Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 10, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 10, 2024


JUDY NOTE: SINCE 20 JAN. 2021 the US has functioned under the US Military Continuity of Government Devolution Plan (Martial Law). Now Imminent is a Mainstream Media shutdown to make way for activation of the EBS, NESARA/GESARA, Three Day Event, Ten Day Earth Shutdown, Quantum Energy, Quantum Voting System, Quantum Healing, Quantum Physics, Quantum Financial System and Global Currency Reset.

· All Banks were in Crisis: Global Economic Crash imminent.· Tues. morning 9 April: Iran set to attack Israel within the next 48 hours. Israel was last for a reason: the Khazarian Mafia.

· “Operation STORM 2024: Military GESARA NESARA, US Military, Capitol Hill, Military Tribunals, Treason, GITMO, Mass Arrests, Arrest Wars & White Hats Military – The World Teeters on the Edge of a Cataclysmic Event!” …Tucker Carlson Tues. 9 April 2024· Donald Trump Federalizes National Guard and Reserves to Active Duty!

· US Government is Middleman in a Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Operation!· Pentagon Deploys Anti-Terrorism Units to Border Crisis!· Tues. 9 April: White Hats INTEL! Undercover Command: The U.S. Military’s Secret Continuity of Government Devolution Plan Since January 20, 2021 – Donald Trump’s Role as Commander in Chief

A. TIMING:· Brazil Banks report Tier4b liquidity release to be on Tues, Wed, Thurs. 9, 10, 11 April.· While some New York banks were told announcement of the Global Currency Reset would happen by Mon. 15 April, most believe the General Public announcement will be on Sun, Mon, 21st or 22nd April. · On Wed. 17 April JFK Jr. and Princess Di were scheduled to come out of hiding.

· Mon. 8 April: The 4/4 Energy Portal: “Reverse the word ‘Nineveh’, and you get ‘Heven In’ or ‘In Heven’ – The 8 Cities Named ‘Nineveh’ are New York, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Nova Scotia – Your Prayer and Energy!

· Mon. 8 April: It Begins… Pentagon Deploys Anti-Terrorism Units! FLORIDA Arrest Migrants! DeSantis Warns Migrants ! Abbott warns Biden Administration!

B. GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET:· JUDY NOTE: It all began when President Trump refused to renew Executive Order 13303 that prevented Iraq from revaluing it’s currency – an order that had been signed by every US President since 2003. The Iraqi Dinar revalued in-country on Sat. 30 March.

· On Wed. 3 April Morning the redemption center leaders and bank managers throughout the United States, entered the access codes for the Global Currency Reset and sent them to the US Treasury at about 11:30 p.m. …Wolverine

· On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine

· It was rumored that Tier 3 Fines, Sanctions, Farm Claims, CMKX payments and Bond Holders started Fri. 5 April.· On Fri. 5 April Zimbabwe announced it is replacing it’s collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold: 

· Mon. 8 April MarkZ: “There are a lot of rumors that banks have the new US gold-backed Currency Notes in their bank vaults ready for the GCR….On Mon. 8 April Zimbabwe introduced their new gold-backed currency, the ZIG Notes to the World…I have more confirmations of Bond Holder appointments and there were some big deals made with Bond Holders over this last weekend. …

Of course Zimbabwe is going gold backed. Russia has the gold backed ruble, China internationally has a gold backed –oil Yuan. I think we will see more countries do the same thing. Denmark is actively looking at doing the same…..It is coming”!

· Tues. 9 April Texas Snake: “Pay attention to any announcement which may be forthcoming tonight or tomorrow Wed. 10 April. Things are looking very positive at this point in time. …Everything I had heard was repeated with one exception, those holding ZIM will have a 10 day window to redeem”.

· Tues. 9 April Bruce: “I think Tier4b will go within a day or so. There was a Conference Call that involved all the Redemption Center Staff on Sat. 6 April. They were told that if any information leaked out of their meeting that their exchange commission would be removed. (Redemption Center Staff get a .025% commission on your exchange.) We are just waiting for the codes to be released from the US Treasury. NESARA/GESARA and Social Security increases will kick in sometime this month.”

· Tues. 9 April Wolverine: MarkZ said the 15th. I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I am looking at the 15th of April.

· Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could go at any time.· While some Bond Holders have received emails that notified of liquidity to their accounts, actual payments were said scheduled to begin on Wed. 10 April.· Brazil Banks report Tier4b liquidity release to be on Tues, Wed, Thurs. 9, 10, 11 April.

· While some New York banks were told announcement of the Global Currency Reset would happen by Mon. 15 April, most believe the General Public announcement will be on Sun, Mon, 21st or 22nd April.

C. TUES. 9 APRIL WOLVERINE:“I have got some incredible news for you – the greatest transfer of wealth is about to commence. It is no rumor. I know it has been hard for all of you, but we are finally close to reaching the last hurdle. Get ready!!! I will soon be releasing the opera for you guys!!!

· For the people who say the ZIM is not good – if you want to throw away your currency, it is your currency, but please do not bring that negativity into the rooms, as it lowers morale. The people who throw this away will regret it for the rest of their lives.

· Zimbabwe is now a gold backed currency and that is what we were waiting for. It is the trigger to get it done. Zimbabwe is protected by the USA. It has tons and tons of gold. This is what was needed and what we have waited on for so long.

· This is the information that came through last night from many sources. We have been waiting for this for many years. Many countries will now be gold backed. This was the trigger we were waiting for!!!· We will get paid this month, and I will actually take a risk, even though one should never guarantee things, as guarantee is a risky word, but this time, I am so sure it will happen!· MarkZ said the 15th.

· I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I am looking at the 15th of April.· Regardless we are not far from Mon. 15th of April.· Finally, now we can rejoice that this is happening – the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever known. God bless you and remain faithful. Love you guys, Wolverine

D. TUES. 9 APRIL 2024 BRUCE, THE BIG CALL:· We are hearing from top people at Wells Fargo that this is ready to go.· By Wednesday or Thursday 10, 11 April we should have the numbers and be able to act on them.· The word is tomorrow Wed. 10 April through Friday 12 April.

· There was a Conference Call on Sat. with all the Redemption Centers and they threatened everybody that anybody leaked any information – they’d call it treason from the people in the RC staff – then they backed away from that and what we are going to do is – keep you from receiving any commission so those doing the exchanges receive .025% and that will be removed from them.

· I really think tomorrow or Thursday – and might be a CW Thursday and they are again waiting upon the Release codes from Treasury and I don’t think there is any reason for this to be delayed further.

· We are also looking for NESARA and GESARA to kick in this month – wasn’t week one, we think increase in SS is still in April though but as far as anything else information is limited and we really have to wait and see what happens in the next couple of days.

· Some people saying Friday and Monday but I think we really just have to wait and we are looking for everything to show up and us to move forward between now and Friday.· Sources are drying up and all is quiet.

E. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS:· Mon. 8 April: Collapse of US Dollar At Any Time: WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 4/8/24 · Mon. 8 April: BRICS Rising: The Japan’s Diplomatic Negotiation, Propelling the Fall of Fiat and the Surge of Economic Liberation in the Intense Battle for Global Currency Dominance Against Cabal Resistance

· Tues. 9 April: J.P. Morgan: The Man Who Owned America (video) · Tues. 9 April: GCR Roadmap 5 & The Brewing Banking Sector Crisis – A Revealing Insight into RV GESARA 

F. RESTORED REPUBLIC:· Israel is last for a reason: the Khazarian Mafia.· Tues. 9 April: White Hats INTEL! Undercover Command: The U.S. Military’s Secret Continuity of Government Devolution Plan Since January 20, 2021 – Donald Trump’s Role as Commander in Chief

G. THE REAL NEWS FOR TUES. 9 APRIL 2024 · Tues. 9 April: BREAKING: IRAN WILL ATTACK ISRAEL IN THE NEXT 48 HOURS? In response to Israel’s bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria, which killed numerous senior IRGC members, the CIA reportedly informed Israel that Iran would attack within the next 48 hours. Iran is reportedly planning a combined attack with a swarm of Iranian-launched drones and cruise missiles targeting strategic locations in Israel.

· Tues. 9 April: Iran may close major shipping route:  · Mon. 8 April: BQQQM! DJT’s EXECUTIVE ORDERS – EXECUTIVE ORDER 13912, Donald Trump Federalizes The National Guard and Reserves to Active Duty!

· Tues. 9 April: Eclipse was a fake: · Mon. 8 April ANOTHER Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 flight has a CRISIS, this time in mid air and is FORCED to make an emergency landing at Denver International Airport. The cowling, that keeps the internals of the turbine engine from being exposed, started breaking apart, and coming off in mid air!

· Tues. 9 April JAG finds former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Guilty by Default and sentences her to hang:· Tues. 9 April: Arizona Supreme Court upholds 1864 abortion law banning nearly all abortions in the southwestern U.S. state.

· Boeing whistleblower John Barnett was literally found with a “self-inflicted gunshot wound” in his truck in the parking lot of a hotel in South Carolina, just days after testifying against Boeing. He was a Quality Manager for 30 years with Boeing, turned whistleblower, and had been testifying about what he witnessed all these years. He was silenced because he provided information in a deposition that may have Seriously damaged Boeing’s credibility, stock prices, and even raise questions of criminality, once published. Boeing is one of, if not the largest aviation company on Earth. If it comes out that they are not building, or maintaining with the highest standards, it will be disastrous for them.

· Tues. 9 April: Obama/Biden House is Falling Down, Ben Fulford: · Mon. 8 April: Operation STORM 2024: Military GESARA NESARA, US Military, Capitol Hill, Military Tribunals, Treason, GITMO, Mass Arrests, Arrest Wars & White Hats Military – The World Teeters on the Edge of a Cataclysmic Event!

· Sun. 7 April on GDP News Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes dropped even more fire truth, talking about CIA Operation Mockingbird, Smith-Mundt Act, Trump playing 5D chess, how Trump signed Presidential Emergency Act documents (PEADS) and three Executive Orders that Trump signed, which Biden has continued. This woman is a NATIONAL TREASURE. The TRUTH she is telling REVOLUTIONARY, she is literally MAKING HISTORY!!!

· Mon. 8 April: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Bush Jr. Said to Be Executed for 9/11, Obama, Clinton, Biden Jailed at GITMO – (GITMO List)

· Tues. 9 April: “The Republican Party should always be on the side of the miracle of life and the side of mothers, fathers, and their beautiful babies… IVF is an important part of that and our great Republican Party will always be with you in your quest for the ultimate joy in life.” …President Trump

· Tues. 9 April: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: The Supreme Commander. Prayers for Trump. Prayers for America. Prayers for Humanity. The Commander-in-chief. Where We Go One We Go All! Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of Mankind. . .

· Tues. 9 April: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: The Supreme Commander. Prayers for Trump. Prayers for America. Prayers for Humanity. The Commander-in-chief. Where We Go One We Go All! Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of Mankind. . .

· Tues. 9 April: Joe Rogan: “Nikola Tesla Broke His Oath Just Before His Death And Revealed Something Terrifying” · Tues. 9 April: BOOOM! Here’s 100 Confirmed Conspiracies From the Last 75 Years! · Tues. 9 April: BREAKING! Letitia James Harassment Campaign on Trump – NY AG Seizing Trump Properties

· Tues. 9 April: President Trump’s 2nd Declaration of Independence!!! · Just 2 months before 9/11, the World Trade Center was privatized and sold to Larry Silverstein. Every morning he had breakfast in the North Tower on the 91st floor, but not on 9/11, his wife made an emergency doctor’s appointment that day.

 He also purchased an insurance plan that “thankfully” covered terrorism. After the attack, he took the insurance company to court. Silverstein won and was paid double, receiving a total of $4.55 billion. This may be the biggest insurance fraud in history and he is still a free man.


· Thurs. 26 Aug. 2021: Burger King, Wendy’s, McDonalds accused of using human meat – mainly from children – in their hamburgers. Since 2021 McDonalds, owned by the Khazarian Mafia, has been under investigation for use of human meat, but not yet prosecuted: McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food? 

· Mon. 8 April: BREAKING! US Government is the Middleman in a Billion Dollar Human Trafficking Op: Whistleblower 

· Inside Rothschilds Satanic Rituals and Human Trafficking Horrors: · Mon. 8 April: Hey Madonna, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Ariana Grande and; Britney, Can You Enlighten Us All As To What’s Happening Here, Please…

· Vatican Ninth Circle Satanic Cult: Judy Byington Bombshell Report! Popes, Vatican Satanic Cult Ninth Circle Exposed: Cult Arrested with Caged Abused Babies and Body Parts Released Without Charges

· Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Obama/ Biden/ Clinton/ Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks

· Thousands of Children Rescued from Biden Owned Ukraine Property: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Thousands of Children Rescued, Mutilated Bodies Recovered, From Biden-Owned Ukraine Property Containing US Run Bio-Weapon Labs


· Medical officer reveals COVID Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval officers: Myocarditis rises 151%; Pulmonary heart disease up 62%; Ischemic heart disease up 69%; Heart Failure increased a whopping 973%.

· Bill Gates complains that COVID vaccine uptake wasn’t as successful as expected, due to “conspiracy theories” that there would be side effects and that the vaccine wasn’t properly tested—despite admitting there would be side effects due to the vaccine not being properly tested.

· Tues. 9 April Billion Dollar Pfizer Scam, Gateway Pundit:· Tues. 9 April: Professor of Oncology, Angus Dalgleish plead for an urgent stop to the dangerous and ineffective experimental injections after seeing cancers “rapidly return” following the jab.

· In March 2021 Fauci said that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was “virtually 100% protective against hospitalizations and death.” Reminder that by May 2022 the FDA had restricted the J&J vaccine due the high risk of blood clots.

· Stanley Plotkin, the Godfather of vaccines, is also a consultant to Moderna, one of the main manufacturers of the COVID vaccine. Under oath he admitted to the use of fetal tissue from aborted babies. He also said he’ll gladly go to hell for what he’s done.

· Tues. 9 April: Just In: Dr. Fauci, Albanian Descent, Equated to 21st Century Josef Mengele, Branded as Mastermind Deceiver and Mouthpiece for Dark Cabal 

J. ILLUMINATI GLOBALIST DEEP STATE CABAL AGENDA 2030:· CBDC -The GM of The Bank of International Settlements (top of the tree of global banking) explains they can’t control the use of cash, but they can control digital currency! CBDCs will give governments total power over citizens if cash is discontinued.

· On the same day as the Baltimore Bridge collapse, Reuters announced that SWIFT is planning the launch of a CBDC platform in the next 1-2 years, “to connect the wave of Central Bank Digital Currencies now in development to the existing finance system”.· Tues. 9 April: ECLIPSE Was FAKED!! – A Must Video | Opinion – Conservative


My own husband Prince Charles WANTED ME DEAD! He wanted me dead because I was the only LOVED person in the ROYAL FAMILY!

As years went by, I saw a lot of BAD THINGS happening in the ROYAL FAMILY! From PEDOPHILIA to MURDERS, the ROYAL FAMILY has done it all! I didn’t know that my HUSBAND was a PEDOPHILE! As soon as I started FIXING the ROYAL FAMILY, they started PLANING MY MURDER!

I found out about Charles’s PLAN when I went to New York and met up with John F. Kennedy Jr. Most people thought that I was having an affair with John, I WASN’T. I met up with John in New York multiple times because he was the man who SAVED MY LIFE!


L. WHEN BILLIONAIRE ROSS PEROT RAN FOR US PRESIDENT AS AN INDEPENDENT, he told the shocking truth about American Political corruption. Listen to every word. We’ve been sold out for decades.

· Listen very carefully to this because this is about coming to Washington to cash in and then go get a several hundred thousand a year job as a foreign lobbyist and use your influence in the White House and Congress to ship not only jobs overseas, whole industries overseas.

· “Between 1980-1985, 76 former Federal officials left office to become registered foreign agents. Now this will break your heart.

· “This is like a general switching armies in the middle of a war. They should come to serve and go home not cash in. · “Foreign lobbyists on leaves of absence working on presidential campaign.

· “The sickest thing of all, we had a key guy on the Trade Commission leave and go to the other side in the middle of negotiation. He knew the plans, the strategy, the details. As far as I’m concerned, that’s economic treason”.





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