Goldilocks "The Fed News and More".....Wednesday 5-3-2023

 Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted comments and links:

The FED is expected to raise interest rates, but what comes next is the question. Bank consolidations are expected going forward.

What people don't realize is that we have more Banks than any other Nation in the world, and some of these changes have been needed for some time even under a good economy.

The problem is that small Banks and midsize Banks are good for the local economy. There is a level of trust there and co-ownership possibilities you can't get in a Big Bank.

© Goldilocks

"US Supreme Court to Consider Curbing Authority of Federal Regulatory Agencies."

The SEC and the CFTC are currently at odds decisions being made over the cryptocurrency market.

The idea of who is in charge and who gives the final rules for these crypto currency assets are unclear along with the lack of regulations to govern.

Two appeals are happening at this time:

An appeal seeks to overturn ruling giving US agencies authority, and

The Court will take up the regulation case for review in October term.

© Goldilocks


"Wider Use of National Fiats of BRICS States to Precede Launch of Single Currency."

At this time, the BRICS Nations in the East are choosing to promote their National paper currencies before they move into a single asset-based trading digital currency.

The broader use of their local paper currencies will add value to them through demand. This new demand on local currencies will help to sustain countries from within before reaching out into a broader context collectively.

 Source :  here




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