Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 28, 2024


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of March 28, 2024


JUDY NOTE: Connect the Dots: Continuation-of-Government, EBS, Mass Arrests, Game Theory Operations, Obama’s Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration, Civil Unrest and Mel Gibson’s documentary exposing P Diddy (aka the Black Epstein) and his friends Barak and Michelle Obama, Prince Harry, JayZ, Naomi Campbell and other Elites Gay Sex Parties using drugs to manipulate boys and girls to have intercourse and hidden Satanic parties complete with child sacrifices.

· Be Ready Patriots: “When they wake up they won’t know what hit them. Genesis 1:3 - God said, “Let there be Light” and there was Light. Prepare for the Storm!” …JFK Jr.

· Shell Oil Company began drilling for oil in Nigeria, where they exploited the land and poisoned the water. When the citizens complained Shell executives went to the Nigerian Government and told them to put down the protestors or they wouldn’t receive any more money. The Nigerian Government killed over 80 protestors. This was just one example of many! There were ten major Corporations which were all controlled by the Zionist Jews. The word terrorist is not good enough word to describe their evil, they're simply beyond terrorists. They're just pure evil.

· Trump seized 650 plane loads of gold from a 150 mile tunnel that ran from beneath the Vatican to Palestine. Most of the gold, worth around $60 Trillion, was returned to the new US Treasury located on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada. The gold had been illegally seized from the US Taxpayers by the Cabal.

· Tues. 26 March BQQQM! Sun 24 March The White Hats Great Announcement, JFK Jr. -

A. APPARENT TIMELINE:· Prior to 1752, the New Year began on March 25.

· On Palm Sun. 1 April 1860 Q was created when 20 Generals placed Abraham Lincoln into office to Fight the Khazarian mafia who created the slave trade and owned 99% of the U.S. Slaves. Today this battle is coming to an end. …Trump Q

· Since 1918 and to this day, the Rothschild (Khazarian Mafia pretend Jews of Israel) private bankers, the private corporation of US Inc, UK Royals and Vatican have had total control over use of US Taxpayer dollars.

· In June 1963, five months before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy issued an Executive Order that would have given American Currency back to the American People. Kennedy printed US currency based on a Silver Standard, taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. Many argue this was the reason that JFK was assassinated.

· On Christmas Eve 24 Dec. 1963, after Kennedy’s assassination (22 Nov. 1963), 77 U.S. Generals came together and The Plan was born to Save The World. Three months later 133 Generals became part of Operation Freedom Eagle 35. You are a witness to 58 Year Military Delta Coming In Hot 2014 +22 Nations, 1600 Generals NCSWIC The last days of Joe Biden …Q The Storm

· On 14 Oct. 2020 the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the Northern District of Florida Bankruptcy Court. This was an involuntary bankruptcy filing assigned the bankruptcy case number #20-40375. The bankruptcy petition for UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY showed assets in the range of Unknown with liabilities in the range of Unknown. UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY reports creditors in the range of 1-49. 

· On Sun. 17 March 2024, Brazil, Hong Kong and other places across the World were given the Green Light for the Global Currency Reset.

· Tues. 19 March Trump’s Military Alliance Launched Mass Arrests on Fake News Media: Breaking! Trump’s Military Alliance Launches Mass Arrests on Fake News Media – Clintons and Nancy Pelosi’s Drug Money – Global Blackout Crisis! - Gazetteller

· Mon. 1 April 2024 is the Julian Calendar New Year’s Day – the start of a new era of peace and prosperity when the Global Currency Reset introduces the gold/ asset-backed US Note and says bye bye to the fiat US Inc. Federal Dollar that Global Elites have been using to steal the country dry. NESARA funds will be released to the General Public where they will be able to go to existing banks and set up their individual bank accounts on the new Quantum Financial System. April 1st Shockwave! QFS Integration with Wells Fargo Sparks Global Financial Reset, Redemption Centers, Military Alliances – Trump & Musk’s AI Unleashes War on Globalist Elites! - Gazetteller

· On Tues. 2 April 2024 the General Public was supposed to start receiving their Redemption monies.

· Sat. 6 April was the date some believe was Christ’s actual birth day.

· The Q Clock Is Mirrored to 4-8 (Mon. 8 April). …The 17th Letter on Telegram (JFK Jr.) Tues. 26 March

· On Mon. 8 April during the Solar Eclipse the Deep State was planning a biological attack on The People. The Oklahoma National Guard will have guardsmen present for the total solar eclipse – 22 members of an elite Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear unit will be housed. Residents are being urged to stock up with one to two weeks of food in advance of the event. Communication facilities could become overloaded, possibly making cell phone calls difficult. States Calling for State of Emergency:

Insider Exposes April 8th 2024 Emergency - Is It Going to be the Worst Day in History?  The Truth about the Solar eclipse, What will happen on April 8th 2024?


· Wed. 27 March MarkZ: MZ: We are receiving some bond news. There were several bond meetings. Until now they were waiting for all the contracts to be finished and final and your payment of the 1% early next week. So it's positive... it will be right around Mon. 1 April 2024.

· Wed. 27 March Wolverine: A lot of people have received emails telling them to get their platforms ready. People have been paid. Money by Easter Sun. 31 March.

· Wed. 27 March Texas Snake: Since there has been so little actual RV information being released over the past couple of days I thought it might be a relief over this coming Easter celebration to share what my banker has just shared with me. His text is in all caps.


· Tues. 26 March NESARA and GESARA Unveil Monumental Changes: Global Implementation Begins! - .


Wed. 27 March Ezra: We already know of several incidents that have recently taken place in some of the below cities. Have you all noticed that these cities have Water & Landon Ports? These were listed as the cities that will all have one major false flag event. Donald Trump believes there will be one. We shouldn't be surprised as to why he would state that. Stay Alert! Evacuate These Cities. 

1) New York City , 2) Los Angeles , 3) Chicago , 4) Philadelphia , 5) Washington DC , 6) Houston , 7) Nashville , 8) New Orleans , 9) Charlotte 10) San Francisco 11) Detroit 12) Seattle 13) Atlanta 14) Las Vegas 15) Baltimore 16) Boston 17) Miami

D. A CONTINUATION OF GOVERNMENT:· The National Guard has been out of their state militia status and operating as Active-Duty Status every day since they were Federalized in March 2020.

· There’s MORE than enough documentation and ‘proof’ to show a Continuity of Government, not only in the presence of the National Guard, but also the thousands of World Alliance Aircrafts in and out of the United States and National Guard bases.

· There’s United States Coast Guard with the United States Navy at their stations.· The US Coast Guard is under the Department of Homeland Security during Peacetime and transferred to the Department of the Navy during Wartime.· The Brunson vs. Adams case simply states the obvious: Congress violated the Constitution.

E. THE REAL NEWS FOR WED. 27 MARCH 2024:· Wed. 27 March Baltimore Bridge Collapse: The Adults have the situation completely under control. Two of the fastest U.S. Sealift Ships trapped by Baltimore Bridge collapse. The blocked entrance to the Port of Baltimore has stranded a total of four cargo ships that are on call to support U.S. military operations.

· Wed. 27 March: If you wonder where our tax money went this week — here you go. There has been found an additional $6.2B “unaccounted” Pentagon money missing. Guess where they went? Of course, Ukraine, where it is laundered back to the politicians who sent it there.

· An African has developed the first TV and electric-car that runs on electricity generated by radio waves. Completely self-sufficient, with no power or solar source. No one is talking about it in the mainstream and they even tried to poison him last year. The elite doesn't want us to evolve. Nor does it want us to know that free energy is available for very little money. We are being screwed through the teeth so that we can be exploited.

· Dr. Fauci & Loretta Lynch were both hanged at GITMO — GITMO Double Header!

· Tues. 26 March the Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Twice, the lights went out at just the right moment, as if it were a deliberate Cyber Attack. There was evidence of a bomb on the bridge just before the collision. The timing was right before it hit the bridge. It occurred during the late hours of the night, while everyone was asleep. The harbor is one of the busiest in the country and an important hub for shipping on the US east coast, especially in transporting road vehicles. It also handles farming, construction machinery and coal. This collapse will cause huge disruption for shipping at one of the busiest ports on the U.S. East Coast and on the roads. The bridge allows commercial ships to enter the Port of Baltimore, one of the top ports in the U.S. in terms of volume and value of cargoes. It is the largest U.S. port for handling cars and light trucks.

· Wed. 27 March Judy Byington Bombshell Report: THE FINAL MISSION IS UPON US! “Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.”…President Donald Trump – Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 27 March 2024 - .

· Wed. 27 March Anonymous Official: “OH SH*T, IT’S HAPPENING EVENTS WORLD EARTH SECRETS!” VIDEO - .

· Tues. 26 March Derek Johnson: Doomsday Plane Up! Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2, Prove There’s a Continuity of Operations in Action – BOOOM! - .

· Tues. 26 March The Devolution Plan and Continuity of Government: Military Coup Charges Against Biden, Obama, Clinton’s, Rockefellers, CIA, Deep State – Game Theory Operations - .

· Tues. 26 March White Hats’ INTEL Expose: EBS, Game Theory Operations, Obama Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration & Civil Unrest - .


· Mel Gibson just released his documentary about P Diddy AKA The Black Epstein on his private Telegram channel. The documentary exposes P Diddy’s deleted videos of him having fun with young boys, using drugs to manipulate boys and girls to have intercourse with him, hidden Satanic Gay Sex parties, Satanic sacrifices and much more. In these videos Elite people are exposed such as Barack and Michelle Obama, Prince Harry, JayZ, Naomi Campbell and many more!

· Prince Harry has been named as one of the famous figures at Diddy's "Sex-Trafficking Parties." President Trump's Executive Order 13903 is still working.

· The Most Popular Food & Drink Brands In America Are Flavor Enhancing Their Foods With “Kidney Cells From Human Aborted Fetuses” & Then Feeding It To You. How is this Legal? These People Are Evil. “Go and research the word Senomyx. Okay, Senomyx is a transnational company that creates flavor enhancement for products for transnational companies like Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle, Campbell's. And what they've been doing is that they grabbed, uh, kidney cells from human aborted fetuses.

· Hollywood Star P Diddy's electronics were seized as part of sex trafficking raid but there's still no sign of rapper who was 'on his way to the Bahamas with daughters' when the feds swooped down on his mansions 

· Tues. 26 March EXPOSED: International Vatican-run Child Sex Trafficking, Gun and Drug Running Ring, Bush, Clintons, Royals, Hollywood, CIA, UK, PM, Baptists into Pedophilia Ring and Blackmailing Political Elites - .

· California: The Getty Museum in Los Angeles is a pedophile fortress with more than 12 floors underground. Two million women & children were there till 2018.There are elevators & practically a city down below with thousands of sex slaves. Only people on the “A LIST” can walk all over this place. The elevators lead to a tunnel system. It is guarded with high security. It is a hell created within another hell! Epstein Island is just the tip of the iceberg.

· Wed. 27 March According to the Plaintiff and “music prodigy” Rodney Jones, Diddy’s ENTIRE operation is a “RICO enterprise” and he even referred to his assistant Kristina as the “Ghislaine Maxwell” to Diddy’s “Jeffery Epstein”. That alone is ONE HELL of an accusation! My thoughts are that Diddy is likely going to be the FALL GUY FOR EVERYTHING, including the other music executives and CEOs of Universal Music Group/Motown mentioned in the lawsuit who likely helped fund and facilitate the whole thing. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if Diddy is the small guy on the totem pole, and that this bust leads to an entire network of similar, and connected operations. They will have a HARD time “covering up” this one like they did with the Epstein client list, however. The deep and dark secrets of the once untouchable music industry WILL COME TO LIGHT!

· Shirley Temple (one of Hollywood's most famous child actresses), admitted to CNN that Hollywood is run by elite pedophiles, in a recent video that surfaced. The 1988 video, circulated on social media, shows Temple on CNN's Larry King Live program talking about pedophilia in Hollywood and how she had been sexually perverted on the sidelines of famous movie studios since she was a child. "I had never seen anyone naked before except myself, so I had no idea what was going on".

· Wed. 27 March “Two Girls in a Cup” Exposed what your nine year-olds might be seeing, Ricky Shroder: 


· “Chemotherapeutic drugs are the only classification of drugs where the prescribing doctor gets a direct cut. So if your doctor prescribes chemo for you, here’s how it goes. The doctor buys it off the pharmaceutical company for $5,000. He sells it to the patient for $12,000, insurance pays $9,000, and the doctor pockets $4,000. The only reason chemotherapy is used is because doctors make money from it, period, and it doesn’t work 97% of the time.” - Dr. Peter Glidden

· “Ivermectin is also known for killing certain forms of cancer”. Dr Shentani from Harvard

· Medical officer reveals COVID Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval officers. Myocarditis rises 151% Pulmonary heart disease up 62% Ischemic heart disease up 69% Heart Failure increased a whopping 973%.

· 1960s news: Flu Vax found to be ineffective. Whistleblowers censored or fired. Military mandated Adenovirus vax which caused cancer in animal tests and took 3 years for it to be pulled from market.


· Bill Gates & The World Economic Forum Are In The Process Of Genetically Modifying Our Seeds & Changing The Genes Of Our Plants. Complete Control Of Our Food While Preaching Depopulation.

· Democrats Have LOST THEIR MINDS. Now they are proposing to Congress that every Illegal Immigrant be provided an Attorney paid for by American Tax Payers. So the American taxpayer should pay for the lawyers. Not only should they pay for the hospitals, not only should they pay for the schools, not only should they pay the SNAP benefits. They should also pay for the lawyers to allow them as people from outside the United States to be able to come into America.

· White Hats: The Rothschild family has been manipulating the global economy for centuries. All while hiding behind their immense wealth and power. Their actions are not only unethical but downright evil. It's time for us to take a stand and expose their corruption.

· The new documentary (Climate: The Movie) thoroughly demolishes the "human-induced climate change" scam—upon which Net Zero is predicated—once and for all. "It's a wonderful way to increase government power. If there's an existential threat out there that's worldwide, well you need a powerful worldwide government to cope with it... You've suddenly got the population under control, all over the world".

· There is alarming footage of the discarded remains of a wind farm in Queensland, Australia. Contrary to the Climate Scam propaganda regurgitated by Net Zero zealots, and the trillion dollar "renewable" energy industry, wind turbines are not renewable or "green" in the slightest. Not only are these monstrosities a blight on the countryside when they're in operation, killing and maiming hundreds of thousands of bats and birds in the process, every single year—once their working life of just 15-20 years is up, they cannot be recycled, so they end up being dumped in nature, or in landfill sites.

I. FOR THOSE WHO SAY "NOTHING'S HAPPENING"1. President Clinton confirmed on Epstein list.2. Iraq says “No More USD exchange” inside the country.3. NATO full panic mode — planning to False Flag themselves and blame Russia.4. SCOTUS accepts filing alleging Jack Smith is an illegal special counsel.

5. Public confirmation that DJT never went to Epstein Island.6. Genocide in Gaza confirmed by multiple alt-media/citizen journalists worldwide. Official case accepted by ICJ.

7. Tucker Carlson/Russell Brand say the words “spiritual warfare”, and “C19 was a bioweapon” on Tucker’s show, 3 weeks after Tucker basically proved Epstein didn’t kill himself.

8. Former Counsel in US FDICOoffice overseeing commercial banking sector, sentenced to prison for child pornography/assault.9. WeThePeople protests now choking off transit in multiple Western nations.10. “Alien” seed firmly planted in the consciousness in Miami, FL.

J. WED. 27 MARCH ARIEL ON X "EYES WIDE OPEN", The Royal Family & Child Trafficking by Fiona Barnett:

· The book Dope Inc. (1978) was meticulously researched and proved beyond a doubt that the British Royal Family were the ultimate benefactors of the CIA-coordinated global drug smuggling operation.

· The Royals are also the financial benefactors of the global child sex trade. Prince Andrew has been accused of raping minors who were trafficked by convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. One of Prince Andrew's victims, Virginia

· Roberts Giuffre had her photographed with him. Remember the Royal Family were caught on film teaching Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret to make Nazi salutes.

· Remember pop star Mick Jagger calling Queen Elizabeth “chief witch”. 100 I witnessed the Queen presiding over the ritual murder of 11 children at St James Anglican Church in Sydney City when I was 11 years old.

· Within the left path, Satan is the Supreme Prince (the hierarchy of Hell begins with the Prince).

· He is 'The Other', the radiant giver of fire and enlightener! He is the only God who cares! Satanism is a spiritual Darwinian theory based on robbery. Devoted Satanists consecrate themselves and their sexual acts to their Dark Lord. Prayers are said, chants intoned, or invocations recited all as a basis for receiving the blessings of Hell.

· Unknown – if not always unexpected – there are hellish temples in every major city in the world – Vatican City included! At every hour of every day and night, people are consciously engaged in the service of Satan. Human sacrifice – whether ritualistic and rapid or slow and degrading over time – is used for specific purposes.

· Politicians are introduced to a carefully graded series of criteria and situations that allow them to accept that their victims will be “our little secret.”

· Young children are sexually and physically abused by politicians around the world and are quickly victimized.

· In Australia the bodies are hardly ever discovered because Australia is still a wilderness.

· Overseas, cremation is the preferred method, and although the Satanic Alpha Lodges in Australia have access to crematoriums if necessary, this is surprisingly rare. Believe it or not, many bodies are “thrown over the side” each week in a series of isolated bushvelds.

· The emerging group of Satanic leaders are young, smart, competent and heartless. They are masters and mistresses of their emotions and intellect. End quota.· Do you see what we're dealing with here?

· Do you all remember that the mass graves of Mohawk children were discovered using ground-penetrating radar at the Mohawk Institute, a residential school for Mohawks run by the Church of England and the Vatican before its closure in 1970?

· In an exclusive interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med, Rev. Kevin Annett, Secretary of the ITCCS Tribunal, revealed a chain of forensic evidence establishing a criminal conspiracy by the above-mentioned individuals, all with the intent to cover up the genocide to support Native American children in Canada through Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada, and the Vatican.

· The mandate of the ITCCS: The tribunal, based in London, United Kingdom, is tasked with bringing to justice "the individuals and institutions responsible for the exploitation, torture and murder of children, past and present, and these and other criminal acts committed by the Church and to stop the state”.

· The British Royals and the Reptilians – One of the Most Monstrous Families on Earth is Fading Away 

K. REAL NEWS FOR REAL PATRIOTS FROM THE JUDY BYINGTON REPORT-PART 48 | Ellis Washington Report · In the US alone eight million children go missing every year.

· The former UN executive director and former president of the Club of Rome Europe confirmed that the Oligarchs running our world were pedophiles controlling the global child sex trafficking systems. According to him, the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations was similar to the Davos Agenda (WEF).

· A Child Trafficking Camp discovered in Arizona is located on Clinton Foundation Donor CEMEX Property.

· Nearly 90,000 unborn babies have been saved from abortion since the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade according to Pro-Life Group.

· News Nation: The Lady Rothschild introduced Jeffrey Epstein to Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, yet the FBI is hiding her name from the public. Why would the Rothschilds be connecting Epstein to all of these influential people as if they were his handler? One of the heads of the snake is none other than the Rothschild banking family. Jacob Rothschild was an integral part of that beast. Epstein was blackmailing politicians, celebrities and the Mainstream Media.

· The entire world is controlled by Satanic Secret Societies who worship their “god” Satan through Global child sacrifice networks and institutions which they use to fund perpetual wars by the Vatican.

· The top of the Illuminati Pyramid of Power was the thirteen Illuminati Royal Bloodline families of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Khazarian Mafia, CIA, Central Bankers, Mossad and British Royal Family.

· In 1823 the Rothschilds took over all financial dealings of the Catholic Church and the Vatican. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope in history! This would explain how the Gestapo wing of the Catholic Church (e.g., the Jesuits) have had their dark, hidden hand in fomenting world wars and false flag conflicts among the nations.

· When the British Royal Family went bankrupt in the 1870s the Rothschilds acquired “breeding rights” to the British Royal Family as payment to keep this family solvent. This goes back to the 1870s under Queen Victoria. Meaning = All of the Royal Family = Not English but KHAZARS = “Fake Jews”.

· The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s first efforts to use Machiavellian tactics to fund both sides of every war began with the American Revolution (1775-83) and the French Revolution (1789-99).The Rothschild Central Bankers not only funded these wars, but fomented or used their vast wealth to create hatred, economic chaos, and warmongering among the Nations!


Ladies and Gentlemen, · Today, as we stand together, we embark on a journey not just of distance, but of purpose and vision. We look to the horizon, not as distant observers, but as pioneers of a dream that has been the heartbeat of our nation since its inception – the dream of a Great America.

· This dream isn't anchored in the sands of complacency but sails on the winds of progress, equality, and unwavering courage. It's etched in the stories of our forefathers and mothers, who envisioned a land where freedom isn't just a word, but a way of life. A country where the pursuit of happiness isn't confined by the circumstances of one's birth but is an unalienable right for all.

· Envisioning a Great America means seeing beyond the challenges of today to the possibilities of tomorrow. It means recognizing that our greatness isn't defined by our past achievements but by our commitment to forging a future that reflects our highest ideals. A future where every child, regardless of race, creed, or background, has the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential.

· It is a vision of a nation united not by the sameness of our opinions, but by the shared belief in our democratic principles and the common good. Where our differences are not sources of division, but wellsprings of strength and diversity, enriching the fabric of our national identity.

· To envision a Great America is to understand the responsibility that comes with our freedoms. It's to acknowledge that liberty is maintained not through indifference, but through engagement and the tireless defense of our constitutional rights. It requires us to be guardians of justice, stewards of the environment, and champions of peace, both at home and abroad.

· This vision calls upon us to renew our commitment to community, understanding that we rise by lifting others. It implores us to build bridges of understanding and empathy, dismantling the walls of prejudice and fear that have for too long divided us.

· In this Great America, innovation and tradition walk hand in hand, honoring our history while embracing the future. We lead not by the might of our military, but by the strength of our character; not by the wealth of our possessions, but by the richness of our spirit.

· Ladies and Gentlemen, the journey to this envisioned America is not without its hurdles. It demands our collective resolve, our unyielding optimism, and, above all, our unwavering faith in the American spirit. It requires each of us to contribute our best, to hold fast to the values that define us, and to act with the knowledge that our actions today will shape the legacy we leave for generations to come.

· As we stand on the precipice of tomorrow, let us hold fast to this vision of a Great America. A country where liberty and justice are not just ideals, but realities for every citizen. Where our unity is our strength, and our diversity our greatest asset.

· Together, let us step forward with courage and conviction, carrying the torch of freedom and lighting the way for the world to follow. For in our hearts, we know that when we dream together, when we work together, and when we believe together, there is no limit to the greatness we can achieve.

Thank you. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.)





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