: Today Ken Cromar had a possibility of his case being thrown out of court because the prosecution couldn’t cite a law that said he was required to pay taxes – a ruling that would affect all US citizens, yet no one knew it. Today people were being scammed of billions of dollars in an international scheme that held no rules, yet no one knew it. Today JFK Jr. VP warned that a massive earthquake was scheduled by the Cabal to hit the West Coast, yet no one knew it. Today the UK Government warned citizens to stock up on food and water amid rising threats – that could apply to all across the World, but no one knew it. Today all Hell was about to erupt across the US, Europe, Middle East and all neighboring territories, yet no one knew it. Today people acted like nothing was wrong and continued to live in a bubble because the Mainstream Media refused to report the news.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 23, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 23, 2024   Judy Note: It’s the end, and time for a New Beginning. Keep love for all humanity in your heart and God in your plans to help them. ·         The Q Clock ended on Tues. 21 May 2024 – the same day Klaus Schwab , founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), announced his decision to step down from his executive role. Although, that might not be absolutely correct beings as he was reported to have been hanged at GITMO last month. The closure of the WEF marked the end of an era for the Cabal’s Global platform established in 1971 to make the world's top Globalist leaders in control of the World’s global agenda. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, had already announced his plans to retire and the FDIC chairman was also stepping down. These developments, alongside the introduction of the "End the Fed" Bill and the passage of a Blockchain Bill, signal a shift in global economic and financial

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 22, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 22, 2024   JUDY NOTE: The Q Clock ended on Tues. 21 May 2024 – the same day Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), announced his decision to step down from his executive role. This move marked the end of an era for the WEF, the Cabal’s Global platform established in 1971 to engage the world's top leaders in to be in control of the World’s global, regional and industry agendas. Coinciding with Schwab's announcement, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase has announced his plans to retire and the FDIC chairman was also stepping down. These developments, alongside the introduction of the "End the Fed" Bill and the passage of a Blockchain Bill, signal a shift in global economic and financial systems back to The People.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2024   Judy Note: The Illuminati Deep State Globalist Israeli Zionist Mossad Cabal was bankrupt and trying to create World War III. They wanted to profit from both sides of another war, plus was setting up The Great Reset of fiat digital currency in order to completely control the World’s financial System and subsequently, the People of the World. In the meantime the Cabal’s once ally Iran was accepted into BRICS gold/asset-backed currencies, which meant they agreed to 100 years of peace.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 20, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 20, 2024   JUDY NOTE: While wandering through this life you can devise many Plans to make yourself happy, but if you want true Eternal Happiness, make sure Your Plan fits into God’s Plan. Ask Him about His Plan for you. After all, you are an Eternal Soul and He’s the One who will forever be in charge of your Eternity. Everything you do on this Earth has Eternal consequences. You have to Plan ahead with Him, using His guidance. I mean, you gotta Plan way ahead. You gotta “climb every mountain, ford every stream. Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream”.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 19, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 19, 2024   Judy Note: Martial Law, Emergency Broadcast System Activation, GESERA and Med Bed rollout were all imminent as the Deep State faced defeat with arrest of close to eight million on the CIA database. Many other Global and Political Elites have already been tried, convicted and executed in Military Tribunals and other court proceedings including Queen Elizabeth, Pope Ratziner, Pope Francis and former Canadian Prime Minister Brent Harper. It is my personal opinion after reviewing the below information, that now we are looking at Memorial Day Weekend May24-27 2024 for a Global Financial Crash that would bring in the Global Currency Reset.

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