Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 17, 2024

 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 17, 2024


Judy Note:

·         On Wed. 17 Jan. information will be made public that may lead to the fall of the US Government. …Steve Bannon on Telegram, Tues. 16 Jan.

·         NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII! Polar Vortex Engulfs the US! 100 US Cities On Hot Zone List!

·         Tues. 16 Jan. No One Expected What is Coming, Charlie Ward, Josh Reid:


·         NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII: Greg Reese Podcast—NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII | Ellis Washington Report

·         Mon. 15 Jan. "The shot heard around the world" (QR's Royal Decree) coincides with Trump's winning IOWA, but why IOWA? Spell IOWA backwards. AWOI = American War Of Independence – the revolution of the American Colonies against Great Britain 1775-1783. Trump won IOWA. Maritime Law no more and HELLO Natural Law Republic of America.” …Dan Scavino 1/15/2024 - What a Weekend! Trump in IOWA! Scavino posts Shot heard around the world!

·         Mon. 15 Jan. The New York Times called the Iowa Caucus for Donald J. Trump with less than 1% of votes counted. Domination by POTUS45! TRUMP WINS IOWA! Trump Secures Resounding Victory in Iowa Caucus for Republican Presidential Nomination

·         Obama became an official renegade after the Trump Inauguration. He would go on to control the shadow presidency of Joe Biden from the Dark. Trump went on to become a shadow president himself in a very different Light. The two will clash in 2024. Trump calls it “The Last Battle.” Obama's only hope is to cause a major nationwide disruption: The Obama False Flag.

·         DUMBS Revealed: Walmart Retail Stores are actually covers for Deep Underground Military Bases with thousands of miles of Underground Tunnels linking them – we’re talking Evergreen, Hillary Clinton, Getty. Troops around the World are cleaning the Underground Tunnels and their surface in a full combat process.

·         Operation Paperclip: OPERATION PAPERCLIP was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by special agents of Army CIC, in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were taken from Germany to the United States, for U.S. government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.

·         One of many, many CIA, FBI, NSA Operations launched to control, enslave, and kill We the People is called, “Project MK-Ultra” (1953-73) Project MK-Ultra. … Ellis Washington Report Archive | Ellis Washington Report

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Arctic Weather, Oregon: “Oregon has fallen and we can’t move. The sun rise this morning gives us hope here. Even though all this is pretty it has been devastating to power lines, no heat in half of Oregon. One more ice storm then we should be done. Power lines are down everywhere across the state. Trees are broken with the weight of the ice. The 1-5 Freeway that goes the length of the state from California to Washington has been blocked for 24 hours. People can't move still, just sitting in their cars. Another ice storm is coming this afternoon. To add insult to injury they are dumping more Chemtrails on us again. Our whole state is at a standstill. My heat still works but not my toilet. My grandma used to say, ‘Any day above ground is a good day.’ I am sticking with that and hoping for the best till this is over.” …Bonni B.

A. Global Currency Reset:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Bruce: Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were looking for notification to set appointments anywhere from now through Fri. 19 Jan. It could happen tomorrow Wed. 17 Jan. or Thurs. 18 Jan, but likely tomorrow, and then we could go to our exchange/redemption appointments by Wed. 17 Jan. evening or Thurs. 18 Jan.

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Wolverine: “Things are happening.  Dubai 1 got released and finalized and Dubi 2, not sure if it finalized or not, but it is getting finalized and funded. When Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 are both finalized, then things will happen quickly. It is the nucleus for things to start and this cascades our liquidity. In Brazil it is already taking place (Liquidity). Whales getting travel expenses to go where they need to go to receive their blessing. This is a good sign. Other whales got their notifications and are to receive their blessings this week. Tomorrow I hope to hear more news, as we are waiting to get the notifications this week for the Tier4B group.”

·         Tues. 16 Jan. began the process of adjusting Capital requirements in gold to be infused into the new digital economy and we moved to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. (Chase bank announced IQD rate at $3.04. …Capt. Marvel)

·         Texas Snake: Tier4b will receive notification around the first of next week and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.

·         US National Popcorn Day is Fri. 19 Jan. 2024.

·         On Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse, plus the Cabal owned JP Morgan, which is a shareholder in the Bank of International Settlements, was scheduled to file for bankruptcy.

·         On Tues. 23 Jan. Steve Bannon announced on Telegram that the next day on Wed. 17 Jan. “facts will be made public that may lead to the fall of the US Government.” He could be referring to a Supreme Court announcement on 2020 Election Fraud (regarding cases before the Supreme Court: the Brunson Case, Florida Case and evidence submitted to SCOTUS from an official count of 2020 votes by the Military). A ruling in favor would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress, followed by Martial Law until a new Election could be held. Plus, since the now dissolved US Inc. was bankrupt and in order to finance the New Republic, the Global Currency Reset to gold/ asset-backed currency would need to be in place.

·         The fiat US Dollar was expected to be considered useless by around 11 March 2024.

B. GCR Recent History:

·         Mon. 15 Jan. In Dec. everything was ready in place to go. During Jan. all systems were being implemented through the monetary reform education.  As of today 15 Jan. they’re all international – from private banks like the one Aki [Iraqi bank friend] represents to international markets. It’s what we expected. There’s not more to say because everything is in print now. …Walkingstick

·         On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).

·         On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.

·         On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)) said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.

C. Tues. 16 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call :

·         Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) were looking for notification to set appointments anywhere from now through Fri. 19 Jan. It could happen tomorrow Wed. 17 Jan. or Thurs. 18 Jan, likely tomorrow, and then go to apt. by Thurs. 18 Jan.

·         Tier 3 Bond Holders in Reno, Geneva and Miami had stations to go through for their bonds.

·         Tier4b will not have stations but will have various people sitting down with us, one to verify your currency, one to do Zim, others would be handling your other currencies.

·         They want us to be in and out of our appointments in 30 min.

·         If you have other bonds take them with you to the Redemption Center.

·         Have one, preferably two photo ids, proof of where you live like a gas bill and organize your currency by denomination.

·         Word today was there was an in-country rate for the Dinar of over $3. Our rate at the Redemption Center will be higher. You could be offered a Contract Rate on the Dinar.

·         The Dong rate is way higher than we thought.

·         The Zim rate was on par with the USN.

·         Zim Holders have priority for the exchange and for the Med Beds.

D. Exchanges and Redemption:

·         Sat. 13 Jan. Gotta Know This at Redemption Center, Dave XRP Lion:

·         The Storm is Upon Us, We Are Not Going Back, XRP Lion: BREAKING! Dave XRP Lion: A Matter of Fact For All Truth Seekers!

·         Getting the RV Redemption Started: Getting the Process of RV Redemption Started – Inside the Exclusive World of Redemption Centers!

·         Redemption Center Protocol, XRP Lion: New Ddave XRP Lion - Gotta Know This at Redemption Centre: January 2024 (Must Watch) Trump News

E. Global Financial Crisis:

·         In two weeks it is expected that we will be integrating Quantum Technologies around the world. You can expect fluctuations in the market as many assets being tokenized and interfaced with Global Markets will bring our markets and banking system into alignment with one another under the new digital asset based trading system and Basel 3 compliance protocols. …Goldilocks

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Japan did an in-country test on the QFS on Christmas Day. India and a handful of other countries are doing an International pilot test on the QFS starting today. Pilot tests usually run at least 30 days that will take us to January 30th, 2024. On January 30th, 2024, the rest of the world will begin rolling out their connections to the QFS and utilizing the system. Each phase along the way will have a set of countries no longer using the US dollar in trade as the World Reserve Currency. This does not mean that all of them will make that decision, but it will level the playing field for countries around the world that want to start utilizing their own currencies. These new demands will increase the value of all the currencies involved inside this transition creating a Global Currency Reset through new trading volumes making their way into the Global Market. Watch the water. …Goldilocks

·         Tues. 16 Jan. China’s Stock Market is in Freefall:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Quantum Mechanics Uncovers Hidden Patterns in Stock Market:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. The Great American Banking and Retail Apocalypse: Why Are Banks and Retailers Closing Thousands of Branches in 2024.

·         From the Shadows for 150 years (1871-2021) the Rothschild Central Bankers in particularly have been using their trillions to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America, including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation that has enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every United Nations member state country in the world in the perpetual bondage of Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery TO THIS DAY! *N.B.: For further research and reading see my comprehensive 5-part essay series on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka Central Bankers). …Ellis Washington Report Archive | Ellis Washington Report

F. Restored Republic:

·         On Wed. 17 Jan. facts will be made public that may lead to the fall of the US Government. …Steve Bannon on Telegram Tues. 16 Jan.

·         Fri. 19 Jan. US National Popcorn Day.

·         Maritime Law to Constitutional or Common Law: EP. 91 - Learning Your Rights & Standing Up in the Fight to be FREE!

·         Tues. 16 Jan. VIDEO: Trump’s Vision for America: Unveiling Gesara Nesara – A Quantum Leap Towards the Future!

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Breaking! Classified Projects: Cheyenne Mountain, USSF, Trump, White Hats Military, Secret Government Operations, Military-industrial Complex and the Battle for Disclosure

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Obama’s Legal Weapons Of Mass Distraction – JFK Jr. How Long Has This Been Going On? Enjoy the Show!

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Med Beds in The USA: Why the Silence? High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA – Q & A about Med Beds – Proof Compilation!

G. Tues. 16 Jan. TOTAL PROOF: Barack Obama Is The Grandson of Adolf Hitler on His Mother’s Side – Grandmother Eva Braun 1944

H. ALWAYS REMEMBER! – Adolph Hitler did NOT commit suicide on April 30, 1945 – He (and tens of thousands of high-ranking Nazi Officers) came back home to America

·         Remember those original “1,600” Nazi Scientists and Doctors brought from Nazi Germany to America in Operation Paperclip, from my research and the research of other scholars like Dr. Jerome Corsi (Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence that Hitler Escaped Nazi Germany, 2009), in reality Nazi immigration and relocation back to America was perhaps over 10Xs more (16,000-20,000).

·         What else did Nazi officers, teacher, physicists, professors, engineers, doctors, lawyers, and scientists do besides build our NASA program?

·         They had girlfriends, they had wives, they had many, many, many babies over the past 80 years.

·         *N.B.: See, These Nazi Ã©migrés were given all of the most coveted, affluent, laudatory positions in American society.

·         These thousands and thousands of Nazi émigrés were appointed deans, presidents, professors of our most elitist Ivy-League and Public Ivy League schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, MIT, Northwestern, CAL Tech, Stanford, U of Chicago, U of Michigan, U of Texas – where they influenced and perverted the minds of generations and generations and generations of American students over the past 80 years… even to THIS DAY.

·         *N.B.: For further readings see, Nazi Lebensborn Program and my comprehensive law review article on the comprehensive extent of the Lebensborn Program in, Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law (2011). Greg Reese Podcast—NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII | Ellis Washington Report


I. The Real News for Tues. 16 Jan. 2024:

·         The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting takes place in Davos this week: 2,500 delegates, 1,000 private jets, Motorcades. A gigantic jamboree of hypocrisy where a bunch of corporatists brag about saving the planet by using virtue as smokescreen for their own greed.

·         Earlier today Tues. 16 Jan. 5th Circuit Court Judge Terry Doughty denied the Biden Administration filing of an “Emergency Stay” demanding the right to censor, silence and manipulate the American public.

·         White Hats Confirm Lloyd Austin Killed in Ukraine:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Chicago-area Tesla charging stations lined with "dead" electric cars in freezing cold.

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Oregon has fallen power lines across the state, no heat in half of Oregon. Trees are broken with weight of the ice. The 1-5 Freeway that goes the length of the state from California to Washington has been blocked for 24 hours. People can't move still, just sitting in their cars. Another ice storm is coming this afternoon.

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Washington DC: Health officials warn travelers at Dulles and Reagan airports that they may have been exposed to "highly contagious measles."

·         Tues. 16 Jan. 2024: A Contract for the sale of Hitler's soul. Hitler's contract — is one of the relatively recent exhibits in the Vatican's Lucifer Museum. In addition, Italian and German experts unanimously confirm the authenticity of this document. The treaty itself was found after the end of World War II in a burnt-out house. The fact of signing the treaty dates back to April 30, 1932 — that is the date of the document. Moreover, Hitler's signature is also authentic which was confirmed by numerous graph logical examinations. Under the terms of the signed contract, the Devil gives Hitler power over the world for 13 years, after which the latter must give him his soul. Judging by the timing of the signing of the treaty and Hitler's suicide on April 30, 1945, the facts presented are true.

·         Mon. 15 Jan. Charlie Ward: Insiders Club With Josh Reid - No One Expected What's Coming!

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Jan. 6 Victim Family Files $30 Million Wrongful Death Suit Against US Inc.

J. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Jeffrey Epstein Employee Opens Up About Everything. New videos from Epstein Island Going Viral:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Utah: Shocking footage released shows Utah police finding young girls stuffed inside 50-gallon barrels at a property belonging to doomsday cult pedophiles.

·         A Palm Beach Law Firm Partner whose clients include the DNC and several Democrats in Congress was convicted for possessing massive amounts of child porn. He was sentenced to just 48 months in prison.

·         Thurs. 31 Jan. 2019 Pope Francis Convicted of Child Rape, Murder

·         Thurs. 26 April 2018 Pope Plans Annual Child Sacrifice for June 21:

·         Wed. 17 May 2017 Vatican, Global Elites Found Guilty of Child Sacrifice in International Court:

·         Mon. 15 May 2017 Cult Arrested With Caged Abused Babies and Body Parts Released Without Charges:

L. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. BREAKING NOW: Mutant Coronavirus Strain with 100% Kill Rate Emerges from Chinese Labs – Just in Time for the 2024 Election!

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Johnson & Johnson knowingly sold baby powder containing cancer causing asbestos.

·         Ivermectin, AKA “horse de-wormer,” has not only been vindicated as an effective treatment for COVID, but it is now also showing profound anti-cancer properties. Dr. Paul Marik attests to this: “The horse de-wormer is very effective against certain cancers. We know of cases of patients who had solid tumors who were given the horse dewormer (ivermectin), and together with some other drugs ... the cancer disappeared.”

·         Cancer can be cured with high-frequency sound waves! Big Phrama is hiding this information.

·         Salt helps water get inside your cells. Of all the ingredient chemicals that have been demonized over the years, sodium has to be one of the most significant. It’s only when you combine a high-salt diet consisting of tons of junk food, with a sedentary lifestyle and generally poor health choices that you get the harmful effects of sodium. Simply put, salt alone is NOT to blame for conditions such as high blood pressure, at least in the vast majority of people. Despite the FDA’s sodium-reduction push, research has proven that not only is sodium not nearly as bad as it’s said to be, but you are actually missing out on the vital benefits of it. 

·         U.S. Doctors warn the world to stop taking the Covid Vaccines. They are toxic, lethal, ineffective and must be stopped. They damage the brain, heart, liver, bone marrow, fetus and cause harm in the human body leading to injury and death.

·         “The shot Pfizer and Moderna offered us made the COVID situation worse. I’ve never seen a vaccine like this,” testified pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan. According to a Cleveland Clinic study, the people who had the most shots had the greatest chance of contracting COVID. “The lowest risk for getting COVID is if you’ve had zero vaccines. As you add vaccines, your risk of getting COVID goes up. I’ve never seen a vaccine like this. That’s not the basis of vaccines.”

·         The CIA Director has admitted plans for geo-engineering aka chemtrails.

·         Suzanne Humphries, MD: “A baby is injected with 24 diseases by the age of 24 weeks. No vaccine has ever been proven safe. No vaccine has ever been proven effective. No two vaccines have ever been tested together for their efficacy.”

M. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·         China Military Invasion of Taiwan:

·         Tues. 16 Jan. Iran Military personnel were collecting the bodies of dead MOSSAD agents from their bombed headquarters in Iraq. Looks like the Jews are starting to get a little payback for the suffering they've caused during their genocide against Palestinian women and children.

·         Scotland Yard has launched an investigation of Israel for its war crimes in Gaza. A War Crimes Unit of the British police force is gathering evidence to take to the International Criminal Court. They are investigating Israel's use of banned white-phosphorus on civilians, as well as the responsibility under international law for countries who are supplying weapons that are currently being used to commit War Crimes (United States). He's also rightly asserting that if the ICC fails to prosecute the crimes being committed by Israel, then it will reveal itself as being nothing more than a tool for the West and at that moment it will become completely irrelevant.

N. Tues. 16 Jan. New World Order Plot Has Unraveled, Fulford: "World Patriots, Rejoice: The Deep State's Second Pandemic and NWO Plot Has Unraveled!"

·         Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Patriots and Freedom Fighters, this is a moment to celebrate, for your unyielding spirit has once again triumphed against the shadowy deep state and their globalist agenda.

·         Your voices, your unshakable commitment to the truth, have played a pivotal role in exposing the hidden agenda, thereby thwarting the second planned pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. The globalist deep state has been forced to abandon their malevolent scheme thanks to the MASSIVE AWAKENING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN!

·         Across more than 100 nations their sinister plan has crumbled, with fewer than 5% of Americans succumbing to their booster shot agenda. Across the globe, consensus has been reached that the world refuses to bow to new lockdowns, and most now see a sinister elite agenda lurking behind the pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns. Moreover, nations are awakening to the stark corruption undermining their two-tier governments, suppressing human rights, and censoring freedom of speech!

·         "Secret Vaxx Warehouses - A Billion-Dollar Fiasco": Behind closed doors, the colossal failure of vaccine storage and distribution unfolds. Warehouses across the globe are overflowing, and the blunders are costing BlackRock and others hundreds of billions as vaccines languish without proper storage and cooling. Quietly, these vaccines are being destroyed, making this revelation a powerful testament to our fight against the deep state cabal.

·         "The Power of the Great Awakening": This moment signifies a monumental victory against the deep state cabal and underscores the potency of the Great Awakening, spreading like wildfire worldwide. Your voices are the antidote to the deep state's lies, overcoming mainstream media misinformation, social media censorship, government suppression, and globalist narratives.

·         "Deep State Panic and the WW3 Scheme": As the globalist cabal panics, they endeavor to concoct a WW3 scenario to fuel their illicit money laundering operations, extracting trillions from the U.S., EU, Canada, Australia, Israel, and the puppet Ukrainian regime controlled by the CIA. But their war machinations have crumbled as Ukraine's regime, feeling betrayed and abandoned, admits defeat.

·         "Israeli Civil War Looms": Behind the curtains in Israel, the military plans to remove Netanyahu, paving the way for tribunals. A civil war looms, scheduled for 2024, as over 80% of Israelis lose faith in their government. White hat military strategists are preparing intricate Game Theory Operations for a bloodless military coup.

·         "Revelations Await in 2024": In 2024, brace for groundbreaking revelations as military white hats and courageous individuals in the medical, government, and the broader pharmaceutical industry unleash hidden data on vaccine tests, fatalities, damages, and the corrupt agendas of global investment giants such as BlackRock, who manipulated, bribed, blackmailed, and laundered money to push through COVID-19 vaccines.

·         "Global Riots and Protests" A wave of worldwide unrest will sweep through the streets, targeting the establishment in the medical, big pharma, big tech, and industries entwined with governments, presidents, and regimes beholden to globalist agendas and control. The depopulation agenda will cease to be a conspiracy, as the U.S. Congress launches investigations, intersecting with the 2024 election interference and the previous 2020 election meddling.

·         "A Planned Military Coup?" This looming storm will be masterfully framed by the white hats as a meticulously orchestrated military coup engineered by the globalists, in collusion with the likes of Obama, the CIA, Pentagon, and the DOJ, extending its reach to the European Union, Canada, Australia, and the rest of the world.

·         Remember, Patriots, everything converges towards Q. "Trust the Plan, Military Is the Only Way." Place your trust in the plan, for the military stands as the only bastion against the encroaching darkness. And We Win.

O. Mon. 15 Jan. White Hat Intel: What's going on with the real UFOs, UAPs (manmade & reverse Alien Tech & real recovered UFOs), Aliens and Underground Bases:

·         Congress, some Senators and Military commands not in the know were being briefed on what’s happening with the real White Hat Disclosure Operations.

·         IT'S A BIG MESS, and the Military is looking to Military laws and protocols on how to handle let situations.

·         The super advanced technology that creates UAPs is very sensitive topic because this technology can be used by terrorist and enemies of the U.S. to create super weapons that can unleash real Star Wars scenarios on earth with mass casualties in minutes.

·         Materials that are used to create the man made UAPs is found worldwide in all countries. Humans, terrorists and U.S. enemies have the power and resources to create advanced UAPS and super advanced weapons not only from the CLASSIFIED PROJECTS of the DEEP STATE DARK OPS, but also from White Hats CLASSIFIED PROJECTS.

·         This means White Hats in the Military, Congress, Senate and US Elites with USSF are trying to find a way to release the DISCLOSURE PROJECT AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY that cannot lead to Terrorists, enemies of the state and other nations to build super weapons.

·         This is only part of the big dilemma (BIG MESS) that's going on behind the scenes.


·         Once the technology and disclosure projects happen millions of millionaires and Billionaires WILL want the blue prints and more over several countries across the world inside the ALLIANCE OPERATIONS will also want the full disclosure on they are built. AND A HUGE BLACK MARKET WILL EVOLVE (corruption, money laundering, blackmail etc) in order to gain the technology and replicate and produce.


·         The government, military and all the classified operations connected to UFO, UAPs and Tesla energy, invite infinite Zero Point Energy. Several Military operations, military contractors and private security contractors in the U.S. Military Industrial Complex system have killed each other in several operations that have been CLASSIFIED.

·         From DEEP DARK Operations of the Boeing, Lockheed Martin skunk works, CIA, Pentagon, Raytheon, UFO, UAPs retrieval programs have all been involved in military gun fights and battles to keep their illegal constitutional operations going.

·         A lot of the gun fights between the U.S. military and secret Deep Dark ops. Was about concealing, hiding underground military bases and real UFO. UAPs and super advanced technology. Many of these guns battles happened over UAP retrieval operations

·         Example: George w Bush, the Pentagon, CIA and top generals knew in 2004 a gun fight happened in Northern Nevada. Lockheed Martin tested a UAP that was using Infinite energy had crashed in the region. US Army General Stanley A. McChrystal commander of U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), sent in the military to retrieve the UAP, but the Deep State DEEP DARK OPS Lockheed Martin Military contractors killed U.S. military soldiers (JSOC) in the gun battle. (Lockheed Martin didn't want the U.S. military in possession of the UAP technology).

·         Immediately the Pentagon and George W. Bush CLASSIFIED the Nevada gun fight and illegal unconstitutional operations by Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Military were told to stand down.

·         This is just one example of U.S. soldiers fighting the unconstitutional Deep State US Military Industrial Complex System Operations

·         Other Whistleblowers from the military have told Congress about UAPs in other countries where U.S. soldiers have been assaulted by Deep State military contractors.

·         Including U.S. Marine Michael Herrera accounts that military contractors are using UAPs for human trafficking.

·         Congress, Military and Elite White Hats know that exposing the real Alien cover ups, UFO and manmade UAPs super advanced technology is leading to EXPOSING CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS THAT HAVE KILLED U.S. SOLDIERS on US soil.

·         There is massive corruption at the highest levels in government and will lead to hundreds of billions in law suits and trillions of dollars lost to cover their money laundering system.

·         Cheyenne Mountain, USSF, Trump, White Hat Military is telling Congress that they better expose the truth. No matter what happens the Hammer is going to drop.




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