Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 22, 2024


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 22, 2024


Judy Note: “I believe that America was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by idiots.” See more of Louisiana Senator John Kennedy’s wise advice as given to CPAC:

·         Sun. 21 Jan. Disease X: “The next terror campaign on the world is already being planned,” says Dr. David Martin. "What they're doing right now is they're planning the sequence of events where they can actually cascade another terror campaign, which then triggers not only the need for allegedly another medical countermeasure, but it also, this time, is going to involve the other piece that they failed to achieve with the COVID campaign, which is the eradication of cash-based transactions. They blundered their way into Covid, and unfortunately (for them), they did not do the full control takeover that they wanted, which is exactly what is on the agenda for Davos this week."

·         Investigative Journalists: US Government Funding it’s Own Border Crisis, Trafficking Children; Congress Not Interested In Doing Anything About It: They Are Exposing the Entire US Invasion From Start to Finish! - Redacted News Video | War and Conflict

·         The Satan worshipping Elite Grey Pope Pepe Orsini rules over the White and Black Popes, plus the 13 Illuminati Blood Cult Families, who direct the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, who run the Global Financial System, who created the Israel Zionist Jews (fake Jews), who were the ancestors of the House of Saud (Saudi Royal Family), and that was why Saudi Arabia didn’t want to join BRICS – they would be a part of the Great Reset CBDC digital currency system, which gave Central Bankers absolute control over citizens lives and how they spend their money.

·         Long ago Luciferian billionaire David Rockefeller admitted that controlling the world population growth was these Elite's top agenda. He thought of himself and his rich Illuminati Blood Cult buddies had the right to mass murder most of the World population so they could have the planet to themselves.

·         “From the Shadows for 150 years (1871-2021) the Rothschild Central Bankers have been using their trillions to effectively enslave hundreds of millions of people in America, including billions and billions of people worldwide under the treacherous legislation called the District of Columbia Act of 1871. In England this law was called the 1871 Act of England and a version of this evil, Machiavellian legislation that has enslaved America and the world for 150 years exits in virtually every United Nations member state country in the world in the perpetual bondage of Chattel Slavery and Debt Slavery TO THIS DAY! See a five part essay series on the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (aka Central Bankers).” …Ellis Washington Report Archive Ellis Washington Report

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Shadows On The Vatican: Black Nobility, White Pope, Grey Pope, Black Pope and Their Secret Societies in the Vatican

·         In 2020 the Vatican International Pedophile Network Started to Go Down As 650 Plane Loads of Gold Was Repatriated to the US and other Treasuries Worldwide: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury

·         Sat. 20 Jan. HAARP Uncovered: Revealed: Top-Secret HAARP Facilities and Military Bases Around the Globe Uncovered!

·         Sat. 20 Jan. HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda: NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Exposes HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda: Assassination and Mind Control

·         Jan. 6 Riot: Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security on January 6th and turned down an offer by Trump for 10,000 National Guard troops. On Pelosi’s computer was proof that she actually coordinated the riot. It appeared that Pelosi used 200 FBI agents to infiltrate the Trump crowd. A censored video shows weapons being handed out from inside the Capital. Nancy’s daughter took pictures at the scene, edited them to fit Nancy’s narrative and then sold the film to news stations. Sat. 20 Jan. Delta Force Arrests DC Attorney for Treason:

·         Russia went into their own providence of Ukraine to liberate the Ukrainian people from the Pedophile Nazi dictators who took over that Russian providence eight years ago. Their most important mission: to rescue children caught in an International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring who resided in an extensive labyrinth of Underground DUMB Tunnels (including a tunnel beneath a Biden owned 200 acre Ukraine property), plus to destroy a maze of illegal US bio-weapon labs – a mission they have now accomplished.

·         GESARA to be announced and a new Quantum Financial System – a new World for We The People – slaves of the Cabal no more.

·         Sun. 21 Jan. So-called “Climate Crisis”: Deputy managing director of the IMF, Bo Li, admits that countries are required to enforce climate policies as a condition of borrowing money from the IMF. So globalist financial bodies, under the UN, are forcing governments to force corporations to force YOU into complying with totalitarian Net Zero policies, in order to solve a non-existent problem (the "climate crisis").

A. Timing:

·         On 21 Nov. 2022 (Thanksgiving) a Global Currency Reset agreement was signed by 209 nations in Geneva Switzerland and the US Treasury signed an agreement with the Chinese Elders. …Dave XRP Lion

·         Thurs. 11 Jan. was the start of a worldwide financial Armageddon as it was the end of the Deep State Banks Reverse Repurchase Agreements they had created to cover up bank bankruptcies.

·         On Mon. 15 Jan. the Global Financial System moved from the old fiat SWIFT System to the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System.

·         On Tues. 23 Jan. the Deep State’s giant JP Morgan Bank to announce bankruptcy, and all banks across the World that were not Basel III Compliant (have gold/asset-backed monies) would be closed - setting the stage for a Global Financial Collapse - that would be saved by a Global Currency Reset – that would take down the Deep State Cabal and their International Child Sex Trafficking Ring.

·         On Thurs. 25 Jan. there would be an announcement that Princess Diana, John McAfee. John F. Kennedy Jr. and Jeffrey Epstein were alive.

·         By the end of this week all Navy ships are in position around the world waiting for the go signal. Confirmed by Military sources. …Amiel Alston on Telegram Fri. 19 Jan.

·         The fiat US Dollar was expected to be considered useless by around 11 March 2024.

B. Global Currency Reset:

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Wolverine: “Ok guys this is what it is at the moment. Charlie has been told to remain silent which is a good sign. Mauricio is under NDA. D1 has been released fully. D2 we have not received confirmation if it has been finished yet as it’s huge. Basel III gets finalized on 23rd January and it’s going to be huge.

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Dave XRP Lion received word of the Green Light this morning, get ready people, and pray.

C. Sun. 21 Jan. 2024 The Redemption Process: Getting the Process of RV Redemption Started – Inside the Exclusive World of Redemption Centers!

·         Preparation Phase: Gather two bills (electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc.) to prove your address, have two types of identification documents with photo. Divide your currency and bonds in separate piles in order from lowest value to highest in value. Have your current bank information and account number, a sheet explaining your goals for the first 30, 60 and 90 days, and a sheet with any questions you may have.

·         Notification phase: There are several ways to be notified. People in the US will only receive emails on a “case-by-case” basis. The remainder will be announced in the US and internationally through various media outlets including Bruce, MarkZ, Intel Dinar Chronicles, PPN, TNT Tony, Dinar Recap and Zorra.

·         Once you have a phone number to call for your appointment, call and ask any questions you may have to ensure you understand the address of your appointment location.

·         If you provide your email address, we will send you an email with the agreed address and time, giving you peace of mind.

·         Ask if you can bring someone with you, or your partner, or if you can both go at the same time. Please ask any questions you have. This also shows that you are a professional and know what you are doing.

·         Redemption Process: Upon arrival, you begin the process of passing through the various “stations” that are part of the rescue. Each of these stations has one or more employees who will guide you on what to do. If you don’t understand, please ask. Once you hand over your ID, the police will check that your police record is clean, provide proof of address and present your currency, which will be checked in front of you at a De La Rue machine, which is genuine.

·         Once all of this is verified, you will receive a 3-page NDA (non-disclosure document). You must read it carefully and sign it. They will give you a copy. (They said they would put an NDA on the link so that people would have enough time to read, understand, and sign it. They would let us know if that was correct.) The station will then continue with a meeting with project experts, where they will explain the project that you presented.

·         They will agree on an interest rate to be offered to you and you will meet with your financial advisor, accountant, bank representative and anyone else who needs to be involved in the process. If you need a trust and have one, you will need to present the certificate within it and have it signed and sealed by a notary public. If you don’t have one, we will provide a temporary one.

D. Global Financial Crisis:

·         Sun. 21 Jan. BREAKING!!! It’s Happening. Listen Up. Just last Monday We’ve Moved From the Old Cabal Fiat Money System to the QFS Money System

·         A Florida Republican senator says the recent expansion of BRICS poses a threat to the SWIFT payment system and America’s ability to weaponize the dollar to sanction people and nations.

·         Sun. 21 Jan. The Deep State Cabal’s Great Reset: Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, recently let slip her plan to launch a CBDC version of the Euro, which will give central bankers absolute control over how citizens can spend their money.

·         Sun. 21 Jan. "The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing" said Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts, as he dropped serious truth bombs about the World Economic Forum—and its dystopian Great Reset agenda—in the Australian parliament. "Klaus Schwab's 'life by subscription' is really serfdom. It's slavery. Billionaire, globalist corporations will own everything—homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture—and everyday citizens will rent what they need, if their social credit score allows."

E. Restored Republics:

·         The new President of Argentina, Javier Milel, who truly loves his country, is working hard and, according to many in the “know,” MAKING GREAT PROGRESS! He inherited a “total mess,” but he is MAGA (MAKE ARGENTINA GREAT AGAIN!), working very hard and, against long odds, will succeed. I look forward to helping him in the future! …President Donald J. Trump

F. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·         Sat. 20 Jan. The first warning was given two days ago here. As of this morning, the U.S. Ain Al-Assad military base in Iraq was hit with 17 rockets; and smoke is now rising from it. It is not over. I repeat. U.S. military installations in the Middle East are no longer safe. Things are about to happen.

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Israel Occupation of Palestine SITREP Latest: In South Africa's lawsuit against Israel, the hearings will continue in February. Indonesia has filed its own complaint with the ICJ. The country is against the "Israeli occupation of Palestine, which has lasted for more than 70 years". Slovenia intends to support Indonesia's claim. Nicaragua also wants to file a lawsuit at the ICJ against Israel to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip. Arab sources report that yesterday's shelling of the US base "Ein al-Assad" was the largest ever. Up to 40 missiles were fired. Preliminary buildings, hangars and equipment were damaged, and wounded are among the US militants. Krakhmalnoye near Kupyansk in Kharkov region was liberated

G. The Real News Sun. 21 Jan. 2024:

·         Sun. 21 Jan. Princess Diana – ALIVE; John McAfee – ALIVE; John F. Kennedy Jr. – ALIVE; Jeffrey Epstein – ALIVE; The Royal Family tried to SILENCE ME!; The American government tried to assassinate John McAfee!; The American government tried to silence and assassinate John F. Kennedy Jr!; The pedophiles tried to hide Jeffrey Epstein and THE LIST!; Prince Andrew, Prince Charles, Joe Biden and many more are on that list! In 4 days the WHOLE WORLD will SEE and HEAR EVERYTHING! …Princess Diana on Telegram Sun. 21 Jan. 2024.

·         Sun. 21 Jan. Clif High, SG Anon, Q Drop & David Nino Rodriguez: 01.21 - Game Over!

·         Sun. 21 Jan. JAG Claims 97 Media Arrests in Last Two Months:

·         Sun. 21 Jan. New York Child Trafficking Tunnels A City Built Beneath: Charlie Ward: Situation Update Jan 21: Josh Reid on the Insiders Club!

·         Sun. 21 Jan. Biden Top Military Brass Caught in Game Over, Fulford:

·         Multiple US personnel wounded in Iranian Missile Attack on Iraq Base:

·         Sun. 21 Jan. France: Incredible. French farmers have now created a blockade on highway A64 near Toulouse. Similar to their German counterparts, French farmers are also fed up with crippling, globalist policies in the name of curbing climate change. Earlier this week, French farmers dumped more than a hundred trailers' worth of manure and waste in protest. Now they are doing this.

·         Fri. 19 Jan. New Monkey Werx: PANIC in Davos! SITREP 1.18.24

·         Fri. 19 Jan. Klaus Schwab:

·         Sun. 21 Jan. Glenn Beck presents “Ukraine – the Final Piece.” Iran = Obama sends $150 billion in cash to Iran before leaving office in 2016. John Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian national. Ukraine = Hunter Biden/Joe Biden dealings & corruption, stealing millions from American tax payers to funnel money to Ukraine. Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul sits on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Romney’s son does too. John Kerry’s son. Biden’s son. Now you know why we're "helping" Ukraine & why Pelosi is still here. Having fun yet? The tentacles of Ukraine corruption capture Cofer Black of Bush's 9/11 cabinet, Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Pelosi, Bolton, John Kerry, Romney, & the Clintons.

·         Sat. 20 Jan. OOPS!! This was BROADCASTED LIVE EVERYWHERE!!

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Trump’s Global Military Operation, Fulford:

·         Sat. 20 Jan. No One Expected this Emergency Situation Update, Charlie Ward:

·         Obama faked his name, religion, wife, kids, birthplace, nationality, education, career and allegiance. And then he sealed his records in his very first Executive Order to stop the public from finding out.

·         Fri. 19 Jan. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, speaking at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual Davos summit: “Digital ID is necessary, not only for financial services, but also for school enrolment, determining who is and isn't vaccinated, and the receipt of government subsidies.” The WEF has just confirmed global CBDC. They will recognize that they will track what you eat, your travels, who you communicate with and everything else you do in life. This is why they are freaking everyone out about the “climate crisis”: To track and control everything we buy and consume.

·         Sat. 20 Jan. The Pope's Exorcist who performed 70,000 exorcisms says politicians 'possessed by Devil':

·         The Biden Crime Family:

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Black Swan Event Headed Our Way:

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Delta Force Arrests DC Attorney for Treason:

·         Sat. 20 Jan. BOMBSHELL! New Hampshire Republicans Introduce Game-Changing Bill Against Geoengineering – Chemtrails No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·         Trump has led the charge on the global human trafficking crisis since January 2017. Check the Executive Orders. Trump now vows to “use title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis.”

·         On April 1, 2020, a nurse claimed she was being sent to Central Park COVID-19 Quarantine to assist thousands of children who were being saved in from an underground tunnel in Central Park N.Y. Images began leaking of nurses with baby supplies at the Quarantine. It’s crazy how I was attacked for posting this in May last year.

·         Tues. 21 April 2020 Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities

·         Sat. 20 Jan. Numbers are growing extremely fast! Over 1000 kids are missing from OHIO.

·         Sat. 20 Jan. The following hotels have lawsuits filed against them for Human Trafficking. Their rooms were found to have hidden cameras for spying to see who can be kidnapped: Hilton, Wyndham, Days Inn, Super 8, Best Western, Red Lion, Marriot, Choice Hotels, Extended Stay America and Motel 6.

I. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·         120,000 American children “Died Suddenly” after Jab: A report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children “DIED SUDDENLY” following the rollout of the mRNA Covid jabs.

·         Hospitals in Denver, Colorado have been vaccinating their staff with live Ebola, with a shed rate of up to 31%.

·         “I’ve never seen a vaccine like this,” testified pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan. The shot Pfizer and Moderna offered us made the COVID situation worse. According to a Cleveland Clinic study, the people who had the most shots had the greatest chance of contracting COVID. “The lowest risk for getting COVID is if you’ve had zero vaccines. As you add vaccines, your risk of getting COVID goes up. I’ve never seen a vaccine like this. That’s not the basis of vaccines.”

·         “Anthony Fauci is a “guilty man,” says renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. “He’s responsible for a massive loss of life in the world.” Dr. McCullough outlined Fauci’s two biggest crimes: (1.) Fraud: “He defrauded the country on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, on early treatment of the syndrome, and on Covid-19 vaccine safety and efficacy.” (2.) Mass Negligent Homicide: Fauci’s “actions led to unnecessary deaths. He’s a guilty man, and he’s responsible for a massive loss of life in the world.”

·         The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wrote a draft alert to warn local and state health officials of the link between Covid-19 vaccines and Myocarditis, then scrapped it to keep Americans in the dark about vaccine dangers:

·         Scientists warn: ancient "zombie viruses" may soon be unleashed from Siberian permafrost due to "global warming." They will create "a new deadly pandemic."

J. BLOOD MONEY Here are the TOP 10 POLITICIANS taking influence money from ISRAEL, Fulford:

·         1) Joe Biden: By far Israel’s most well-funded supporter, Joe “the big guy” Biden has taken in a whopping $4,346,264 dollars that we know of from the Jewish state. From the very beginning, Biden has bragged that he is “an implacable friend of Israel” who throughout his Senate career “showered Israel with unquestioning support, even when its behavior elicited bipartisan outrage.” Biden infamously helped to block a 1998 peace proposal with Palestine while securing record sums of U.S aid for the Jewish state. More recently, Biden has boasted that there are “no red lines” that Israel could ever cross that would cause the Jewish state to lose U.S. support. Back in November, Biden rubber-stamped another $14.5 billion in military aid to Israel to ensure a greater chance of success in Gaza.

·         2) Robert Menéndez: This Democrat New Jersey senator has raked in nearly $2.5 million in contributions from Israel for his unquestioning support for the Jewish state. Following the October 7 Hamas attack, Menéndez delivered a prepared speech to Biden calling for his regime to “stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel and her people,” a cause that Menéndez says he has been “devoted to … for 31 years in Congress. 

·         3) Mitch McConnell: This Republican political dinosaur has amassed nearly $2 million in blood money from Israel for playing a critical role in promoting the Zionist agenda via American politics. A close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, McConnell has condemned the United Nations (UN) and called on the U.S. to veto any UN resolution that in any way criticizes Israel.

·         4) Chuck Schumer: This prominent New York Democrat has taken in more than $1.725 million from the Israel lobby, in part for the role he is playing in steering the public conversation away from Israel’s war crimes and towards an alleged increase in “antisemitism” across America over the war in Gaza.

·         5) Steny Hoyer: The former House Majority Leader continues to be one of Israel’s most vocal supporters in the House of Representatives, having called on Congress to “immediately and unconditionally fund Israel.”

·         6) Ted Cruz: This Texas Republican has received $1.3 million from the Israel lobby, stating that it is “critical” for every American to support Israel “100 percent.” Cruz is notorious for repeating the “human shields” line about Hamas, stating that Israel “has a right to defend itself” by committing genocide in Gaza.

·         7) Ron Wyden: This Oregon Democrat has accepted a cool nearly $1.28 million from Israel, having co-sponsored a bill in 2017 to punish Americans with a maximum 20-year prison sentence for participating in or even just encouraging boycotts against Israel and Israeli settlements.

·         8) Dick Durbin: Durbin’s nearly $1.2 million in bribe money from Israel is part of the reason why the Illinois Democrat called for immediate military aid to Israel after October 7, as well as his co-signing of a Senate resolution reaffirming Washington’s support for Israel’s “right to self-defense.”

·         9) Josh Gottheimer: The more than $1.1 million that this New Jersey congressman has taken in from Israel is money well spent, seeing as how Gottheimer co-sponsored a bill equating opposition to the Israeli government’s actions with “antisemitism.”

·         10) Shontel Brown: During the two-year election cycle in 2020, this Ohio politician raked in more pro-Israel money than any other politician nationwide. Brown unequivocally supports Israel’s actions in Gaza and rejects the idea that Israel is an apartheid state.


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