Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 31, 2024


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 31, 2024


Judy Note: America was no longer subject to the US Inc.’s 1871 Corporation Act and as of March 2024 their privately owned Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar would be no more.

The Vatican Bank has long been stripped of it’s gold, which was returned to it’s rightful owners, mainly the new US Treasury near Reno Nevada.

Central Banks across the Globe were shutting down — bankrupted. Bank runs have begun.

US Inc. itself was also bankrupt and soon their old financial systems would no longer exist – that included the US Inc’s Congress, White House, IRS and Federal Reserve, while US Inc.’s three letter agencies would no longer be funded, nor would they have access to the new gold/asset-backed US Note of the Global Currency Reset that was rolling out this week.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. The Plan, Charlie Ward, SGAnon:

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Texas Preparing to be an Independent Sovereign Nation? A Texas committee has passed a bill to create 100% gold and silver-backed transactional currencies as Texas applied to join BRICS. There were 27 other states also taking steps to be declared Sovereign with gold-backed currencies, while they supported Texas in their fight against the feds. at the Border. Texas Gov Abbott has returned from making trade deals with India.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. It’s BQQM Time! John Fitzgerald Kennedy: The Beginner and the Origin of “Q” – The Greatest Intelligence Operation of Our Time – You Must Watch the Video to Believe

·         Judge Lewis Kaplan took a $5,000,000 BRIBE from Joe Biden to convict Donald Trump. Trump's attorney, Alina Habba posted proof of Judge Lewis Kaplan’s guilt on her Telegram channel.

·         Sat. 3 Dec. 2022: Biden, Pelosi, Obama Charged with Treason, Collusion with CCP on 2020 Voter Fraud, Pedophile Ring Run out of the White House

·         Tucker Carlsen: “A Yale Research Study released last week said that there were 22 plus million illegal aliens in the US. Democrats have called for a policy that would legalize all illegal aliens and give them voting rights. By far most illegal aliens vote for Democrats. After all, Democrats are the ones who give them money to immigrate here. They work with the UN and are responsible for the illegal invasion of the US. The Center for Immigration Studies shows that right now $372 million in cash and credit cards has been set aside to feed, house and transport the 624,300 illegal immigrants in transport to the US right now.”

A. Timing:

·         Fri. 26 Jan. Holly This is how I have been told things go: It’s RV, then the government take down and EBS/EAS including NESARA. The RV funds the Republic which they can then stand up. The Government take down is done publicly and does away with the corporation and Federal Reserve. The Republic has the US treasury which is backed by gold and the gold standard is implemented.

·         Sun. 28 Jan. Charlie Ward: The Event should be about three days based on Bay Of Pigs. Then 10 day shutdown of Earth and Activation of Military EBS to TVs & Radio's Worldwide. At the same time all Governments Worldwide will be stood down as well as further arrests. We will then be having GESARA Blockchain Elections. We will be having govts 10% the size of what they are currently. All new people.

·         Quantum Internet. The Internet is Rebooted. No more Microsoft. Everything wiped. The current internet is Operation Mockingbird. Same as TV, Newspapers etc. Will not be anywhere near the same. One news channel etc. All media/papers is owned by the Mossad..all being removed. All Private Intelligence owned by the UK Royals to be removed. No more Mossad, 5 eyes, CIA etc. Only intelligence will be Military Intelligence.

·         MOAB = Global Currency Reset (1955) + Precious Metal Standard + Quantum Gesara + DECLAS of Everything on Earth.

·         EBS Sun. 11 Feb. after Super Bowl? Q Post 2288: POTUS Alert Test Incoming EBS Super Bowl Night:

·         Tier4b appointments should begin on Thurs. 1 Feb. and will run until Thurs. 15 Feb. 2024.

B. Global Currency Reset:

·         The US Treasury confirmed that the new Iraqi Dinar Rate went live on Mon. 29 Jan.

·         Mon. 29 Jan. High Up Source: “The RV started today Mon. 29 Jan. at 4 pm. Everything is going.”

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Bruce: The Restitution R&R lump sum payment for those 62 and older is supposed to begin sometime between Thurs. 1 Feb. and Wed. 7 Feb. The increase in SS will occur in Feb. and be given out on regular SS days. Wells Fargo sources said Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Wed. 31 Feb. after 1:30 pm. in each time Zone. Appointments should start on Thurs. 1 Feb. The USN has been out since last Thurs. 25 Jan. and traded on the Forex starting Sun. 28 Jan. The new IQD rate also began trading on the Forex on Sun. 28 Jan.

·         Mon. 29 Jan. Mark Z: “A number of my bond contacts are now under NDAs. We are getting a number of reports from credible people that they are now under an NDA and very aware they are about to see a massive change because of revaluations. From the bond side the majority of my Bond folks are expecting things to happen the last two days of the month …so that is by Wed. 31 Jan.”

·         Mon. 29 Jan. Wolverine: International sales will officially close tomorrow Tues. 30 Jan because the closing are already arriving and all the banking, post and transportation systems are being blocked. On Sun. 28 Jan. on a radio broadcast in Colombia a Pentecostal Group Leader said he was distributing funds to members. This group was the lynchpin to start the bond payments, it has more than 3 million members.  It has happened. That leader has about 80 thousand members, and it has started guys.

·         The payment runs of first Zimbabwe Blue and Derivatives began on Mon. 29 Jan. at 9am EST.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Dinar Recaps: Iraqi Dinar Today Tuesday AM 1-30-24 IRAQ Done Finally RV On Forex Trading 3:00. Great news Celebrating & Congrats RV Happens 1 February 2024 4:12. On Shelling IQD Forex Market Iraqi Dinar Back To FOREX Rate Internationally 3:30.

·         Texas Snake: “I just visited with Oakie. The banker related that those above him that sometime late tomorrow (Tues. 30 Jan.) or Wed. 31 Jan. his appointment exchange techs would be on call to schedule appointments.

C. Recent GCR History:

·         The gold-backed US Dollar was introduced from Reno on Thurs. 25 Jan. at 4:47 am.

·         All 86 Global Currency Reset platforms were loaded with monies and launched on Fri. 26 Jan.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Rubix Q: While the movie is playing out for the sheeples with imminent Middle East war, behind the scenes there is NO WAR happening. Earth 2.0 is launching it's countries monetary system to gold standard and it's looking SPECTACULAR.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Jon Dowling Breaking News: the BRICS Alliance has now overtaken the G7 in terms of the share of the global GDP. BRICS now comprises 35% of the total world’s GDP. Thirty more nations are lined up to join shortly.

D. Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 Bruce, The Big Call :

·         In the US the Restitution R&R lump sum payment for those 62 and older is supposed to start Thurs. 1 Feb. through Wed. 7 Feb.

·         The R&R for ages 42 to 61 will come monthly over a 10 or 15 year period. They have to agree they will continue to work.

·         The increase in SS will occur in Feb. on regular SS days. The payment is not to go over $4,900.

·         Wells Fargo sources said Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified Wed. 31 Feb. after 1:30 pm. in each time Zone. Appointments should start on Thurs. 1 Feb.

·         Rates are solid on the Zim 1:1  and on par.  

·         The new gold-backed USN has been out since last Thurs. 25 Jan. and being traded on the Forex started Sun. 28 Jan.

·         The new IQD Dinar Rate was out and also began trading on the Forex on Sun. 28 Jan.

E. Global Financial Crisis:

·         Mon. 29 Jan. Barclays Flags 40 Bank Branch Closures:

·         Mon. 29 Jan: BREAKING: China’s Decision Not to Bail Out Evergrande Sparks Global Financial Panic: Iraqi Dinar RV, Evergrande, Blackstone, BlackRock, Vanguard – Worse than 2008 Financial Crisis & The Beginning of a New Financial Era with QFS

·         Tues. 30 Jan. The Cryptocurrency Revolution! Stellar’s Rise to Dominance and the Demise of the Old Guard: Stellar Network, XRP vs. XLM, Crypto Market Evolution and Quantum Financial System (QFS)

·         Mon. 29 Jan. IT HAS BEGUN! Unveiling the US Debt Clock’s Secret Window: Old Money vs. New Money – JFK is Coming Alive, and Gematria is Already Ablaze with Speculations!

·         Mon. 29 Jan. The Department of Justice announced criminal charges against two people and the guilty plea of a third person for orchestrating a $1.9 billion cryptocurrency fraud scheme known as HyperFund.

·         The Securities and Exchange Commission, in a related civil action, charged two of those individuals for their involvement in the alleged crypto pyramid scheme.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Alert! Alert! Alert! The Dollar Ponzi Scheme A Looming Financial Catastrophe: BRICS, Gold for Oil Trade, Petrodollar System, Black Swan Event, U.S. Treasury Bonds, BlackRock and Shadow Banking


·         Tues. 30 Jan. DISCLOSURE: Current Wartime President & CIC, Donald J. Trump Declared a Global Defence War – The Covert Global War Op. STORM Now Surfacing 2024 – Arrest Wars & White Hats Military – Trust the Plan!

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Special Report! Judy Byington: BOOM! Biden Confirms Trump is Sitting President – To the Brink of Civil War and WW III – Black Swan Events – Foreign Military Units Arrested in US – Airports Affected – Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 30, 2024

F. Restored Republic

·         Mon. 29 Jan. The Official Statement by the White Hats!

·         Mon. 29 Jan. Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, And The Mafia

G. The IRS and Federal Reserve were not government agencies. They were privately owned by the Deep State Cabal and Rothschild Bankers. There was no act of Congress, nor any Executive Order giving the IRS jurisdiction to act in any of the 50 states. So why was Ken Cromar sitting in jail awaiting trial on charges that he had the audacity to live in his own home that he fully owned (with the mortgage in his name) after the IRS unlawfully used SWAT Teams to take possession of that home and threw away all of his possessions and after he proved in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no money to the IRS? Was the IRS making an example of him and his wife Barbara to prove what they will do to you if you dare question their unlawful authority? Even of more concern was the question of what was wrong with the US court system that allowed this to happen? Could it be that we are functioning under Cabal controlled Maritime Law instead of Constitutional Law? – meaning it could happen to you, and you would have no defense.


H. The Real News for Tues. 30 Jan. 2024

·         Tues. 30 Jan. US Attorney General Merrick Garland Arrested:

·         Tues. 30 Jan. GOP Governor Warns Texas Border Situation Is Dangerous | News Ready

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: House Republicans have introduced two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The charges stem from what they describe as a “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law,” pointing to the unrelenting surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. House Republicans Charge Homeland Security Secretary - The Conservative Brief

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Death of the Mainstream Media:

·         Mon. 29 Jan. COVERT INTEL – U.S. MAKING ***VERY*** BAD MILITARY CHOICES – Hal Turner Report

·         Mon. 29 Jan. Multiple Blackouts in Venezuela: General Blackout Affects Multiple States in Venezuela

·         The New Netflix movie called "Leave The World Behind" was produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. The movie shows how a Cyber Attack caused a major blackout in the United States. When globalists including Jeremy Jurgens (WEF) & Klaus Schwab speak repeatedly of cyber doom, you can be sure they're telling you their plans. Klaus Schwab-Rothschild : "The change is not just happening, the change can be shaped, by us. I see the need for a great reset. The Covid-19 crisis would be seen as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack."

·         Tues. 30 Jan. National Security Agency (NSA) has been accused of buying Americans' internet browsing data without warrants, according to documents released.

·         UPS to cut 12,000 jobs, just six months after largest-ever union pay raises.

·         Crypto Currency Fraud: The Department of Justice announced criminal charges against two people and the guilty plea of a third person for orchestrating a $1.9 billion crypto currency fraud scheme known as Hyper Fund. The Securities and Exchange Commission, in a related civil action, charged two of those individuals for their involvement in the alleged crypto pyramid scheme.

·         Tues. 30 Jan. Fani Willis Hit With 22 Counts of Impeachment:

I. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·         Thurs. 8 Oct 2020 Millions of Children Rescued From Underground Tunnels Across the Globe:

·         Thurs. 24 Sept. 2020 Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury:

·         Tues. 8 Sept. 2020 Military Continues Child Rescue Out of Underground Tunnels:

·         Fri. 28 Aug. 2020 Trump Heads Rescue of Thousands of Tortured Children From Underground Tunnels:

·         Sun. 28 June 2020 Clinton-Rothschild Child Sex Trafficking Camp Refused Investigation: Clinton-Rothschild Child Sex Trafficking Camp Refused Investigation, Destroyed

·         Sun. 28 June 2020 Over 35,000 Malnourished Caged Children Rescued Out of US Tunnels By Military:

·         Wed. 6 May 2020 Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued, Found Dead by US Military: Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued and Found Dead by US Military | Politics

·         Tues. 21 April 2020 Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities: Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities

·         Sat. 19 Oct. 2019 Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children and Teens:

·         UK: Sport star escapes conviction despite pleading guilty to sex offences:

·         Montana’s Child Protective Services has been accused of forcibly transporting a 14-year-old girl from her family in Montana to Wyoming for gender transition treatment, leading to a complete revocation of her parents’ custody.


J. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·         13 Kids Have Died From Covid19 Vaccines In A School In South Africa And No MSM News Coverage at all.

·         Big Pharma rolls out, makes big monies for “cure” for Covid Vaccine injuries, which they mandated so they could make big bucks on, which was mandated to “prevent” Covid, which they manufactured.

K. Biden Crime Family:

·         The President of the United States Joe Biden is compromised by tens of millions of dollars in foreign bribes and other corruption. Joe Biden met chairman of Chinese company that paid family millions: former Hunter associate.

L. CIA Crime Mon. 29 Jan. Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The CIA, And The Mafia

·         After the Second World War ended, the Vatican, CIA, ex-Nazis and Sicilian American Mafia forged an alliance called Operation Gladio. 

·         In 1942 the Vatican Bank had been formed and around the same time the Office of Naval Intelligence recruited Lucky Luciano, a pre-eminent drug lord, got him released from jail, allowed him to build his narcotic empire, and simply watched the flow of drugs into the largely black ghettos of New York and Washington. In 1969, the National Adviser Henry Kissinger issued orders to Licio Gelli to carry out terror attacks and coup attempts.

·         The unholy alliance of the American spies and criminals of Operation Gladio was replicated everywhere, from Laos and Burma to Marseilles and Panama. In Europe and according to official figures, 14,591 acts of violence with a political motivation took place between January 1, 1969 and December 31, 1987. In these terror attacks, 491 people died and 1,181 were injured. A large number of terror attacks took place in other European countries from 1965 to 1981.

·         In Latin America, the CIA and the Vatican launched Operation Condor as the Latin American version of the Operation Gladio. The United States and the Vatican channeled millions of dollars for these operations. Most of the money was raised in questionable ways.





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