Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 6, 2024

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 6, 2024


Judy Note: What we think we know as of Mon. 6 May 2024:

·        HIGH ALERT For Cyber Attacks: A few months ago over 50 senators were issued satellite phones for emergency communication. Barack Obama's new movie warns of a Cyber Attack that causes a blackout. Today Sun. 5 May it was confirmed that China’s cyber army is invading critical U.S. services including Texas’s power grid, water utility in Hawaii, a West coast port, and at least one oil and gas pipeline.  …Q on Telegram Sun. 5 May 2024

·        “A huge hole has opened in the sun's atmosphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind directly toward Earth.”  …Q on Telegram Sat. 4 May 2024

·        The UN, which is part of the Deep State Cabal, has been shut down. All offices in the New York UN Building have been closed.

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: The war coming will pull The West to its knees. ONLY America can truly 'save the world'. Lines have been drawn. The next 17 months will see an amazing display of artwork in the skies above! Graffiti? Space Force? Satellite Warfare? Biblical? God save us ALL! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Sun. 5 May 2024

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: Emergency Officials Leave, Mass Evacuations, US Coast Guard Deployed:

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: The soon-to-be collapse of the Central Banks Worldwide, along with exposing their fiat money, will show intricate connections between Rothschild, Switzerland, the Rockefellers, Vatican, UK Crown, CIA and the Military-Industrial Complex. 

·        Sun. 5 May: “An estimated billion people died or suffered serious side affects because of the bio-weapon Covid Vaccine.” …Pascal Jajadi Pascal Najadi: Spills the Beans About the Current Wartime President & CIC Donald J. Trump - The World Must Know!

·        Sun. 5 May: Judy Byington Bombshell Report: The Tragedy of Lahaina Maui – The Cabal Wanted to Make Lahaina Maui Into a SMART City, so Last August they Used Direct Energy Weapons. . .

Judy Note: Donations Badly Needed For Maui Victims. The Deep State Cabal wanted to make Lahaina Maui Hawaii into a SMART city, so last August they used Direct Energy Weapons to burn it to the ground. The resulting Lahaina fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in Hawaii State history: 2,700+ Structures destroyed; 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated.

Every day since, the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation native volunteers have been supplying three meals a day to their now 2,369 still-displaced fellow victims.


The Deep State Cabal Red Cross has recently cut funding down to one meal a day for those victims. Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated. There was $500K needed right away to continue the three meals a day.

A. Apparent Timing

Mon. 29 April: The Military Alliance was given the Green Light to begin Operation Storm and make mass arrests of Global Elites charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

Wed. 1 May: The Global Currency Reset of 209 countries began.

Fri. 3 May: Iraq celebrated their financial inclusion in the Global Financial System. Columbia, Brazil, Chile Paymasters began RV-ing.

Mon. 6 May: According to Wolverine, the majority of RV appointments begin on Mon. 6 May and go through Fri. 10 May, with launches continuing on Mon. 13 May and ending on Fri. 17 May.

Wed. 15 May: “We are passing through the gate (on Wed. 15 May).”17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

Mon. 27 May: Civil War Two might begin in the USA on Mon. 27 May when Texas is set to secede from the rest of the country, while on that same Monday Biden planned to cede US Sovereignty to WHO in a Pandemic Treaty.

Thurs. 11 June: A very famous music artist was set to reveal that they faked their own passing.

Thurs. 19 September: The first ever Category Six Hurricane could occur on the US East Coast, slamming the Carolinas 

B. Global Currency Reset:

·        Sun. 5 May Wolverine: “I heard from my sources that it has started, so we are looking at Monday, Monday, Monday (6 May 2024).”

·        Sun. 5 May Texas Snake: “My communication with the banker on Sunday 5 May was that we would call me in the morning Mon. 6 May around 10 AM my time with his latest update.”

·        Late Sat. 4 May Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram: “As of Saturday night, May 4th, there is finally some excitement brewing in Reno. Nothing definite! But RENO IS ON ALERT. I repeat, you can count on this as FACT: Reno is now finally ON ALERT. How fast this goes, remains to be seen - but I found it extremely encouraging. Things are definitely perking up.”

C. Global Financial Crisis:

·        Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook. Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives – except when we get too far out of line. …Medeea Greere May 3, 2024

·        BRICS should be ready for dollar collapse – Russian IMF rep. Russian IMF rep Alexey Mozhin says countries of the BRICS group could create an alternative currency based on their national legal tenders.

·        In March, we learned that BRICS is actively developing a payment system utilizing the blockchain. Many countries are starting to link payment systems. Russia and China have almost stopped using the dollar in their mutual trade. Monetary evolution? Yes.We are in the middle of a real-time chess match fundamentally reshaping our global monetary system. Hot conflicts are erupting worldwide, financial warfare is escalating, and nations are scrambling to secure minerals to reduce dependency on others. The era of a uni-polar world is crumbling, giving way to the rise of a multi-polar global order.

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 Biggest Banking Crisis of Lifetime is Upon Us:

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 The Deep State Cabal’s Blackrock Issues Huge US Dollar Warning:

D. Restored Republics:

·        Military Tribunal List of Convicted Celebrities, Deep State Actors, GITMO, Guam and Tierra Del Fuego:

·        They lied about Russian collusion. They lied about Covid. They lied about January 6th. They lied about Ukraine. They lied about Big Tech censorship. They lied about election fraud. They lied about illegal immigration. They lied about trafficking/pedophilia. …JFK Jr. Private on Telegram Sun. 5 May 2024


E. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·        “Why did the Palestinians initiate this war… on Oct 7?” Max Blumenthal: “They didn’t. This war has been going on for 75 years. Israel initiated it in 1948 by ethnically cleansing 750,000 people.”

·        Sat. 4 May 2024 Cabal Zionist leader Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a ceasefire deal and banned major TV network Al Jazeera from Israel.

·        Protests: Penn State Gaza Camp Occupiers tells students to escalate protest:

·        Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden's biggest donors - POLITICO

F. Illuminati Deep State Cabal Global Elite Agenda:

·        Australian senator, Malcolm Roberts, dropping serious truth bombs about the WEF—and its dystopian Great Reset agenda—in the Australian parliament: "The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing."

·        "The government will control the weather and you will be happy." Author of 'The Great Reset', Marc Morano: The U.S. government is considering blocking out the sun—using technology funded by Bill Gates—in the fight against "climate change. People aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies, so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research. It's basically weather modification."

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 Deep State Cabal Agenda 2030 is Plan for Global Enslavement:

G. The Real News for Sun. 5 May 2024:  

·        Sat. 4 May 2024: A court in France has found in favor of a farmer who claimed that a 4G antenna was damaging his cows’ health, and has ordered for the antenna to be switched off. Apparently they are just animals, so frying radiation is human friendly though, right?

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: Pfizer patent granted in 2021 is for cellular tower communication with graphene injected humans worldwide. 5G EMF Radiation receives little to no attention, yet there are doctors and scientists on record with evidence claiming it acts a Type 1 Carcinogen.

·        The U.S. government has spent over $75 million to prosecute Barry Bonds for steroids. It only spent $12-$20 million "investigating" 9/11. …

·        Fox News finally admits the election of 2020 was rigged & admits that  Big Tech, the Democrat Party, the CIA, & the Fake News conspired to rig the 2020 Presidential election against President Donald J. Trump!

·        Iran shot missiles at Israel, and the US government wants to use that as an excuse to justify sending $50 billion more to Ukraine. The MAGA GOP just recently removed McCarthy as Speaker over funding for Ukraine. Looks like it’s time to do it again.

·        Source reports that King Charles died after succumbing to prostate Cancer at age 75.

·        After the 1996 Port Arthur massacre the Australian government introduced the Medicare Levy Amendment Act 1996 to raise $500 million through a one-off increase in the Medicare levy to initiate the 'Gun Buyback Scheme' where they bought privately owned guns from the people and destroyed them. Australia killed its own citizens in the Port Arthur setup, then made them pay to give up their protection...its time the government pays for their crimes.

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 140 Illegal Immigrant Rioter Charges Dismissed, While 950 Jan. 6ers Remain in Jail:

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: JAG Sentences Deep State Judge to Hang:

·        “I’ve been a journalist for 25 years. I was taught to lie, betray and never tell the truth to the public. I was paid by the CIA, secret societies and American billionaires. Journalists are used to manipulate the people.” …Udo Ulfkotte, Editor of a leading European newspaper who died shortly after this confession.

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 The following are women born as men and who already have been executed for Crimes Against Humanity and Pedophilia: Meryl Streep, Helen Hunt, Demi Moore, Cher, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie, Barbara Steisand, Calista Flockhart, Modonna, Jennifer Lopez, Alicia B Moore (Pink) Ladyboy Gaga, Celine Dion, Courtney Cox, Naomi Campbell, Gwen Stefani, Kate Perry, Marina Abramovic, Dolly Parton.

H. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

·        Sun. 5 May Human Trafficking Evidence in Chicago Migrant Facility | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

·        Sun. 5 May, Ariel: Guess who is going after P. Diddy? The Southern District of New York. Guess what their conviction rate is? 95%. Guess how many witnesses it takes to put someone behind bars for human trafficking? One. Guess who will be a possible star witness to do so? Cassy. Guess how many cameras were in P. Diddy home? 250. Now do you see why they are now just getting around to these indictments? The news media has been informed of a high profile arrest that is imminent.  Do you all think P. Diddy will go down by himself ? No. He has made it clear he is willing to give up names to reduce his charges. Who will these other possible high profile names who can be implicated? The Royals, Clive Davis, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Russell Brand, Pastor TD Jakes, LeBron James, Leonardo DiCaprio, Usher, Cuba Gooding Jr, Naomi Cambell. We are about to see some fireworks. Those P. Diddy documentaries will be something to look forward to. I hope P. Diddy checked himself into rehab because he will not have access to a lot of drugs he has been taking. Those withdrawals are not going to be something fun while not having that fix on hand.

·        Ryan Garcia erupts on Andrew Tate's LIVE, exposing the Bohemian Grove: “They raped me. I was two years old. They tied me down and made me watch them raping children.”

·        NATO Commander Bruce C. McNeely was also a commander at Guantanamo Bay U.S. military base. He was caught meeting a11 year old and 6 year old for sex. He took a gun with him. There was no coincidence that Black Hats in the U.S. military were inside a huge sex ring and human trafficking ring connected to the U.S. Military and NATO. A huge child TRAFFICING operations was under way and MASSIVE OPS were going to expose CIA operations CONNECTED to Black Hats in the military. It’s no coincidence that Guantanamo bay is near EPSTEIN Island in the same regions.

·        Trump’s Executive Order on Human/Child Trafficking Operations was in full swing.

·        Panic could be seen inside the Pentagon as exposure came out about Epstein, CIA and Deep State Military Pedophile Rings and Worldwide Operations.

·        Mark Zuckerberg was building a Hawaii compound with plans for an escape hatch, 'blind doors,' and an underground bunker. This is what happens when you get exposed for being a child sex trafficker.

·        Richard Branson was worse than Epstein. Branson catered to the A List and Royalty. While, Epstein catered to the B List. Branson has islands in the Virgin Islands, near Epstein’s Island. His airline is called Virgin. Does anyone think about why it is called Virgin? Lolita Express.

·        One of Jeffry Epstein child trafficking victims Sara Conor, was convinced by Tucker and Gibson to share her horrifying story with the American public. SARA said: I have tapes of high-ranking officials raping children and committing other horrific crimes. Sara claims that the footage shows the Obamas having sex with the victims - multiple times !!!

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 Child Trafficking Racket Busted in Mumbai, Doctor Among 7 Arrested: The Mumbai police have busted a child trafficking racket and arrested a doctor and six others involved in selling an infant and a toddler. The police had received a tip that a resident of Vikhroli, had allegedly sold a five-month-old baby for $2400. A doctor who assisted in selling the baby was also arrested. The gang was also allegedly involved in trafficking children. The baby was later rescued.

·        Sun. 5 May BREAKING: Investigators believe a network of high-end brothels operating in the Boston and D.C. areas was a honey trap to ensnare politicians and government officials. Clients, believed to include members of Congress, military officers, and national security contractors, have not yet been unmasked and charged.

·        Alan Dershowitz confirmed to have engaged in and witness sexual abuse of minor. This is why he represented Jeffrey Epstein as his lawyer. This is why he didn't want any documents to be released. This is why Israel wants him as an official representative.

I. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·        Sun. 5 May: Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming Death Statistic That Nobody Is Talking About. Why are so many young people dying? The mainstream media reports that shoveling in cold weather, sunbathing, etc. could be causing people to drop dead. But there’s an alarming data point they’re silent on. Life Insurance CEO Scott Davidson reported in January 2022 that death rates among working-aged people between the ages of 18 and 64 were “up 40 percent over what they were pre-pandemic.” Davidson compared a 10 percent rise in deaths to a once-in-200-year flood. But a 40 percent rise, as Ed Dowd notes, is “off the charts.” Davidson also mentioned that the bulk of these excess deaths among the 18 to 64 age group in 2021 were non-COVID deaths. “The majority of those deaths happened in quarter number three and four of... 2021. What does that mean? When did the mandate start? Quarter number three and four, 2021,” pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has previously stated.

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: Japan's most senior oncologist Prof. Fukushima describes the case where the victim's heart (28 year-old) was melted due to the vaccine and calls it a murder. "I also do autopsies and have examined the case where the victim's heart was melted due to the vaccine. It appears that the person died due to myocardial lysis. He was a 28 year old man in excellent health who five days after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, his wife went to wake him up in the morning and found him lifeless. An autopsy was performed. When the doctor attempted to remove the heart, he was surprised, because it was extraordinary soft. The heart seemed melted and lacking in tone. The presence of cases like this highlights how dangerous this vaccine is. From what I can see, it is concerning that a healthy problem free  person has declined after receiving the vaccine."

·        Sun. 5 May 2024 NUREMBERG 2.0 - GENOCIDE WAR CRIMINALS - NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING: Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Alex Azar, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Drosten, Albert Bourla, Stéphane Bancel, Klaus Schwab, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the DOD are charged with Bioweapon Injection Genocide War Crimes.

·        Sun. 5 May 2024: Just like AZT, Remdesivir & Paxlovid designed to finish the job! Vision TV  Host: So the HIV was actually the first gain of function virus. So you saw the similarity right away. Dr Judy Mikovits: Well, not until 2019. Not until Mickey Willis's brother who died of AZT. And I didn't even miss a beat. I'd been indoctrinated. I said, Don't you mean AIDS? Not that HIV caused AIDS. But we knew that it didn't matter where it came from. But we knew that AZT was the wrong treatment at the wrong time. So now we see the comparison is: they forced the vulnerable to get the COVID shot. They injected the disease, so they could treat it with Remdesivir and Paxlovid and kill them with the drug if they were already exposed.

J. Sun. 5 May 2024 17th Letter Intel (JFK Jr.) Unveiling a tangled web of covert operations:

·        CIA's Role: The CIA has been involved in the overthrow of over 70 countries worldwide, exerting its influence behind the scenes.

·        Unprecedented Coup: The United States finds itself embroiled in an open, overt coup, as the DNC and Deep State initiate plans to seize military power from Trump, sparking a power struggle.

·        CCP Turmoil: Xi Jinping takes drastic measures by arresting CCP officials, firing generals, and purging the military, all in anticipation of the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party.

·        German Leak: Military plans for World War III are leaked in Germany, leading to investigations and panic within their own military agencies.

·        Trump's Comeback: EU countries are preparing "silent cabinets" to align with Trump's imminent return, signaling a seismic shift in global politics.

·        Warning from Klaus Schwab's Second-in-Command: Yuval Noah Harari sends an alarming message to Davos, claiming that Trump's re-election will deal a devastating blow to the global order.

·        The Great Awakening: Over 2 billion people worldwide are part of the Great Awakening, a massive military alliance operation dedicated to dismantling the globalist Deep State Cabal system.

·        Strange Connections: A mind-boggling coincidence arises as coordinates from a Miami mall incident match those of Antarctica when flipped upside down. Mysteries deepen.

·        Jamie Dimon's Betrayal: Jamie Dimon abruptly turns against the DNC, defends MAGA, and challenges NATO. The unexpected shift raises questions about what transpired at the Davos group gathering.

·        A Promise from Trump: Trump declares that he will not create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), but speculation mounts that plans could change in late 2025, involving the USSF and Elon Musk.

·        Vivek Ramaswamy's Revelation: Vivek Ramaswamy's alleged shadow campaign for Trump comes to light, potentially leading to his involvement in the Trump administration.

·        DeSantis Endorses Trump: As predicted, DeSantis endorses Trump, aligning with military intelligence operations and the Devolution Plan.

·        Globalist Exposed: The worldwide exposure of globalist agendas hampers their attempts to regain power, as the Great Awakening operations gain momentum.

·        Nikki's Fate: Trump's influence looms large as Nikki faces a challenging battle. Meanwhile, rumors circulate about Michelle Obama's potential presidential run, with the Rock potentially endorsing her candidacy.

·        Rogan and Trump: Against expectations, Joe Rogan endorses Trump, and preparations are underway for Trump to appear on Rogan's podcast—conflicting earlier statements were merely strategic maneuvers.

·        2024 Disclosure Leaks: Get ready for a deluge of real disclosures, unveiling shocking revelations, causing panic within the deep dark operations of DARPA, the CIA, and the Bush-Obama military-industrial regime.

K. Sun. 5 May White Hat Intel:

·        “George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests.” Turns out these “protestors” are the SAME “protesters” that we saw during the “summer of love” BLM riots.

·        “At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR). They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”

·        “The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.”


·        Bottom line, these students are being radicalized for whatever the “current thing” is, and trained to “REVOLUTION” against it.

·        College is now NOTHING more than Communist indoctrination academy.

L. How to build a Common Law Republic on Here We Stand Radio Sun. 6 pm EST: A workshop with Kevin Annett and Republic citizens in Ontario. Hear from people on the ground who are reclaiming the land and its wealth for all the people! This a recording of a live workshop conducted by Kevin Annett with farming families in southern Ontario Canada. Learn how to keep federal taxes in your community - reclaim ‘Crown Land’ - and set up local Republic Assemblies and Common Law Courts to pass and enforce your own laws.


M. Biden Presidency by the numbers: 500,000 Ukrainians KILLED 30,000 Palestinians KILLED 150,000 Russians KILLED 7,200,000 ILLEGAL migrants into US  $100+ BILLION wasted in Ukraine $13+ BILLION wasted on ISRAEL

$14 BILLION pledged to ISRAEL $7 BILLION worth of military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan 9.1% peak INFLATION, 17.6% increase from January 2021 (40 year HIGH) THOUSANDS of sanctions against Russia16% DECLINE globally in value of US dollar






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