Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 12, 2024


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 12, 2024


JUDY NOTE: Chemtrails from specially built planes were regularly sprayed on the American public across the nation by Globalists in a deliberate attempt to negatively affect the health of the Planet and People. The aluminium in Chemtrails has been found to have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzhiemer's and Autism.

A former Military doctor stated that Chemtrails contain barium salts, human plasma, micro-viruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous aerosols, and can even be used to augment ‘bio-coding’ frequency-transmission capabilities, to provide an assistive-basis for “thought-based DNA warfare” – all of which was paid for by US Taxpayers out of an unlimited CIA Black Budget.

· Bill Gates wants to block out the Sun in order to help with climate change, by dispersing nano particles into the stratosphere. How is this “Dim the Sun Technology” different from Chemtrails? The process seems to be exactly the same as we are seeing in our sky every day. Most people think that those trails are from the commercial airlines. Watch what happens after a couple of hours of spraying: the weather turns from sunny to cloudy and you feel weird from the poison you are breathing. It looks like a grayish, cloudy layer that gets stuck there. It neither rains nor gets more or less cloudy. Now the real question what critical thinkers should ask, why in the world does Billy want to block out the Sun if the supposed Global Warming or Climate Change is driven by human activity and carbon emissions? Either he has a wisdom of a goldfish, or there is something much more sinister behind it. It's up to you to decide.

· Trump is Commander In Chief of US Inc. Military and President of the US Republic, with John F. Kennedy Jr. as VP according to a Trump voice recording on CBK Telegram Sun. 20 Nov. 2022 7:50 pm EST. Nov. 29 2022: Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 30 | Ellis Washington Report

· Mon. 11 March Just Now!! Foreign Attack On US Soil!! National Guard Deployed & Has Arrested Head Of The Chinese Consulate In An Attack! Prepare Now!

· Mon. 11 March Mega Black Swan Expected, Ben Fulford: Mega Black Swan Expected As Western Civil War Nears Climax – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis ( The undeclared civil war raging in the West is headed for some sort of mega black swan event climax. The white hats are trying to bankrupt the Satanists and their entire fake US government show. The Satanists are planning some sort of mass murder event to try to stay in power. Both sides might use earthquake weapons and other electromagnetic forms of warfare. The only thing for sure is major fireworks. The previous attempts to bankrupt the US Corporation were delayed by events like 911 and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder event. This time signs are either a massive earthquake or some kind of electro-magnetic attack to be blamed on a solar flare are being planned. That is why decisive action against the Khazarian Mafia leadership must be taken before they can stage another mass murder sacrifice to Satan.

· McDonald’s food found to contain human meat, while some was so toxic that dogs wouldn’t eat it, and mold didn’t grow on it after 20 years sitting. It may be plastic. That could be why there’s no mold after sitting for 20 years, while animals were smart enough to not eat it. Two years ago McDonald’s was under investigation for using human meat in their hamburgers. Customers reported children’s teeth and human bones in their hamburgers in several McDonald’s locations. Evidently the investigation was never completed, or at least the results weren’t released. Wonder why? McDonald was a big name in the powerful Globalist Satanic worship family.

JUDY NOTE: We know that micro-plastics in the human body can kill you. So, why was McDonald’s, a known Satanic Business Corporation, allowed to continue in business when they were feeding the public plastic and human meat? And, from where are they getting the human meat? It’s said to be from the bodies of children. This is an article I wrote in Aug. 2021 discussing the investigation of meat from humans found in McDonalds hamburgers, yet now two years later nothing seems to have been done about it. Disgusting. Horrifying. McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food?

· If the Democrats win the House they have said they will refuse to certify Trump as President if he wins. They also plan to refuse him access to Homeland Security and Top Secret information. You have to wonder what is their motive?

· Mon. 11 March Joe Biden is not Joe Biden: Q: You're Watching a Scripted Movie! , Biden/Obama Tied to Child Sex Trafficking; Children, Bodies Rescued from US Bio-weapon Labs Under Biden Ukraine Property

· Mon. 11 March Situation Update 3.11.24: It's Over...President Trump! The Storm Is Here! Martial Law Imminent!


· On Mon. 11 March the Q Clock ended at 2pm EST and the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) now required that banks would no longer get funding for their loans from the Federal Reserve Board, so any loan they made would have to be out of their own gold-backed monies and not made on the fiat US Dollar from the Federal Reserve. This is a Death Sentence for US Banks.

· Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification to set redemption/ exchange appointments could occur at any moment. Tier4b will have 14-15 days to exchange at Redemption Centers at the special rates, after which you would have to exchange at the lower rates of a bank.

· Wed. 13 March: “Dark to Light: Trust the Plan they say. I’ve waited 17 years for this last 65 hours. I will finish what my father started. Q sent me”. …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram 10:10 am EST Mon. 11 March 2024 (65 hours = Wed. 13 March 3:10 pm EST)

· On Fri. 15 March the new gold/asset-backed US Note could be available to the General Public and will replace the old Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar in ATM machines. It was also likely that on that same Fri. 15 March Restitution and Rebate monies will begin to be paid out and Social Security increases will begin.

· 4/1 “FINAL DANCE” MAKE BACKUPS, BE READY: 03/22 - 03/28 …Mr. Pool on Telegram 11 March 2024

B. RECENT GCR HISTORY:· On Thurs. 22 Feb. the Cabal capitulated, followed by Trump releasing the final phase of The Plan – which was Mass Arrests. Those arrests were hoped to be completed by Fri. 15 March.

· On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member including having set their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, which the next day on Wed. 28 Feb, the Central Bank of Iraq announced as $3.47. Then the Dinar went live on back screens of the Forex for $2.70 and began fluctuating upward in value.

· By Thurs. 29 Feb. at around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al Suddani formally announced that the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.

· On Fri. 1 March, with various countries new currency rates having been agreed upon, Iraq officially joined other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.

· On Thurs. 7 March after Actor Biden’s State of the Nation Address, President Trump hit the Green Light that released the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury note to the World.

C. GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET:· Fri. 8 March Texas Snake: Banks have been placed on alert beginning Mon. 11 March. He felt we might get notified on Mon. but exchanging would start a few days after that.

· Fri. 8 March Dave XRPLion Part 2 Best Ever! Deep Dive ZIM Bond$ NESARA GESARA Redemption Centers - Must Watch Trump News Just ADDED: The Definitive Guidebook: Step-by-Step (PDF) ,  Judy Note: Although Dave is very knowledgeable about the redemption process, please understand that his statements are in his opinion only and not officially from the GCR Redemption Team. If you have questions about the process you can ask them to the person with whom you make your appointment.

D. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS:· Mon. 11 March: Wall Street and regional banks scramble for new funds as the FED ends emergency lending program, aimed at keeping failing banks afloat during banking collapse. 

· Mon. 11 March Argentina arrests $400 million Crypto Currency Ponzi Scheme Founder:· Mon. 11 March JP Morgan Chase Employees Steal $1,800,000 From Customers:

· Mon. 11 March BTFP, a bank program that provides loans to institutions to support the U.S. financial system, was now closed. Banks could no longer make loans unless their monies were · Wells Fargo, Bank of America, PNC to close 1,300 Branches this year: · BRICS sets up anti-money laundering working group - Tehran Times:

· Starting on Monday, March 11th, banks will be prohibited by law from loaning the fiat US Dollar, according to an announcement from the Federal Reserve Board. During a period of stress last spring, the Bank Term Funding Program helped assure the stability of the banking system and provide support for the economy. After March 11 banks and other depository institutions will continue to have ready access to the discount window to meet liquidity needs. Nonetheless, the BTFP's closure is likely to increase banks' borrowing costs, meaning their profit margins will fall. They might react with higher lending rates or by making less credit available to customers, potentially weakening the economy.

· Mon. 11 March Tokyo stocks tumble in morning on tech selling, stronger yen, · Mon. 11 March Chinese Real Estate Market Bankrupt: 

· Thurs. 7 March The largest shareholders for Xcel Energy Inc. (XEL) are the same hedge funds/banks who also have ownership in many of the railroads and chemical giants responsible for environmental warfare in the United States over the last 3 years. It is worth noting that Xcel Energy admitted today that its equipment was likely involved in the start of what is now the largest wildfire in Texas history.


· On Mon. 11 March the “Bank Term Funding Program,” the infamous #BTFP, will be history. There should not have been any surprise about this if it weren't for the fact that the banking situation today is much worse than it was one year ago when the #BTFP was launched.

· If you have doubts about how critical the #BTFP was to keep the whole financial system together, I suggest you read my previous analysis on the topic to help better understand what I am going to discuss next, starting from the “THE BIG BANKS ARE ALREADY UTILIZING THE FED BTFP!”

· So, not only is the #FED letting the #BTFP end soon, but this is also happening without an equivalent replacement in place.

· Yes, the Discount Window is available and banks should learn to use it, but what the #FED is apparently not understanding (or pretending not to) is that most of the banks cannot use it. Why?

· The high-quality collateral current market value is deeply below par (while, let's not forget, the #BTFP allowed banks to borrow against collateral pretending it was worth much more than it truly was). As a result, they would not be able to access the same amount of liquidity through the Discount Window compared to the #BTFP, leaving a gap to be filled.

· Banks, in a never-ending rush to minimize their cost of capital and maximize their leverage and profits, began to aggressively re-hypothecate their (and often their clients') assets to access liquidity after the GFC. Consequently, using the Discount Window is very capital inefficient for them.

· The primordial reason why banks are so reluctant to use the #FED discount window is that everyone else in the market will know the best quality assets they hold are being pledged as collateral to the #FED, leaving all other creditors hanging on worse quality, if not radioactive ones. This is why once a bank is caught using the Discount Window, all other lenders will try to pull their liquidity from them (ultimately accelerating its downfall).

· Banks will not be able to use the #BTFP anymore.· The Discount Window isn’t a viable alternative to replace the #BTFP.· Since the banking crisis last year, not a single bank raised capital, but their balance sheet losses even increased.

· Banks that borrowed from the #BTFP will need to come up with $79bn to repay the #FED loans by the 4th of April.· As you can see from this table I prepared, the biggest amount of #BTFP loans are expected to be repaid in the next 4 weeks: - $11.9bn this week - $41.7bn next week - $10.7bn in 3 weeks - $14.6bn in 4 weeks.

· How the hell can they do that? If it was hard to find $1bn for $NYCB to the point there wasn’t a better alternative than (locust) hedge funds, it doesn’t take a financial wizard to figure out the chances $79bn can be found in 4 weeks are realistically low.

· Why can't banks just walk away from the #BTFP? Doesn’t the #FED have collateral against the money they borrowed if they do so?

· Banks cannot simply walk away and not repay money borrowed from the #BTFP because that was made in the form of a “loan” and defaulting against it will trigger all cross-default clauses in every other borrowing facility available to them.

· Yes, it’s an incredible mess without any visible escape route. This is why I am arguing the #FED is potentially starting a banking crisis today and, honestly speaking, I don’t think people at the #FED aren't intelligent enough to see it coming which makes me wonder if perhaps they are willingly starting a banking crisis this time. 

F. MON. 11 MARCH, THE DEATH OF BRICK & MORTAR BANKS, ARIEL:· A paradigm shift is not an event its a process. Everything will eventually be online for the sake of convenience and profit. Why continue lending to institutions that people are using less and less?

· Nor to mention they do not have the capital to meet consumers demands. Especially when they actually have to have physical reserves and not just numbers on the computer to lend out loans to customers that can't afford the interest and end up owing on their mortgage.

· Then if the banks have too many foreclosures on their books they end up shutting down as well. The derivative market is another layer to this that is aiding in all of these bank closures that is forecasted to be 1,300 by the end of the year.

· Not to mention the bank runs alone will cause most of these institutions to fold under after March 11th. So there is a plethora of reasons why we are where we are at this crucial time in the financial sector.


· Trump is Commander In Chief of US Inc. Military and President of the US Republic, with John F. Kennedy Jr. as VP according to a Trump voice recording on CBK Telegram Sun. 20 Nov. 2022 7:50 pm EST. Nov. 29 2022: Real News for Real Patriots from the Judy Byington Report—Part 30 | Ellis Washington Report

· The Satanic New World Order, the Globalists and the Deep State have for years been pushing for a “Great Reset”. They thought that COVID in Jan. 2020 would achieve this result of solidifying their One-World Government, but people finally began waking up en masse, and their Machiavellian plots failed miserably.

· However, the Satanic New World Order may in desperation go for the nuclear option and cause an EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)— which according to Wikipedia is “The system was established to provide the President of the United States with an expeditious method of communicating with the American public in the event of war, threat of war, or grave national crisis”.

· If Resident Biden or the traitorous Democrats are still in power then this EBS can be activated together with an EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) – a Biblical-level event that would send America and the rest of the world into the Dark Ages technologically and use that intervening period of chaos to achieve their long-awaited New World Order = Ordo ab Chao = Order Out of Chaos (a Freemason and Illuminati tactic and strategy used to achieve Global Power, Control, World Domination at various times throughout history.

· There may be good news averting the above scenario. “Trump filed to be President of the US Republic, not President of US Inc. He also announced his running mate as John F. Kennedy Jr.—“My fellow Americans, this is to announce that John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. is alive and going to be the Vice President of the United States”.…Donald J. Trump voice recording on CBK Telegram Sun. 20 Nov. 2022 7:50 pm EST

· Of course, the Democrats massively cheated in the 2022 Election, but it’s not over yet. The 2022 Elections was a Giant Sting Operation = Trump and the Military White Hats have all the Evidence of voter fraud via video and other technical means. Like in the 2020 elections, very sophisticated technology was used to ensure all votes are counted and all fake votes exposed using the Quantum Blockchain system which allows all ballots to be identified, tracked and counted in real time and even know when that ballot was passed from one hand to another, who touched the ballot and which criminals altered the ballot.


· Mon. 11 March New York: Just IN: National Guard DEPLOYED

· JUDY NOTE: When they talk about Zionists, Rothschild and Jewish financiers they are not referring to those of the Jewish religion. They are discussing the Khazarian Mafia Jews who, along with the Rothschilds, created Zionism and only pretended to be Jews, but in reality were loyal to the worship of Satan through the torture and sacrifice of children:

Henry Ford's views on World War I were articulated during a conversation with British parliamentarian Victor H Cazalet in late October 1926. Ford asserted that international Jewish financiers, whom he believed were responsible for instigating the conflict, could manipulate circumstances to provoke future wars for their own gain. While trade rivalry, alliances, and mobilizations are commonly cited as causes of the war, Ford argued that the primary motivations were to dismantle the Russian Empire and its State Bank, destabilize other empires (such as Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman) to facilitate exploitation through central banking, and secure Palestine for Zionist interests under the Rothschild control.

· Mon. 11 March Ukrainian Counter Offensive Failed Before It Started:


· Remember the two black horses and one white horse with the black umbrella in the parade when Rothschild died? Do you think it symbolized that the representative of the City of London financial control had fallen?

· The White Pope just might have a terrible May, with the Vatican City religious control falling.· That only leaves DC military control which President Trump will soon take over. We have to remember that Trump is really still Commander In Chief.· They are high up the food chain but they are not the head of the dragon. The battle isn’t over, it has just begun.


· Mon. 11 March Scotland Climate change is just another scam. Scotland's power sector came under fire after it was revealed that massive diesel generators were used to ensure dozens of giant wind turbines could function. “According to the Sunday Mail, they were tipped off by a whistleblower who cited a number of environmental health and safety concerns, one of which was half a dozen diesel generators running for up to six hours a day to de-ice the wind turbines”.

· "There is no Global Warming" We all know. Candace Owens claimed that there was no Global Warming, which was backed up with a video of the founder of the CNN weather channel claiming the same thing and an amazing clip claiming that most scientists think climate change is a joke.

· Fri. 8 March From the 17th Letter on Telegram: We Are Saving Israel For Last ,

· Fri. 8 March BOOM! Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia ,

· Mon. 11 March: On September 11th, 1990—exactly 11 years to the day before the events of 9/11—George Bush Sr. announced the emergence of the "New World Order", a phrase which has been repeated time and time again by proponents of a post-democratic one world government, ruled by an unelected technocratic "elite".


· Mon. 11 March Tucker Carlson: “Democrats are weaponizing BLM and Antifa to stop Donald Trump”.

· Mon. 11 March: Bloodbath at the Republican National Committee is underway. 60+ firings just today. This is excellent. The deep state anti-Trump sleeper cells all have to go. The RNC is getting ready to win.

· Mon. 11 March ARCYBER Evaluates Dark Brandon “Biden” SOTU Performance, Clone or Body Double?

· Mon. 11 March Haiti Uprising: The Miami Herald confirmed that US Marines have been deployed to the capital of Haiti Port-au-Prince despite repeated statements by the US confirming that no such move would take place.

· Mon. 11 March: And We Know: Swamp Drain! Troublemakers In The House! MSM Losing! Laken Riley! Actors Fear! Voting Issues! We the People Standing Up! Pray! - Must Video | Opinion

· Mon. 11 March Tucker Carlson: The West Is Under Military Rule . · Submarine cables are being damaged and affecting the Internet around the world; See the main areas: · Mon. 11 March Charlie Ward: Charlie Ward, Shocking News: It Has Begun!

· Mon. 11 March Great Britain "Charles III is gay": Globe Magazine releases shocking details about the king's personal life. The publication reports that the intelligence service MI5 has documents of nearly 60 years of homosexual dating of Charles III and cheating on Princess Diana, which rocks the principles of the monarchy. MI5 has allegedly already handed over the explosive dossier to the British parliament.

· Mon. 11 March Patriot Underground: New Info Never Dropped Until, Now.. Buckle Up, It's Going to Be Biblical!!

· Mon. 11 March: Michigan Sheriff submits affidavit stating that his department is in possession of evidence that proves Serbian foreign nationals remotely accessed the Michigan Election System in the 2020 election, and that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson may be involved in covering it up through her use of an expert witness during the Antrim County case. Additionally, the Sheriff states that the Muskegon County, MI prosecutor’s office coordinated with the Michigan Attorney General, to bury evidence of Muskegon County election fraud.

· Mon. 11 March Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, relics, and mummies have been found in Kincaid’s Cave in the Grand Canyon. Ancient Egypt in America: In a restricted area of the Grand Canyon there are pyramids, caves, and tunnel cities full of hieroglyphics and ancient Egyptian relics. Many people do not know about them as this information has been suppressed by the federal government for about a century. The sky over this area is restricted air space, the area surrounding this pyramid and cave on the ground is illegal (and treacherous) to navigate, and all official reports about this from the Smithsonian and elsewhere have been censored, modified, nullified, or retracted. This still has not stopped people from attempting to visit this part of the canyon. Many have been arrested, and some have died attempting to climb to these sacred sites over the years. It has gotten to the point where the government feels it must have armed FBI agents guarding inside the entrance to the cave that is now known as Kincaid’s Cave.

· Mon. 11 March FBI identifies culprits in $41 million casino heist, bringing total to more than $1 billion stolen by gang near to Hunter Biden. The documents released by the FBI mention a group of hackers closely associated with Hunter Biden, another act that has been kept quiet by the public and the courts.

· Mon. 11 March Edward Snowden: The problem with driving these fancy Teslas with all their gadgets is that, they can remote control your vehicle and kill you. No one will know about it, because it looks like an accident. All these EVs are hackable. It's a psyop product, one of many designed to kill you.

· Sat. 9 March WATCH: “Main Core”- A CIA Database of 8 Million Who Will Be Rounded Up When Martial Law Is Imposed

· Sat. 9 March The Failed Soros Experiment: A National Disaster Exposed ,

· Sat. 9 March BOMBSHELL FIRST TIME EXPOSÉ: The Hidden War Between the Khazarian Cabal and JFK – A Fight to the Death!

· Sat. 9 March Hungary’s Orbán-Trump Summit at Mar-a-Lago: A Convergence of Power, Allegiance, and the Pursuit of Peace ,

· Sat. 9 March BQQM!!! Judy Byington Bombshell Report! “It’s Over” …President Trump! JFK Jr. is Alive and Serving as the New American Republic VP under President Trump While US Inc.’s USD Dies – Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 9, 2024

· Fri. 8 March Watch: First Footage Of National Guard Patrolling NYC Subway Following Gov. Announcement ,


· Mon. 11 March On the first night of Ramadan, Al Jazeera displayed the names of over 13,000 children on the walls of its studio killed by Israel since October 7. 

· There was proof that Obama created Obama Care in order to use it to promote Child Sex Trafficking.

· Sun. 11 March Liz Crokin: Bill and Hillary Clinton love and targeted Haiti for a reason. The Jeffrey Epstein pedophile island frequent guests are no strangers to barbaric behavior such as cannibalism. Bill admitted in his own book that he and Hillary often frequented Haiti. He also admitted they engaged in voodoo rituals there. Bill and Hillary also rescued Laura Silsby out of Haiti after she was convicted for attempting to traffic 33 children out of the country. We know Bill and Hillary’s Clinton Foundation traffics children including from Haiti. The 2018 Inspector General’s report cited Hillary Clinton & Foundation and Crime Against Children. In 2016 at the Alfred E. Smith dinner, Donald Trump called out Hillary for taking a number of villages.

· Mon. 11 March: U.S. and U.K. authorities unveil takedown of The Annex, "One of the largest child pornography websites in the world", following the sentencing of three men in British courts. Over 100,000 pedophiles uncovered in an elaborate "International Enterprise". 


· A Shot In The Dark - Gardasil and HPV: The increased number of childhood vaccines should be making us healthier. But in 2019, the US ranked 24th out of 44 countries in infant mortalities.

· Mon. 11 March Blindness, Unconsciousness and Loss of Speech in Patients Post-Vaccination. Taylor Hudak’s interview with Prof. Arne Burkhardt. 

· Covid-19 shots were not owned or made by Pfizer or Moderna. They were owned and made by the military. Pfizer and Moderna were paid to make it appear like it came from the pharmaceutical industry. This psyop was basically an Intelligence and Courage test.

· Mon. 11 March: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is NOT a “Federal” agency. It’s a private corporation working on behalf of its stakeholders, which include the Pharmaceutical and Vaccine Industries that profit from the spread of disease, not from real prevention and cures. Just for the record, the company owns more than 32 patents on DEADLY viruses.

· Sun. 10 March France: In France a new law called ‘The Pfizer Amendment’ is seeking to criminalize critics of Pfizer mRNA Technology with up to a year in prison or $15,000 fine.


· “Biden” as VP, 2014, made 7 trips to Ukraine in 7 months, along with recent “retiree” Victoria Nuland, all on your tax payer dollars.

· Osama Yo Momma Obama had 4 Executive Orders specifically for Ukraine in 2014… apparently one wasn’t enough.

· Guess who was funding Biochemical Weapons Laboratories in Ukraine? 44, 43, and 42.

· Lil Vicky is the one caught on tape saying “F*ck the EU” (European Union) - which would actually have been on their side. She secured $1 Billion Dollars in DEFENSE funding for Ukraine. Where did that money go?

· In 2012, Obama signed the Magnitsky Act into Law, but reneged on it shortly after… meaning wish they hadn’t of done that.

· That’s what happens when the Federal Corporation elected a dumbass who had missed the most amount of days as a Senator one could miss and not lose their seat. That’s like voting for a class president who never comes to class. What an awkward slip up for the corporation morons.

· Guess who was NOT President from 2008-2012? Vladimir Putin.· Ukraine broke a CIS Treaty with Russia in 2018.· Guess what else happened in 2018? The capitulation tour which is found in Chapter 11 of the Law of War Manual. In 2018, Putin handed CIC Trump a soccer ball. “The ball is in your court.”

· All throughout 2021 and early 2022 Victoria Nuland and other “Biden” Admin said there were not any Biological Chemical Labs in Ukraine. So, why on March 8, 2022, did Lil Vicky testify under Congressional Oath, that there were? And why did the same week Republican Mitt Romney, say there aren’t any? And what are the odds that Russia invaded Ukraine just a couple weeks before her testimony?

· And what are the odds that Russia did not play in the World Cup Finals of in 2022?

· “Biden” just told the whole world on the SOTU, zero US Troops will enter Ukraine, we just want financial aid for Democracy sake.

· We are NOT a democracy. When CIC Trump uses the word he’s using it in a reverse psychology, condescending, sarcastic, bring attention to it, because he’s draining the swamp who are a democracy even many of the Republicans. When he uses it he already knows what the finish line looks like. “We have it all, we’ve caught them all.”

· In December 2016, Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, was signed into law. Who was President in December 2016? Why would 44 sign another Act when he didn’t want to enforce the first one? Who was President Elect in December 2016?

· In December 2017, CIC DJT signed his first Executive Order with a National Emergency, in 13818, which is accompanied by the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, §50 United States Code §1701-1706, which enforces the act.

· §50 USC is the War and National Defense Codes.

· §50 USC Chapter 33 is the War Powers Act where a President can most certainly declare war without Congress.

· 13818 is the takedown of all Human Rights Abuse around the world. Hence the keyword, Global.

· “Biden” just told the whole world on March 1 that he has no authority over the border crisis, turns right around on the SOTU and says “send me a bill, I’ll sign it”! If “he” was President, “he” doesn’t even need a bill to shut the border down. Thank you United States Constitution.

· “He” was in a Press Conference two years ago talking about the same Haitian Evacuation with Marines. If “he” was President… an evacuation like this wouldn’t be giving up the operation since it’s already happened… so where’s “his” press conference explaining “his” actions to send troops?

· Why is the Press always saying “Biden” said or did · Feels great to be awake don’t it? Just takes the correct information with the in place Laws and Orders minus the talking heads about things that don’t matter. It’s all a Military Occupation with a Continuity of Operations running parallel


· So why was Ken Cromar sitting in jail awaiting trial on charges that he had the audacity to live in his own home that he fully owned after the privately owned by the Cabal IRS unlawfully used SWAT Teams to take possession of that home and threw away all of his possessions and after he proved in a Federal Tax Court that he owed no money to the IRS? Was the IRS making an example of Ken and his wife Barbara to prove what they will do to you if you dare question their unlawful authority?

· The deception displayed by the Court and Prosecution in the Federal Case against Ken Cromar exposes the desperation of the IRS and DOJ to convict Barbie & Ken. The six year battle they have faced demonstrates the venerability of the IRS and its orchestrated scheme to defraud and fleece the American public (We the People). … Tom Fairbanks, Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)


If you want to help save U.S., share this, particularly IRS or government officials who care about saving our country. Do you believe in miracles? Thank you for your kind prayers. They are working, Ken

Our conditional 12-million-dollar whistleblower offer: We are looking for miraculous support through some surprise whistleblowers who may have info that leads to exposing the corrupt charges against us and exonerate us. See the attached videos I made in Washington, D.C. at the National Press Club just days before being hit by 13-man SWAT in June of 2019.


· Tom Fairbanks spent much of his life gathering evidence on the Ritual Abuse of children in Utah. In early March 2024 he was arrested and placed in the Utah Weber County Jail. For what? The reasons given for his arrest were suspect and didn’t appear to be due to criminal activity. His record was sparkling clean.

· The real reason for attacks on Tom appeared to be that the Powers That Be couldn’t afford to have someone with Tom's very valid evidence of SRA cases to be running around unchecked. He had to be silenced, one way or another.

· Fairbanks’ problems began when he decided to take his evidence of Satanic Ritual Abuse of children and share it with Utah governmental powers. No sooner had he done so when a tsunami of problems began to plague his life including being poisoned and suffering years of court battles on made up cases.


· Tom Fairbanks had a court hearing today which was to determine if he would be released from jail from now until his trial is over. This was in jeopardy because of the claim that Tom was previously guilty of "failure to appear" at his sentencing date around 9 months ago.

· In response, Tom informed the court the reason for his appearing was not valid. He argued that he had filed an appeal to his being found guilty, properly and in a timely manner, which BY LAW, had to be addressed by the court before a sentencing hearing could be held. Since that had not been done, the warrant for his arrest, the arrest itself, and his being incarcerated were all illegally carried out as he broke no law.

· Tom also made it clear that Common Law was the law of the land while Admiralty Law was restricted to the sea.

· Additionally, when Tom was referred to as a "Sovereign Man" by the court, he told them that there was no such thing. That he is a "Living Man" functioning under the law of the land (Common Law).

· The judge then told Tom that the court functions under "rules" that need to be followed. One of the rules is that he would need to be represented by a lawyer. Tom's appointed lawyer responded that he would not be willing to represent Tom with a "Common Law" defense.

· Tom then pointed out JAG also had a copy of the appeal and he was an asset of the Military Intelligence Group. The court had not only declared war on him, they had also declared war on the military by unlawfully dealing with him as a "Living Man" as well as his being a part of the military.

· Tom reminded them that they can only deal with corporations and that he was, in fact, completely outside of their jurisdiction.

· Tom was then told that it will require a judge to hear these arguments. He was given the date of Wednesday March 13 at 10:30 am to appear at court.

· He then reminded the court that 36 million people are receiving daily reports and that the court might keep that in mind.

If you wish to help Tom with funds so he can have phone access, go to and register. A box will show up where can put in Tom Fairbank’s name. Then hit "send money now" and follow the instructions.


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