Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 31, 2023


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of October 31, 2023


Judy Note:

·         Red October. November to Remember. Dark December.

·         Oct. 31 All Hallows Eve was when children were raped and sacrificed in Honor of Satan, Israel looses it’s Corporate status (meaning it will loose it’s funding by the Cabal), the fiat US Petro Dollar would no longer be accepted for Oil purchases, which was bound to cause a Stock Market Crash and Trump said he was “turning off the friggin lights at Halloween.” Did he mean EBS Activation on Tues. 31 Oct?

·         Sun. 29 Oct. Over 32 Governors and Top Military Summoned to Pentagon: BREAKING MILITARY INTEL! Breakpoint Alpha: Over 32 Governors and Top Military Officials Have Been Summoned to the Pentagon. . . Not For a Routine Meeting 

·         Pentagon Announces New Nuclear Bomb 24 Times More Powerful Than Was Dropped on Japan:

·         Biden Impeachment: Jim Jordan put Joe Biden on notice by telling him to mark his calendar for this date - Patriot Pulse

·         On Fri. 27 Oct. Acapulco Mexico was destroyed by a Category 5 Hurricane thought to actually be a DEW Attack, just like in Maui. Acapulco was already selected to become a 15 minute city – as was Maui Hawaii before it was attacked by DEWs. There was a full Media Blackout on the Acapulco Event, just as there was with the Maui Disaster.

·         Four Whistleblowers Reveal “Horror After Horror” in the US Government Health and Human Services Unaccompanied Children Program at the Southern Border. The whistleblowers described conditions of a dysfunctional government agency that put innocent lives in harm’s way.

·         Joe Biden’s manufactured border crisis is crippling communities and crushing American wages. Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 150,000 migrants who illegally crossed between ports of entry during the past three months. This includes more than 47,000 who crossed during the first four weeks of the new fiscal year. A National Security Nightmare ‘Biden’s Border – 10 Million Invaders Allowed Into The US And Many Are Ready To Attack Us In Cells …

·         Israel Is Another 9/11, Intel, Gene Decode: Gene Decode: Latest Intel Update Oct 29 - US Military Bringing the Pain.

·         60 Million Americans Under Freeze Alerts As Powerful Arctic Blast Crashes Temps Nationwide:

·         Operation Unicorn (Scotland) is a supporting plan for Operation London Bridge being enacted following the death of Elizabeth II in Scotland.

A. Timeline:

·         Overnight Sun. 15 Oct. the Banks completed the remaining layers of payments, plus the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.

·         By Mon. 16 Oct. the Iraqi Dinar had revalued and began trading on the back screens of the Forex.

·         On Thurs. 26 Oct. President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered.

·         On Fri. 27 Oct. the US began pulling 3,600 US troops out of Iraq so Iraq could declare themselves a Sovereign Nation, while the new rate of the Dinar was said to have gone International, although had yet to show on the front screens of the Forex.

·         Oct. 31 All Hallows Eve was when children were raped and sacrificed in Honor of Satan, Israel looses it’s Corporate status (meaning looses it’s funding by the Cabal), the fiat US Petro Dollar would no longer be accepted for Oil purchases, which will cause a Stock Market Crash and Trump said he was “turning off the friggin lights at Halloween.” Did he mean EBS Activation on Tues. 31 Oct?

·         Sat. 4 Nov: When President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered – that takes us to Sat. 4 Nov. – the same day that Bond people have been told they would have liquidity.

·         Get Ready for EBS Activation: Q says that “After Argentina’s election on Sun. 22 Oct. everything would change and the World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it.” …Q Bombshell! EBS Activation on October 22nd: Biden’s Retirement, Trump’s Return, and the White Hats’ Plan Revealed!

·         Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis.

·         In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

B. Global Currency Reset:

Must Watch Video on Redemption Center, Currency Exchange and Zim Bonds: Dave XRPLion - Redemption Center & Zim Bond: Biggest & Most Important Update Ever - We Never Expected This

·         Mon. 30 Oct. TNT: “The IMF and Federal Reserve contacts are saying the rate should change today or tomorrow. Banks have been told the same. Announcement of the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was imminent. Iraq placed lower denominations of Dinar at ports and airlines on Thurs. 26 Oct.”

·         Mon. 30 Oct. MarkZ: “A lot of rumors coming out of Iraq right now. They still think they are a “GO” by Nov.1st. Bond folks are still saying they expect theirs on Nov 4th right now. I do not know where they are in the line….pre-RV or Post-RV? I hear the 5th is huge from a number of sources. That would make sense if they go late on the 4th and unleash us on the 5th…..but who knows?

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Wolverine: “We are still going, guys. Colombia is a good example. On Sun. 29 Oct. they had a meeting with leaders all over the World. They are ready to go.”

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Bogota Colombia Banker Nelson Ruiz: “The BBVA Compass Bank is ready, all paymasters have the money and codes are liquid and ready to go. Everyone was positive after the reunion last Tues. 24 Oct. In the Redemption Centers we will get a new computer.”

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Ariel: “We are at the cusp of great changes and a Stock Market correction. The fiat USD will not be accepted for Oil payments after Tues. 31 Oct. On that same Tues. 31 Oct. Israel will be a defunct corporation.

·         Sat. 28 Oct. Dr. Tom: “The Militaries of each country are in control of the RV funds and they are doing the RV. We are at an any day, any min. Your future investments will not be done with banks, but directly with the US Treasury or treasuries of the country in which you reside. The IRS and Federal Reserve are gone.”

·         Sat. 28 Oct. Alex Collier: “The Dinar went international on Fri. 27 Oct. and they began pulling 3,600 US troops out of Iraq so Iraq could declare Iraq a Sovereign Nation, likely around Mon. 30 Oct. Two days ago President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered.”

·         Wed. 25 Oct. Militia Man: “Recently we showed that the World Trade Organization is talking about full ascension in the Fourth Quarter and we are now in that Fourth Quarter.” 

·         For the past over two weeks the revalued Iraqi Dinar has been trading on the back screens of the Forex and putting itself in a position for the new International Exchange rate that was soon to be made public according to Iraqi Banks.

·         Get Ready for EBS Activation: Q says that “After Argentina’s election on Sun. 22 Oct. everything would change and the World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it.” …Q Bombshell! EBS Activation on October 22nd: Biden’s Retirement, Trump’s Return, and the White Hats’ Plan Revealed!

·         EBS Activation on Tues. 31 Oct? Trump said he was “turning off the friggin lights at Halloween.” Did he mean EBS Activation on Tues. 31 Oct?

·         In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

·         Sun. 29 Oct. Q Phones and GESARA: Quantum Phones and the Starlink Network, Powered by Stellar Blockchain

C. Global Financial Crisis:

·         On 1 Nov. the Saudis stop accepting the USD for oil payments. The US arrangement with Saudi for the USD to be used as the primary currency was how the USD came to be known as the "petro dollar" after we came off the gold standard & the Fed needed a substitute to base it's value on. So when SA stops using the USD Petro Dollar it will lose its value and crash. This will then precipitate the stock market crash like a falling domino. And this coincides with the end of the Nation State of Israel.

·         On Mon. 30 Oct. the Treasury Department dropped a financial bomb: The deficit for fiscal year 2023 was $1.7 trillion, growing 23 percent in a single year as the Treasury used $879 billion just to service the federal debt. But "Bidenomics" means the worst is yet to come, and multi-trillion-dollar deficits are the new normal.

·         Mon. 30 Oct: Almost ALL Trading Brokers Got BANNED by METAQUOTE. Millions of traders can't trade anymore. They don't want us to do THE GREAT SHORT! The State of Israel Contract with the Rothschild is finished and not renewed. Zionist Evil Jews will get EVICTED! NO MORE ISRAEL! Why Israel for last. Banks Collapse are next NOW! THE END OF THE WORLD HAS WE KNOW IT! COMPLETE FINANCIAL SYSTEM COLLAPSE INCOMING NOW! GLOBAL RESET! …Great Awakening World Q + Trump on Telegram.

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Historic Stock Market Crashes in Oct. Debt Clock Signals XRP Win:

·         Deutsche Bank plans to close nearly half its Post bank branches by mid-2026 in response to changing demand from customers, a spokesperson for the German bank said on Monday.

·         Mon. 30 Oct. London stock exchange closed for second time (I am hearing). Germany’s economy collapsing.

D. Restored Republics:

·         Sat. 28 Oct. Alex Collier: Two days ago President Trump said the next 7-8 days would be ones to be remembered. The Quantum Financial System would be fully running by mid Dec. Around that Dec. 15 the breakage of the Three Gorges Dam would start a Black Swan Event that would trigger everything including release of 6,000 cures and the Med Beds. The earthquakes on the Yangtze River in China were caused by the White Hats taking out Chinese Communist Party Underground Tunnels and child trafficking facilities.

·         Sat. 28 Oct: List Of Over 188 Deep Underground Military Bases Situated Under Most Major Cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, Underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS Control Centers

·         Sat. 28 Oct. Project Subterrene and Top Secret Underground Tunnels Under America: NORAD and DUMBs. Inside NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain Combat Center

·         Sun. 29 Oct. The Silent Machinations: Celebrities, Judges/Olu Military Unit, US Forces, Gitmo, Diego Garcia, Pine Gap, Guam, White House and Declassification of FISA Documents

·         Mon. 30 Oct. BOOM! The Hidden Domino Effect: Trump, Johnson, and the New Republic (The New Republic, By Donald Trump)

E. The Real News for Mon. 30 Oct.

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Full Media Blackout on Acapulco Destroyed by DEW Attack Like Maui – Not a Normal Event. Breaking! Full Media Blackout! "Acapulco Completely Destroted by a DEW Attack Like Maui! Dead Bodies Everywhere! It Was All Planned Out, Not a Natural Event!"

·         WW2 Attack on Two Nuclear Plants, Hezbollah Declares War in 5 Days:

·         Mon. 30 Oct. "I'm EXPOSING what they are planning..." - Jim Rickards

·         Colorado Abnormal animal behavior: Dozens of deer and elk have emerged from the forests of Colorado and are sitting in people's yards as if someone chased them out of the woods. Watch the animals, they sense when something is about to happen.... or to tell people something.

·         On Global Warming Australian Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer: "There is no correlation over geological time between CO2 in the atmosphere and temperature. No one has yet shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, and if they did, they'd also have to show that the natural emissions—and that's 97% of the total—don't drive global warming. Then I look back in time through my geological eyes, and look at times in the past when we have very high carbon dioxide contents of the atmosphere, up to hundreds of times higher than now, and we see that we didn't have runaway global warming… But what we did have is six major ice ages."

·         2020 Election Fraud: Reader, link: "BREAKING: Trump to Present Classified Information of Foreign Interference in 2016 and 2020 Elections at January 6th Indictment Trial"

·         President Trump: Writer Maggot Hagerman of the Failing New York Times wrote almost her entire FAKE story today about the Trump Hating Judge’s Gag Order (They love to silence me!), rather than the Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness chocking like a dog on the Witness Stand (Perry Mason?), and admitting that I NEVER asked him to do anything wrong. He also admitted that he lied to Congress Under Oath, AGAIN, brand new charges. THAT MEANS THEY NO LONGER HAVE A WITNESS, OR A CASE. She also failed to report that the Trump Hating Judge refuses to respect or accept the Appeals Court decision reversing him, a first! Maggot should focus her energies on Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges, whose hatred and bias is so great that they are unable to make a fair and reasonable decision. New York is crime ridden and dying, but I will save it in 2024… It can’t come too fast!

·         "If you control the food, you control the people. That's ultimately the end goal of the Deep State." All around the world, unelected globalist bodies like the UN and WEF are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030—as detailed in a must-watch new documentary titled 'No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?

F. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam and in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·         Louisiana Has Bloodiest Child Prison in US:

·         ALL cast members of the TV hit series Friends have been Kaput. Gone. Bye-bye for Adrenochrome use.

·         Tucker Carslon: Bombshell Whistleblower Report on State Sponsored Child Trafficking: Four Whistleblowers Reveal “Horror After Horror” in the HHS Unaccompanied Children Program at the Southern Border. From their first-hand accounts, the whistleblowers describe the conditions of a dysfunctional government agency that put innocent lives in harm’s way.

G. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·         American milk has been banned in Europe because it contains ingredients that the public health committee deemed caused Cancer.

·         Dr Judy Mikovits: “The plan is to inject humanity with the Cancer Virus.”

·         A report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children “DIED SUDDENLY” following the rollout of the mRNA Covid jabs.

·         Dr. Dean Burk PhD who spent 34 years at the National Cancer Institute confirmed that fluoridated water causes Cancer.

·         It's not sunlight that causes Skin Cancer, but sunscreens do.

·         The fact that Honeybee Venom kills Cancer Cells is one of the things that Big Pharma is keeping hidden from the people so as to not lose their multibillion business.

·         HIV, AIDS, HP2, Omicron “viruses” have never been isolated (meaning they were manmade) and thus there was no cure. The vaccines were designed to actually give you the viruses. Polio was caused by heavy metals sprayed on crops. Omicron was being spread through the TV on Mainstream Media.

·         Dr. Richard Urso: “They purposefully used Cancer Cells to prove Hydroxychloroquine was ineffective against the virus — but actually they proved it works perfectly because it protects your healthy cells and allows the virus to attack Cancerous Cells!”

·         Pfizer and Moderna made billions of dollars on untested COVID jabs. Most people don’t know, but COVID made Moderna profitable for the first time in over a decade. Pfizer has also made tens of millions on the booster shots alone.

·         Magnetic Graphene Oxide has been found in prescription medication.

·         A Pharmacist has told the truth about how the Covid Vaccines cause Myocarditis and admits there have been no "variants". He also confesses that Ivermectin was proven to work.

H. World War III:

·         There’s Only So Much Propaganda Spin You Can Put On The Murder Of Thousands Of Children:

·         A Video has emerged of the Israeli air force targeting Gaza again w/ white phosphorous guided munitions. Phosphorous is a class of incendiary weapons that are not outlawed by international rules of engagement, but are widely regarded as having unacceptable and far-reaching collateral effects, usually including significant deaths of noncombatants, and poisoning of ground soil in areas of use.

·         Mon. 30 Oct. What They Are Planning in Israel:

·         Mon. 30 Oct. War Secret Society:

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Sorcha: "Biden Forces American Troops To Eat Radioactive Seafood On Cuban Missile Crisis Anniversary"

·         Mon. 30 Oct. Situation Update War and Conflict:

·         Mon. 30 Oct. FBI Says Terrorist Threats on Rise:

I. Election Fraud:

·         Facebook Exposed: Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, Hon. Michael Gableman testifies before the Campaign and Elections Committee about his investigation into the 2020 Coup saying: “Its very Clear that Mark Zuckerberg’s Goal Was to Defeat Donald Trump and Elect Joe Biden"

J. Med Beds:

Med Bed 90.10: Bombshell! 90. 10. Med Bed and 90. 10. Virtual Cube – The Future Starts Now!

Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds:

5 Million Med Beds Available Worldwide: SPECIAL REPORT: There are More Than 5 Million Med Beds Available Worldwide – Latest Information About Alliance Med Beds

US Plans on Med Beds:

High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA:

K. Mon. 30 Oct. Benjamin Fulford Report:

·         OPERATION SCARIANT 2023 is being used to launch Plandemic 2.0. Plandemic 2.0 is an integral piece of the Great Reset implementation plan and New World Order agenda to be executed in earnest this Fall of 2023.

·         OPERATION SCARIANT, which features the extremely ‘scary’ Omincron subvariant known as Eris, is the main show for folks who are still captivated by this ridiculous government-sponsored but extremely serious genocidal enterprise.

·         Nevertheless, there are numerous reasons why the Khazarian genocidal bioterrorists are hellbent on rolling out Plandemic 2.0 this Fall. 

·         The following list presents only some of the most significant NWO goals, WEF objectives and WHO targets.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (1) To cover up the massive excess death numbers directly resulting from the ongoing Covid vaccine genocide across America (and global depopulation scheme)


(2) To stealthily kill vaccinated children who are now much more vulnerable to the bacterial infections associated with Eris (aka Omicron [B.1.1.529] a subvariant of SARS-CoV-2


(3) To intensify the slow-motion slaughter of vaccinated 20 to 45 year-olds who are now much more susceptible to myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots and other fatal heart ailments


(4) To further turbo-charge the numerous medical ailments and health conditions, chronic diseases and autoimmune syndromes, psychological disorders and psychiatric illnesses across the entire population, all of which have seen HUGE upticks post-Covid vaccination


(5) To murder as many retirees as possible in order to reduce the Social Security & Disability, Medicare and Medicaid rolls


(6) To massacre as many individuals, who suffer from multiple comorbidities and/or terminal diseases, who are still living after Plandemic 1.0


(7) To eliminate as many Baby Boomers as possible as well as the Beat Generation elderly, especially the anti-establishment types


(8) To provide maximum distraction from the many Democrat crime sprees being investigated by the House


(9) To divert the attention of the electorate from the multiple crime waves perpetrated by the Biden Crime Family and especially by the POTUS Imposter and Criminal-in-Chief


(10) To create maximum chaos, confusion and conflict throughout the last year of the 2024 election cycle so that the Democrats can steal yet another POTUS election, as well as to set the stage for a long-planned American Bolshevik revolution


(11) To provide a pretext to deploy yet another highly weaponized and lethal Covid ‘vaccine’ by which to rapidly intensify Plandemic 2.0.


(12) To significantly supercharge the previously administered kill-shots, clot-shots and cancer-shots thereby increasing SADS and SIDS as well as  excess deaths across the board.


(13) To sufficiently scare the American people back into the same space of extreme fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 contagion so they will fully submit to the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda.

L. White Hat Intel:

·         “Are you ready to finish what we started? NSA Secrets Exposed. A deep dark world is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone. UNITY IS STRENGTH. UNITY IS POWER. UNITY IS HUMANITY. Together we win.”

·         S. Time Magazine reports that Ukraine struggles to rally financial support after its failed counteroffensive and amid allegations of widespread corruption.

• A top Ukrainian presidential advisor warns that "people are stealing like there's no tomorrow" when asked about bribes and corruption.

• 59% of Americans don't want Congress to provide more weapons to Kyiv, up from 35% in June.

• The southeastern fifth of Ukraine, where the population is predominantly Russian speakers, remains under Russian control.

• Zelensky's close advisor warns that “He deludes himself. We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

• Ukraine's shortage of soldiers is more dire than its deficit in arms and ammunition. Draft officers pull men off trains and buses and send them to the front.

• The death toll has long surpassed 100,000 on each side of the war, forcing the draft of the elderly, raising the average age of a Ukrainian soldier to around 43 years.

• Corruption remains widespread despite Zelensky firing numerous officers and the Defense Minister.

• Zelensky is worried that the focus of Ukraine’s allies in the U.S. and Europe and of the global media has already shifted to Israel, Palestine, and the Gaza Strip.

Why are Time Magazine and the corporate media starting to throw Ukraine and Zelensky under the bus?

T. NC Girl: Here's an updated list of Satanic Sites to be taken down from listening to “I Am” two days ago. The ones followed by xxx are ones already taken out.  Others may have a note after them. There are seven Cern Sites around the world. Switzerland, 3GD, Hoover dam, and others.





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