Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 15, 2024


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 15, 2024


Judy Note: “Something big is about to happen,” Captain Marvel Jr. on Telegram Sun. 14 Jan.

·         Military vessels are present in all 22 Time Zones across the Globe, just like they were a few months ago when worldwide Military exercises were happening.

·         The US National Guard remains on High Alert as it has been for a month or so.

·         Planes appear to be grounded in the US and being inspected.

·         Fences are going up again around the White House and US Capitol.

·         100 US cities are on the Hot Zone list with expected riots as planned and funded by Soros.

·         Texas is building it’s own wall because the Biden Administration is allowing child sex trafficking to continue.

·         A Stock Market crash is on the horizon and will cause huge ramifications around the World. The RV won’t happen until after the Stock Market Crash.

·         “When it comes to the Black Swan/Stock Market Crash, the RV the Arrests, Martial Law be assured it will happen very VERY quickly. Logic dictates to me that since we are so far down the road on this with delay after delay in the past the White Hats not only have to pull the Trigger but pull it in the NOW TIME. Remember "Everything Everywhere All At Once."

·         They’ve poisoned our food, water and spread Chemtrails on our land."The last card they play will be the Alien Card, and it's all a lie." …Wernher von Braun

·         When Martial Law comes in and they tell you to stay at home, then stay at home for your own safety.

A. Timing of GCR Events:

·         On Mon. 15 Jan. all new international currency rates including the Iraqi Dinar, was planned to be trading on the Forex. The RV was believed to have happened on Sun. 14 Jan.

·         Mon. 15 Jan. begins the World Economic Forum at DAVOS, where the Deep State Cabal was attempting to save their Great Reset of fiat digital currency – that has been rejected by a majority of people across the Globe including the US Congress.

·         On Tues. 16 Jan. we move to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system.

·         As of Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse.

B. Global Currency Reset:

·         On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

·         On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.

·         On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.

·         Sat. 13 Jan. RV Highlights on Telegram: 15/16th yes. Basel 3 complete implementation. Rising Metals from Tier 3 to Tier 1. Kinda feels like Black Swan at any moment over the next 3 or 4 days.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was responsible for the RV timing, said that the RV could occur any time by Sun. 14 Jan.

·         Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Al Allaq would both be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland for the annual meeting January 14th to 19th. “Everyone is expecting the RV on Sun. 14 Jan.” according to Sudani. The IMF, which is in charge of timing, said, "Anytime Friday to Sunday.”

·         On Mon 15 Jan all new international currency rates including the Iraqi Dinar, was planned to be trading on the Forex.

·         On Tues. 16 Jan. we move to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. At this time, final guidance will be given on Capital requirements held in the banking system in terms of gold and other assets to support it. For the first time in 45 years, US Treasuries have more of a downturn volatility risk potential than gold. This is why we are moving to Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. Monetary gold now qualifies as a Tier 1 asset, and it is 100% valued for the purposes of bringing stability to the banking system. Gold will set us free. … Goldilocks

·         Texas Snake: Tier4b will receive notification around the first of next week and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. RV: The IMF uses a special monetary unit called SDR (Special Drawing Rights) to determine special drawing rights and determine the value of the currencies of member countries. Suggests new initial exchange rate: USD $1.33 x 1 DINAR. …Goldilocks

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Breaking the Chains! Our Coming GCR Transition to Asset-based Prosperity – To Hell with the Bankster ‘Reset’

·         BRICS bank to release bonds in local currencies:

·         C. Global Financial Collapse:

·         As of Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the World not Basel 3 compliant will automatically collapse.

·         Mon. 15 Jan. is the World Economic Forum at DAVOS. 60 Billion dollars worth of XRP has just been set to Bitfinex in the past hour. These funds will be used for the World Economic Forum event so elite members of society tomorrow can purchase XRP via otc deal without pumping price. The reason why they are sending to a broker is because how can you trust your staff with 60 billion dollars?

·         The International Monetary Fund’s Deputy Managing Director (and former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China) Bo Li on CBDC “programability” at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting. “By programming CBDC, those money can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and what kind of use this money can be utilized, for example for food.”

·         Fox News guest PERFECTLY summarizes the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset' agenda, in just one minute: "The WEF is a fanatical political organization that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they're the saviors, but really all you're doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global public-private fascist movement, and fusion of big government, big tech [and] big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently is them. …They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they are the lords ruling over us… That's what they're aiming for.”

·         Sun. 14 Jan. US banking giants shed over 17,000 employees in turbulent year                                                                                                                                                                           

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Former Central Banker: "The World Is Heading Towards A New Monetary System That Incorporates Gold"                                                                             

·         Sat. 13 Jan. What is the “NESARA TRUMPSARA Revolution”? (A quick explanation )

·         List of Countries That Do Not Have Their Own Currency. That means every country in the world must have a distinct currency that is exclusively for facilitating transactions within their own country, right.

·         The unknown currency that's worth more than the British Pound, Euro and the US Dollar: #Kuwait

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Norwegian Cruise Line Discontinues Currency Service:

·         A Move to a Hard Currency Standard Is Coming Into Focus as the Best Way To Fix Canada’s Teetering Economy:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. BRICS Banks Ramp Up Effort to Ditch US Dollar: D. Exchanges and Redemption:

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Gotta Know This at Redemption Center, Dave XRP Lion:

·         The Storm is Upon Us, We Are Not Going Back, XRP Lion: BREAKING! Dave XRP Lion: A Matter of Fact For All Truth Seekers!

·         Getting the RV Redemption Started: Getting the Process of RV Redemption Started – Inside the Exclusive World of Redemption Centers!

·         Redemption Center Protocol, XRP Lion: New Ddave XRP Lion - Gotta Know This at Redemption Centre: January 2024

E. Restored Republic: Wars and Rumors of Wars CIA helping NATO To Create World War III

·         "The US Red Sea coalition will lose. You will see American and British ships sunk at the bottom of the Gaza Strip or the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. I have no doubt about that, because the West's strategy is suicidal. They think that if they show enough firepower, the rest of the world will give in. Well, this is not 2003... This is a post-2003 world that has learnt that you either stand up to a savage, cannibalistic, mad tyrant or be devoured by that tyrant, as we have seen in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. The world has learnt the lesson that the West cannot be trusted and is not to be admired.... They have seen that again recently with the Israeli genocide of the people of Gaza. I think the world is rising up to fight back." … Scott Bennett, former US Army officer on Telegram Sun. 14 Jan.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. US Braces for possible Hezbollah Terrorist Threats:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. War Alert: Massive Attack on Russia, Radioactive, Nuke, Blackout:

·         Biden Bypassed Congress, Declared War with Yemen and Sent More Money to Ukraine:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Turkey, Iran Join War After US, UK Launch Missiles on Yemen:

·         Russia, German and Italian Military Intelligence reported that NATO & US CIA were planning a false flag event either in the Black or Mediterranean Sea. The alleged plan involves sinking a U.S. naval ship, resulting in the death of American soldiers, and blaming either Russia or Muslim nations for the attack. This false flag event is said to be intended to trigger World War 3 and potentially escalate into nuclear conflicts. The Deep State is believed to be playing their final cards, which include stopping U.S. elections, inciting civil war, initiating World War 3, triggering another pandemic, utilizing the alien invasion narrative, orchestrating cyber attack blackouts, and potentially engineering a controlled electromagnetic pulse attack while blaming the sun for widespread power outages.

·         US & UK are bombing civilians in the capital of Yemen to own the Houthis for wanting to blockade Israeli shipping through their waters. Our government is bombing civilians to reduce Israeli's cost of imported goods. Let that sink in.

Saudi Arabia voices ‘great concern’ over Yemen air strikes: foreign ministry:

Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the Yemen strikes. …Sly News, the Terrorist Propaganda News.

·         Hackers Target UK in Major Cyber Attack in Response to Air Strikes:

·         Iranian forces have seized an oil tanker off the coast of Oman:

·         Fri. 12 Jan. China-Taiwan Conflict: The US has confirmed that it has transferred large amounts of fuel from a military base in Hawaii to storage facilities across Southeast Asia. The announcement came after a senator in the Philippines raised concerns that Washington is pre-positioning military supplies for a potential conflict with China over Taiwan. 

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Leaked Pentagon papers predict Ukrainian's air defenses will be exhausted by June 23, leaving Putin free to send in fighter jets - as it's feared latest $2bn US aid won't be enough to save Zelensky's army. A large cache of highly classified Pentagon documents that appear to detail classified information including how Ukraine's S-300 air defense systems could run out of missiles and ammunition during the next month. And a further batch of documents of more than 100 Pentagon documents - this time also detailing US national security interests pertaining to areas including China and Israel's Mossad spy agency.

·         North Korea fires ballistic missile off east coast, South Korea military says.

F. The Real News for Sun. 14 Jan. 2024:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Oprah Winfrey at GITMO: Charged with Treason, Accessory to Mass Murder, Conspiracy to Influence an Election Outcome, Aiding and Abetting the Enemy, and other High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Talk Show Host Oprah Winfrey has been an Inmate at Guantanamo Bay since early December 2023. OPRAH WINFREY GOES TO GITMO

·         Sun. 14 Jan. The Big Sting, Fulford, Nino, Byington:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. White Hats to Iowa:

·         JFK Not Assassinated? JFK was well aware of his assassination date and plans of the Deep State CIA. For over a thousand years Kings, Queens and Popes have used doubles and stand ins. …White Hat Intel on Telegram

·         Sidney Powell recently highlighted how Barack Obama was involved in the cover up of Hillary Clinton’s crimes, alongside the FBI, as proven by the Anthony Weiner Laptop. Why do all roads seem to lead back to Barack Obama?

·         Film has been released of the Moon Landing proving it was a 30 billion dollar NASA scam/hoax filmed in the Nevada Desert.

·         Recently released 1956 Film predicted Covid Plandemic would happen in 2020. It's like they planned it.

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Media Blackout on Child Torture Adrenochrome Market Found in NY Jewish Tunnel.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Jesse Ventura - The Anunnaki Secrets - Soul Harvesting - Garden of Eden

·         Sun. 14 Jan. The Clintons and Laura Silsby were caught red-handed kidnapping and attempted Human Trafficking Children out of Haiti!--The MSM covered it up.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Biden Taking Associates Out – the Power of the Democratic Party:

·         We only have 66 of the 777 books of the Bible. It's incomplete. It all have been altered, edited, revised and reprinted by the Vatican to suit their agenda.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. JAG, Navy Seals, Fighter Pilots Stand Against Tyranny Trying to Destroy Our Armed Forces: Warrior Alert! Led by Navy SEALs, and Joined by Fighter Pilots, JAG Officers Are Standing Against the Tyranny Trying to Destroy Our Armed Forces!

·         Riot fences going up at White House:

·         Border Crisis: “Texas National Guard now under 100% authority of Donald Trump. Texas National Guard seen using riot shields to block illegal immigrants from entering the US in Eagle Pass, Texas. …Ezra Cohen on Telegram Sat. 13 Jan.

·         In line with their Depopulation Agenda, the Deep State was deliberately creating a worldwide food supply problem and poisoning our water supply with fluoride.

·         The CIA was working with NATO and the Deep State Khazarian Mafia to create World War III. The Agency has been found responsible for DEW Attacks on Maui and they were believed to have set up the JFK Assassination, plus it was well known that they designed and run the MKULTRA Mind Control Program designed in Nazi Germany that mainly tortured the young minds of children into Multiple Personalities to do their bidding. So why were US Taxpayers funding them in an annual seemingly unlimited multibillion $ Black Budget?

·         Fri. 12 Jan. Both the White Hat Military Alliance and NATO/CIA/M16 Alliance have started their Coups in Poland. Western Deep State agencies are using Poland to create a World War III Scenario.

·         New York Orthodox Jewish Underground Tunnels connected to Clinton Foundation and Jeffrey Epstein Child Sex and Torture Trafficking, Adrenochrome Harvesting. A riot broke out and a dozen men were arrested at the New York City synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch movement when men tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building. 'Horrific' Child Adrenochrome Market Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels - Media Blackout.

·         The Red Cross says you cannot donate plasma if you’ve had the vaccine because the vaccine wipes out the body’s natural antibodies.

·         Attorney releases evidence Myrna jab is designed to continue to kill for generations.

·         Sat. 14 Jan. Media Blackout on Child Torture Adrenochrome Market Found in NY Jewish Tunnel:

·         Fri. 12 Jan. Chemtrail Pilot in Cockpit on Video:

·         On Thurs. 11 Jan. Evening There Were Reports of Attacks on the US Embassy in Baghdad Iraq, plus Attacks on Iraq US Bases, With Top US Military Leaders in Iraq Assassinated.

·         Biden illegally declares war on Yemen without Congressional approval. On Fri. 12 Jan. the US & UK Conducted Over 100 Cruise Missile Air Strikes On Over 60 Yemen Targets Including Bombing Civilians – Innocent Men, Women and Children.

·         On Fri. 12 Jan. the White Hat Military Alliance and Deep State NATO/CIA/M16 Alliance Have Started their Coups in Poland.

·         Biden illegally sends more money to Ukraine without Congressional approval while $1 billion in Ukraine Funding improperly tracked by Pentagon:

·         Sat. 13 Jan. BOMBSHELL REPORT: Inside source Reveals Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley DELAYED NATIONAL GUARD RESPONSE to Jan 6 “Then Lied About It.”

·         Recently Uncovered New York Orthodox Jewish Underground Tunnels Found Connected to Clinton and Epstein International Child Sex, Torture, Adrenochrome & Organ Harvesting Ring.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. War Alert: Massive Attack on Russia, Radioactive, Nuke, Blackout:

·         As Bomb Cyclone Polar Vortex Intensifies, Extreme Weather Covers Every State

·         Biden removes Eagle and American Flag from passports:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Clinton Body Count: The Clinton Body Count: Follow the Path of Those Who Have Lost Their Lives in the Wake of the Clinton Mafia!

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Australia: Riccardo Bosi Names Names:

·         FBI Illegally Defies Court Order and Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Murder Evidence:

·         BREAKING: Two U.S. Navy sailors missing at sea off the coast of Somalia.

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Media Blackout: 10 Explosive News Stories They Didn’t Want You to Know

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Officials are sounding the alarm about the grave dangers posed by the lithium-ion batteries found in electric vehicles. Is it any surprise that ferry companies and underground car parks are banning EVs, insurance companies are refusing to insure them, and EV owners are struggling to sell them on the second-hand market,

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Arrest Wars & White Hats Military – ALL Clones Will Be Executed: CLONES, DOUBLES, TRANNIES. Who’s Your Daddy,

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Washington DC: I’m in DC. The WH up to the Treasury Bldg has been fenced in with concrete barriers on the inside of the fence approx every 20 ft. There is a very large "Free Palestine" protest taking place today on Pennsylvania Ave where the WW1 Memorial is. 25,000 people are expected to attend. Parking is restricted throughout a great deal of the area and there are police and dump trucks stationed blocks out. I am currently sitting in my car drying/warming up and charging my phone. I have not decided how long I will stay. …Nancy Drew

·         Around 1,700 police on London Streets for major Pro-Palestinian Protest. It just happens to be 'around' 1,700:

G. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·         New York Orthodox Jewish Underground Tunnels connected to Clinton Foundation and Jeffrey Epstein Child Sex and Torture Trafficking, Adrenochrome Harvesting. A riot broke out and a dozen men were arrested at the New York City synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch movement when men tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building. 'Horrific' Child Adrenochrome Market Found in NYC Jewish Tunnels - Media Blackout.

·         Cali Shai Bergandi Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL: S2E3 | "Cali Shai Bergandi P1 - Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL"

·         In Ireland police have opened an investigation into human trafficking after 14 migrants, including two children, were found inside a refrigerated shipping container in the southeastern port of Rosslare.

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Archbishop Viganò Calls for Swiss Guards to Arrest Pope Francis and Cardinal Responsible for Pornograhic Book:

·         There is a statute of a reptile dragging a child into the sewer located in New York – not too far from where the underground tunnels under a Synagogue were found.

·         BBC let Pedophile Jimmy Saviles get away with abusing over 500 kids and sex with dead bodies’ according to The Washington Post article on June 27, 2014. On October 12, 2011, BBC wrote an article on how thousands African children were being kidnapped and trafficked to the United Kingdom for blood rituals through occult societies and reverse aging searchers.

·         On April 1, 2020, a nurse claimed she was being sent to Central Park COVID-19 Quarantine to assist thousands of children who were being saved in from an underground tunnel in Central Park N.Y. Images began leaking of nurses with baby supplies at the Quarantine. It’s crazy how I was attacked for posting this in May last year. …Edward Snowden

·         In 1998 a whistleblower secretly filmed Angelina Jolie, at 23, speaking to two close friends about the initiation rituals she had recently taken part in while attempting to establish herself in Hollywood. Jolie described in detail the blood ritual celebrities had to go through.

H. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·         Sun. 14 Jan. Nurse Exposes Texas Hospital Horrors:

·         Sat. 13 Jan. The United States Navy Judge Advocate General's Corps at Camp Blaz has convicted of treason and murder the NIH official who oversaw an aerosolized hemorrhagic fever and smallpox weapon.

·         Sat. 13 Jan. The Red Cross says you cannot donate plasma if you’ve had the vaccine because the vaccine wipes out the body’s natural antibodies.

·         Renowned doctors hold hearing on injuries caused by Covid-19 vaccines. Witnesses give testimonies on how bad vaxxes are and they were trying to tell the public this back in the beginning.

·         The Spanish Flu was caused by a Vaccine. Frederick Lamont Gates injected the USA army on behalf of ‘the Rockefeller Foundation’ at Fort Riley!! They were injected with an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis’ Vaccine derived from horses! “The so called, ‘Spanish flu’ was a #Vaccine experiment that went HORRIBLY wrong!”

·         Supreme Court: "mRNA Jabbed Have Altered DNA "cDNA" and They Can Be Patented"

·         A new study, the largest of its kind, focused on myocarditis reports post-COVID-19 vaccination, tracked by Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination in the Community, the statewide vaccine safety service for Victoria, Australia. The study, conducted between February 22, 2021, and September 30, 2022, involved following up confirmed myocarditis cases through surveys at 1, 3, and 6 months post-symptom onset.

·         New lab created disease out of China (Disease X) has a 100% fatality rate in humanized mice by infecting the nervous system.

·         100 major companies around the world have confirmed their earlier commitments to remove meat and dairy products from their food basket in order to combat global warming.

·         Сancer can be cured with high-frequency sound waves! The big Phrama is hiding this information!

·         Ivermectin, AKA “horse dewormer,” has not only been vindicated as an effective treatment for COVID, but it is now also showing profound anti-cancer properties. Dr. Paul Marik attests to this: “The horse dewormer is very effective against certain cancers.We know of cases of patients who had solid tumors who were given the horse dewormer (ivermectin), and together with some other drugs ... the cancer disappeared.”

I. Trump prosecutions:

·         In the New York Fraud Case: NY Prosecutor Fani Willis hired a personal injury attorney without prior prosecution experience and paid him over half a million dollars. Subsequently, the two of them reportedly went on vacation to Napa and embarked on a Caribbean cruise. This prosecutor itemized 16 hours of meetings with the Biden White House in his invoice for the prosecution of Donald Trump. He probably should have stuck to being a personal injury attorney.

J. The Epstein Saga:

·         They are hiding the evidence of Epstein Island Pedophile and Satanic Activities:

·         Virginia Giuffre CONFIRMED that Bill Clinton was a witness to CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE on Epstein Island. Heidi Klum, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton have ALL been mentioned in the latest batch of documents. Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein allegedly traveled to Thailand together as well. Thailand is a WELL KNOWN super hub for child sex trafficking.

K. Protests and Strikes Across the World:

·         In Dessau Germany blockades and protests by farmers continue across Germany. Railway workers are also striking with train drivers demanding an increase in wages. People from all walks of life are joining the farmers.Unity & Solidarity is what is going to take down the Kabal.

M. Deep State Cabal Khazarian Mafia Illuminatti Agenda 2030:

·         Project Blue Beam: Operation Paperclip scientist Wernher von Braun’s former assistant Carol Rosin says that von Braun explained to her their final play."The last card they play will be the alien card, and it's all a lie." -Wernher von Braun

·         CERN (intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world) and believed to be able to control the weather among other powers. Like the Vatican, Washington DC and Israel, CERN is a sovereign state of its own. It was formed on the Satanic numbers of Sept. 29 1954 (9-29-19)

·         Environment Protection Net Zero: The United Nations' Net Zero plan involves killing the environment to save it" says Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts, as he exposes the utterly insane and pointless nature of Net Zero in the Australian parliament."CO2 makes up just 0.04% of the Earth's atmosphere. Human beings are responsible for just 3% of the annual production of CO2... Yet the Net Zero advocates tell us that if we take a fraction of our CO2 and pay an oil drilling company to dump it in the ocean by injecting it under the seabed, we can save the world... Obviously, it's a bloody lie. Australia must ditch the United Nations/World Economic Forum Net Zero pipe dream, and all of its insane requirements."

·         Deliberately creating a food supply shortage across the planet.

·         The Rothschild Zionist Agenda, David Icke:

·         Not only are they coming for your land, but they’re coming for your water sources. A man has described a government water source grab.

·         The International Monetary Fund’s Deputy Managing Director (and former deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China) Bo Li on CBDC “programability” at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting. “By programming CBDC, those money can be precisely targeted for what kind of people can own and what kind of use this money can be utilised, for example for food.”

·         Fox News guest PERFECTLY summarizes the World Economic Forum's 'Great Reset' agenda, in just one minute: "The WEF is a fanatical political organization that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they're the saviors, but really all you're doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global public-private fascist movement, and fusion of big government, big tech [and] big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently is them. …They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they are the lords ruling over us… That's what they're aiming for.”

·         1910 - Representatives of the Rockefellers, Rothschild, Morgan and other PRIVATE BANKERS gathered on Jekyll Island to create their privately owned Federal Reserve, which controls US Taxpayer monies.

·         Fri. 12 Jan. Remote Viewing, Jaco & Fountain:

N. Fri. 12 Jan. White Hat Military Alliance Intel:

·         Why did Julian Assange say the greatest foreign threat to America comes from Israel/the Israel lobby?

·         Why did the Shah of Iran in the 1960s, state that the Jewish lobby in America does not “advance the interests of either the people of the US, or Israel itself”?

·         Who is ultimately responsible for Ayatollah Khomeini’s rise to power?

·         Where was Osama bin-Laden educated?

·         How much foreign aid is sent to the nation of Israel each year by Washington DC?

·         What are “Israeli Loyalty Oath/Pledge of Allegiance laws” in US states?

·         Why is every newly elected US congressperson asked to sign a statement of fealty to Israel?

·         What happens to them if they don’t?

·         Why is the American Israeli Public Action Commission the largest bipartisan political lobby in the United States?

·         Who do they fund?

·         Who started Goldman Sachs?

·         Who was Bernie Madoff?

·         Who is Larry Fink?

·         Who is Antony Blinken?

·         Who is Klaus Schwab?

·         Who is Deborah Birx?

·         Who are these people REALLY? Questions lead to answers.

O. Fri. 12 Jan. White Hat Intel: Double Coups in Poland: White Hats vs. Deep State NATO and CIA

·         Both the White Hat Military Alliance and NATO/CIA/M16 Alliance start their Coups in Poland. It’s a double Coup.

·         The storming of the Polish Presidential Palace by police to arrest Elite individuals in corruption was planned and allowed by both the Deep State and White Hats (both wanted the arrests to happen that would start different movements and outcomes).

·         Military sources and Intel give information that both Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik are playing double agents in a massive corruption sting that is leading to civil unrest and near Civil war (forecast for summer fall) in Poland. These events come as Poland  military is highly compromised by the CIA NATO MI6 Operations.

·         The past two weeks inside of Polish military higher commands are sharing classified intelligence with lower commands, letting them know a MAJOR FALSE FLAG EVENT is in COMING as the Western Deep State agencies are using Poland to create WORLD WAR 3 SCENARIO EVENTS – a False Flag Event where Russia attacks with a missile.

·         The Polish Military White Hats are trying to move the uncompromised military leaders against the NATO CIA operators.

·         The real commands of the Polish military has direct back channels to Russia commands and U.S. military (white hats) channels.

·         Everything happening in Poland needs to happen.... Poland's 2024 fall government collapse will initiate Military protocols that will block out all outside influence and directions and bring in short term military guidance. This means The Storm operations that was always INTENDED.

·         POLAND is expected to FLIP against the NATO ( CIA/MI6/UN OPS ) at the same time

P. Fri. 12 Jan. White Hat Intel: The U.S. brings in MASS EXPOSURE of Military corruption among NATO and Global agenda operations.

·         Germany is getting ready to head into a massive Corruption scandal. Major EVENTS will hit The German European super power by late spring and the German government collapse will began with Major push back from German People and citizens as Super mass inflation hits and panic rise and Germany will see some of the biggest protests of the century.

·         The near World War III Events will trigger mass exposure of the World Health Organization, Gates and the Plandemic.

·         CIA, NATO Corruption: Over 40 countries across the World will experience Election Interference problems and massive Civil Unrest, leading to World Banks, the World Economic Forum, DAVOS, CIA Deep State World Military Agenda.

·         The World Storm Incoming: The Epstein Saga will shake the World, including the UN and Brussels.

·         After September Desantis WILL be on stage next to TRUMP publicly giving mass support, exposing climate change and WEF agenda (DAVOS).

·         The New World Order and World Health Organization were going to push for World control inside the Pandemic World Treaty expected to pass in May or soon after. Even if the Pandemic Treaty does not pass, the White Hat Military was going after DAVOS, World Economic Forum, Gates, World Health Organization, CIA, Rockefeller, Rothschilds World Banks.

·         The UN has closed their office and head branch in Geneva Switzerland, plus several places in the World into Asia.

·         The most powerful Elites such as Davos, BlackRock, Rothschild, CIA, Rockefellers don't have the money to pay off their deep state world structure operations and are in massive debt in their bribery rings, extortion rings and their Money laundering ops.

·         The world market money reports are false as the Wall Street fake numbers and are fake as Oprah Winfrey true wealth. Most billionaires have been living under the control of fake fiat money system and never see their money only through digital numbers that is hyper inflated through a pyramid scheme.

·         TRUMP, CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN, USSF, WHITE HATS AND THE WORLD ALLIANCE operations it was only possible to COLLAPSE THE DEEP STATE through their own Plans of a plandemic. White Hats intentionally pushed the New World Order State operations ahead of time by nearly eight years. This caused the death vaccines to be produced in a limited supply and most were saline based placebos ( still over 16 million died from the full vaccines affects worldwide and still happening as the immune systems were broken down).

·         Pushing the Plandemic agenda forward by several years early (GAME THEORY OPERATIONS) caused for the deep state corporation to go BANKRUPT immediately as BLACKROCK immediately filed for bankruptcy and millions of insurance companies and banks and investments firms closed through the world within 2 years. THE DEEP STATE NEVER RECOVERED from the COLLAPSE and the VATICAN immediately recalled all money and assets, the Rothschilds want private too hide their collapse. Switzerland ( DAVOS / CIA/MI6 /MOSSAD) hid all their last remaining funds inside the mountains.

·         The world corruption system is connected through German ELITE powers connected from early KAZARIAN Mafia that placed Rockefellers Rothschilds that control world orgs and governments through massive corruption into the United Nations and their agendas. UN (BRUSSELS) NATO. GERMANY. UK .U.S. (Israel) + are behind the wars and creation of the virus and death vaccines.

·         You are watching an important Game Theory Military Operation playing out it’s important final year as the Alliance goes after the UN, DAVOS, Fourth Reich, CIA and ET.

·         White Hats are painting a picture that European ELITES DAVOS ETC+ are inside a world COUP, and responsible for the 2020 & 2023 election rigging systems through bribery. Deep State military intelligence control of social media, MSM, , blackmail ring over U.S. branches of government and worldwide pedophilia human trafficking extortion ring.

·         Near Death Civilization Event in progress. Near death means WE WILL EXPERIENCE a very DARK moment and it will feel like we lost the battle and war (death), but planned were the powerful movements of the Military Alliance World Operations to expose the World Economic Forum, DAVOS, World Health Organization, Gates, CIA,. Elites, Deep State Military (you are already watching these EXPOSURE EVENTS happening in real time).

Q. Tues. 9 Jan. White Hat Intel: Steve Bannon waiting to drop some videos of Epstein.

·         Word is EPSTEIN is talking about human hybrids and human DNA experiments mixed with animal DNA... And these operations were created on different island... Just like the movie The Island of Dr. Moreau

·         From intelligence gatherings these operations were connected to making Mutant humans for CIA Alien agenda operations, but also these Human and Animal DNA Cross experiments was/IS for creating stronger ADRENOCHROME

R. Fri. 12 Jan. White Hat Intel: Both NATO CIA M16 Alliance and White Hat Military Alliance Start Coups in Poland.

·         The storming of the Polish Presidential Palace by police to arrest Elite individuals in corruption was planned and allowed by the Deep State and White Hats. (Both wanted the arrests to happen that would start different movements and outcomes).

·         Military sources and Intel give information that both Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik are playing double agents in a massive corruption sting that is leading to civil unrest and near Civil war (forecast for summer fall) in Poland.

·         These events come as Poland  Military is highly compromised by the CIA NATO M16 Operations.

·         The past two weeks inside of Polish military higher commands are sharing classified intelligence with lower commands, letting them know a MAJOR FALSE FLAG EVENT is in COMING as the Western deep agencies are using Poland to create WORLD WAR 3 SCENARIO EVENTS – a false event where Russia attacks with a missile.

·         The Polish Military White Hats are trying to move the uncompromised military leaders against the NATO CIA operators. The real commands of the Polish military has direct back channels to Russia commands and U.S. military (White Hats) channels

·         Poland's 2024 fall government collapse will initiate Military protocols that will block out all outside influence and directions and bring in short term military guidance.

·         POLAND is expected to FLIP against the NATO (CIA/MI6/UN OPS ) at the same time the U.S. brings in MASS EXPOSURE of Military corruption among NATO and Global agenda operations.

·         Germany is getting ready to head into a massive corruption scandal.

·         Major EVENTS will hit The German European super power by late spring.

·         The German government collapse will began with major push back from German People and citizens as super mass inflation hits and panic rise. Germany will see some of the biggest protests of the century and near WORLD WAR 3 events will trigger mass exposure of WHO, Gates Plandemic and CIA, NATO corruption.

·         Over 40 countries will experience Election Interference problems and massive Civil unrest – that the countries will uncover leads to World banks, World Economic Forum, DAVOS, CIA Deep State World Military Agenda. The World Storm is coming.

S. Fri. 12 Jan. White Hat Intel:

·         European Elites, DAVOS are inside a World Coup and responsible for the 2020 & 2023 election rigging systems through bribery, Deep State Military Intelligence control of social media, MSM Blackmail Ring over U.S. branches of government and worldwide pedophilia human trafficking extortion ring.

T. Sun. 14 Jan. White Hat Intel:

·         The people controlling BLACKROCK DAVOS Kazarian Mafia were now also stopping their ESG scoring operation that Blackmailed and Blackballed Fortune 500 companies and millions more small corporations into making them pushed the Pandemic and full censorship operations including vaccines rollout and cover up of side effects.

·         The controlled agenda of the ESG scoring effected trillions in the past years in companies losing money if they did not concede to the planned operations of pushing the Woke agenda Plandemic lock step operations, including pushing the gay transgender movement upon the public.

·         The ESG scoring rating system collapsed hundreds of thousands of companies and corporations and fired, or unemployed citizens through the world that would not cooperate with the WEF / DAVOS / BLACKROCK> ESG scoring system.

·         NOW a massive backlash is taking place as millions in the past 2 years have pulled investments from Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street Deep State investment operations.

·         The United Nations is closing several branches including Switzerland base due to lack of funding.

·         The real truth is a massive storm is going to hit the biggest banks in the world – six of the top ten banks: JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, HASC UK (London’s biggest bank) and the Agriculture Bank of China (WEF partnership).

·         This huge collapse is connected to a world Ponzi pyramid scheme operations Money Laundering operations connected to Deep State Military Intelligence controlled by world Elites with over 60% by the DAVOS group, Rockefellers, Rothschild, CCP, CIA Operations + UN NATO Operations.

·         The take down of the world banks and exposing the WARMONGERS who created the VIRUS, DEATH VACCINES and world agendas was always the plan of the White Hats connected to JFK.

·         Side Note: JFK created the Special Forces and other secret military operations that infiltrated the CIA DARPA operations. JFKs security team The Secret Service is an intelligence battalion that ran counter intelligence for almost a century (almost a100 years).

·         JFK was very well aware of the coming assassination. The Intel came from the Army intelligence insiders of several U.S. intelligence agencies, including plants inside the CIA and direct intelligence from the Secret Service.

·         JFK was well aware of the assassination date and full plans by the Deep State + CIA. It's long been known that Kings and Queens for over a thousand years had doubles and stand ins – as did several Popes and Cardinals.

U. The Fall Of The Cabal, or the End Of The World As We Know It, plus Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal!: Crime, Murder, Money Laundering, Cartels, High Treason – all of which exists right under your nose, Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

·         Take a dive into a Rabbit Hole. This is not a conspiracy theory, but merely facts compiled over the course of the last 20 + years condensed into a three hour segment consisting of ten parts. Set your cognitive dissonance aside and open your mind to what has been hidden from you for the last century. If you are new to this type of research, be warned: It’s not for the faint of heart. It deals with corruption, crimes, Satanic activities of the Elite, and people who we elect to run our World. In the end, you will be enlightened!


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